49,115 research outputs found

    Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Programs

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    Context-free approaches to static analysis gain precision over classical approaches by perfectly matching returns to call sites---a property that eliminates spurious interprocedural paths. Vardoulakis and Shivers's recent formulation of CFA2 showed that it is possible (if expensive) to apply context-free methods to higher-order languages and gain the same boost in precision achieved over first-order programs. To this young body of work on context-free analysis of higher-order programs, we contribute a pushdown control-flow analysis framework, which we derive as an abstract interpretation of a CESK machine with an unbounded stack. One instantiation of this framework marks the first polyvariant pushdown analysis of higher-order programs; another marks the first polynomial-time analysis. In the end, we arrive at a framework for control-flow analysis that can efficiently compute pushdown generalizations of classical control-flow analyses.Comment: The 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programmin

    Deciding Conditional Termination

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    We address the problem of conditional termination, which is that of defining the set of initial configurations from which a given program always terminates. First we define the dual set, of initial configurations from which a non-terminating execution exists, as the greatest fixpoint of the function that maps a set of states into its pre-image with respect to the transition relation. This definition allows to compute the weakest non-termination precondition if at least one of the following holds: (i) the transition relation is deterministic, (ii) the descending Kleene sequence overapproximating the greatest fixpoint converges in finitely many steps, or (iii) the transition relation is well founded. We show that this is the case for two classes of relations, namely octagonal and finite monoid affine relations. Moreover, since the closed forms of these relations can be defined in Presburger arithmetic, we obtain the decidability of the termination problem for such loops.Comment: 61 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    On Functions Weakly Computable by Pushdown Petri Nets and Related Systems

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    We consider numerical functions weakly computable by grammar-controlled vector addition systems (GVASes, a variant of pushdown Petri nets). GVASes can weakly compute all fast growing functions FαF_\alpha for α<ωω\alpha<\omega^\omega, hence they are computationally more powerful than standard vector addition systems. On the other hand they cannot weakly compute the inverses Fα1F_\alpha^{-1} or indeed any sublinear function. The proof relies on a pumping lemma for runs of GVASes that is of independent interest

    The Role of Color Neutrality in Nuclear Physics--Modifications of Nucleonic Wave Functions

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    The influence of the nuclear medium upon the internal structure of a composite nucleon is examined. The interaction with the medium is assumed to depend on the relative distances between the quarks in the nucleon consistent with the notion of color neutrality, and to be proportional to the nucleon density. In the resulting description the nucleon in matter is a superposition of the ground state (free nucleon) and radial excitations. The effects of the nuclear medium on the electromagnetic and weak nucleon form factors, and the nucleon structure function are computed using a light-front constituent quark model. Further experimental consequences are examined by considering the electromagnetic nuclear response functions. The effects of color neutrality supply small but significant corrections to predictions of observables.Comment: 37 pages, postscript figures available on request to [email protected]

    Simple universal models capture all classical spin physics

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    Spin models are used in many studies of complex systems---be it condensed matter physics, neural networks, or economics---as they exhibit rich macroscopic behaviour despite their microscopic simplicity. Here we prove that all the physics of every classical spin model is reproduced in the low-energy sector of certain `universal models'. This means that (i) the low energy spectrum of the universal model reproduces the entire spectrum of the original model to any desired precision, (ii) the corresponding spin configurations of the original model are also reproduced in the universal model, (iii) the partition function is approximated to any desired precision, and (iv) the overhead in terms of number of spins and interactions is at most polynomial. This holds for classical models with discrete or continuous degrees of freedom. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for a spin model to be universal, and show that one of the simplest and most widely studied spin models, the 2D Ising model with fields, is universal.Comment: v1: 4 pages with 2 figures (main text) + 4 pages with 3 figures (supplementary info). v2: 12 pages with 3 figures (main text) + 35 pages with 6 figures (supplementary info) (all single column). v2 contains new results and major revisions (results for spin models with continuous degrees of freedom, explicit constructions, examples...). Close to published version. v3: minor typo correcte