6 research outputs found

    Relaxed Schedulers Can Efficiently Parallelize Iterative Algorithms

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    There has been significant progress in understanding the parallelism inherent to iterative sequential algorithms: for many classic algorithms, the depth of the dependence structure is now well understood, and scheduling techniques have been developed to exploit this shallow dependence structure for efficient parallel implementations. A related, applied research strand has studied methods by which certain iterative task-based algorithms can be efficiently parallelized via relaxed concurrent priority schedulers. These allow for high concurrency when inserting and removing tasks, at the cost of executing superfluous work due to the relaxed semantics of the scheduler. In this work, we take a step towards unifying these two research directions, by showing that there exists a family of relaxed priority schedulers that can efficiently and deterministically execute classic iterative algorithms such as greedy maximal independent set (MIS) and matching. Our primary result shows that, given a randomized scheduler with an expected relaxation factor of kk in terms of the maximum allowed priority inversions on a task, and any graph on nn vertices, the scheduler is able to execute greedy MIS with only an additive factor of poly(kk) expected additional iterations compared to an exact (but not scalable) scheduler. This counter-intuitive result demonstrates that the overhead of relaxation when computing MIS is not dependent on the input size or structure of the input graph. Experimental results show that this overhead can be clearly offset by the gain in performance due to the highly scalable scheduler. In sum, we present an efficient method to deterministically parallelize iterative sequential algorithms, with provable runtime guarantees in terms of the number of executed tasks to completion.Comment: PODC 2018, pages 377-386 in proceeding

    The Power of Choice in Priority Scheduling

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    Consider the following random process: we are given nn queues, into which elements of increasing labels are inserted uniformly at random. To remove an element, we pick two queues at random, and remove the element of lower label (higher priority) among the two. The cost of a removal is the rank of the label removed, among labels still present in any of the queues, that is, the distance from the optimal choice at each step. Variants of this strategy are prevalent in state-of-the-art concurrent priority queue implementations. Nonetheless, it is not known whether such implementations provide any rank guarantees, even in a sequential model. We answer this question, showing that this strategy provides surprisingly strong guarantees: Although the single-choice process, where we always insert and remove from a single randomly chosen queue, has degrading cost, going to infinity as we increase the number of steps, in the two choice process, the expected rank of a removed element is O(n)O( n ) while the expected worst-case cost is O(nlogn)O( n \log n ). These bounds are tight, and hold irrespective of the number of steps for which we run the process. The argument is based on a new technical connection between "heavily loaded" balls-into-bins processes and priority scheduling. Our analytic results inspire a new concurrent priority queue implementation, which improves upon the state of the art in terms of practical performance

    Relaxed Queues and Stacks from Read/Write Operations

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    Considering asynchronous shared memory systems in which any number of processes may crash, this work identifies and formally defines relaxations of queues and stacks that can be non-blocking or wait-free while being implemented using only read/write operations. Set-linearizability and Interval-linearizability are used to specify the relaxations formally, and precisely identify the subset of executions which preserve the original sequential behavior. The relaxations allow for an item to be returned more than once by different operations, but only in case of concurrency; we call such a property multiplicity. The stack implementation is wait-free, while the queue implementation is non-blocking. Interval-linearizability is used to describe a queue with multiplicity, with the additional relaxation that a dequeue operation can return weak-empty, which means that the queue might be empty. We present a read/write wait-free interval-linearizable algorithm of a concurrent queue. As far as we know, this work is the first that provides formalizations of the notions of multiplicity and weak-emptiness, which can be implemented on top of read/write registers only

    IST Austria Thesis

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    The scalability of concurrent data structures and distributed algorithms strongly depends on reducing the contention for shared resources and the costs of synchronization and communication. We show how such cost reductions can be attained by relaxing the strict consistency conditions required by sequential implementations. In the first part of the thesis, we consider relaxation in the context of concurrent data structures. Specifically, in data structures such as priority queues, imposing strong semantics renders scalability impossible, since a correct implementation of the remove operation should return only the element with highest priority. Intuitively, attempting to invoke remove operations concurrently creates a race condition. This bottleneck can be circumvented by relaxing semantics of the affected data structure, thus allowing removal of the elements which are no longer required to have the highest priority. We prove that the randomized implementations of relaxed data structures provide provable guarantees on the priority of the removed elements even under concurrency. Additionally, we show that in some cases the relaxed data structures can be used to scale the classical algorithms which are usually implemented with the exact ones. In the second part, we study parallel variants of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm, which distribute computation among the multiple processors, thus reducing the running time. Unfortunately, in order for standard parallel SGD to succeed, each processor has to maintain a local copy of the necessary model parameter, which is identical to the local copies of other processors; the overheads from this perfect consistency in terms of communication and synchronization can negate the speedup gained by distributing the computation. We show that the consistency conditions required by SGD can be relaxed, allowing the algorithm to be more flexible in terms of tolerating quantized communication, asynchrony, or even crash faults, while its convergence remains asymptotically the same