18,628 research outputs found

    Computing Haar Measures

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    According to Haar's Theorem, every compact group GG admits a unique (regular, right and) left-invariant Borel probability measure μG\mu_G. Let the Haar integral (of GG) denote the functional ∫G:C(G)∋f↦∫f dμG\int_G:\mathcal{C}(G)\ni f\mapsto \int f\,d\mu_G integrating any continuous function f:G→Rf:G\to\mathbb{R} with respect to μG\mu_G. This generalizes, and recovers for the additive group G=[0;1)mod  1G=[0;1)\mod 1, the usual Riemann integral: computable (cmp. Weihrauch 2000, Theorem 6.4.1), and of computational cost characterizing complexity class #P1_1 (cmp. Ko 1991, Theorem 5.32). We establish that in fact every computably compact computable metric group renders the Haar integral computable: once asserting computability using an elegant synthetic argument, exploiting uniqueness in a computably compact space of probability measures; and once presenting and analyzing an explicit, imperative algorithm based on 'maximum packings' with rigorous error bounds and guaranteed convergence. Regarding computational complexity, for the groups SO(3)\mathcal{SO}(3) and SU(2)\mathcal{SU}(2) we reduce the Haar integral to and from Euclidean/Riemann integration. In particular both also characterize #P1_1. Implementation and empirical evaluation using the iRRAM C++ library for exact real computation confirms the (thus necessary) exponential runtime

    Integration and measures on the space of countable labelled graphs

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    In this paper we develop a rigorous foundation for the study of integration and measures on the space G(V)\mathscr{G}(V) of all graphs defined on a countable labelled vertex set VV. We first study several interrelated σ\sigma-algebras and a large family of probability measures on graph space. We then focus on a "dyadic" Hamming distance function ∥⋅∥ψ,2\left\| \cdot \right\|_{\psi,2}, which was very useful in the study of differentiation on G(V)\mathscr{G}(V). The function ∥⋅∥ψ,2\left\| \cdot \right\|_{\psi,2} is shown to be a Haar measure-preserving bijection from the subset of infinite graphs to the circle (with the Haar/Lebesgue measure), thereby naturally identifying the two spaces. As a consequence, we establish a "change of variables" formula that enables the transfer of the Riemann-Lebesgue theory on R\mathbb{R} to graph space G(V)\mathscr{G}(V). This also complements previous work in which a theory of Newton-Leibnitz differentiation was transferred from the real line to G(V)\mathscr{G}(V) for countable VV. Finally, we identify the Pontryagin dual of G(V)\mathscr{G}(V), and characterize the positive definite functions on G(V)\mathscr{G}(V).Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Low entropy output states for products of random unitary channels

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    In this paper, we study the behaviour of the output of pure entangled states after being transformed by a product of conjugate random unitary channels. This study is motivated by the counterexamples by Hastings and Hayden-Winter to the additivity problems. In particular, we study in depth the difference of behaviour between random unitary channels and generic random channels. In the case where the number of unitary operators is fixed, we compute the limiting eigenvalues of the output states. In the case where the number of unitary operators grows linearly with the dimension of the input space, we show that the eigenvalue distribution converges to a limiting shape that we characterize with free probability tools. In order to perform the required computations, we need a systematic way of dealing with moment problems for random matrices whose blocks are i.i.d. Haar distributed unitary operators. This is achieved by extending the graphical Weingarten calculus introduced in Collins and Nechita (2010)

    Counting integral matrices with a given characteristic polynomial

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    We give a simpler proof of an earlier result giving an asymptotic estimate for the number of integral matrices, in large balls, with a given monic integral irreducible polynomial as their common characteristic polynomial. The proof uses equidistributions of polynomial trajectories on SL(n,R)/SL(n,Z), which is a generalization of Ratner's theorem on equidistributions of unipotent trajectories. We also compute the exact constants appearing in the above mentioned asymptotic estimate

    Metric Structure of the Space of Two-Qubit Gates, Perfect Entanglers and Quantum Control

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    We derive expressions for the invariant length element and measure for the simple compact Lie group SU(4) in a coordinate system particularly suitable for treating entanglement in quantum information processing. Using this metric, we compute the invariant volume of the space of two-qubit perfect entanglers. We find that this volume corresponds to more than 84% of the total invariant volume of the space of two-qubit gates. This same metric is also used to determine the effective target sizes that selected gates will present in any quantum-control procedure designed to implement them.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure
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