38,159 research outputs found

    Extension of PRISM by Synthesis of Optimal Timeouts in Fixed-Delay CTMC

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    We present a practically appealing extension of the probabilistic model checker PRISM rendering it to handle fixed-delay continuous-time Markov chains (fdCTMCs) with rewards, the equivalent formalism to the deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (DSPNs). fdCTMCs allow transitions with fixed-delays (or timeouts) on top of the traditional transitions with exponential rates. Our extension supports an evaluation of expected reward until reaching a given set of target states. The main contribution is that, considering the fixed-delays as parameters, we implemented a synthesis algorithm that computes the epsilon-optimal values of the fixed-delays minimizing the expected reward. We provide a performance evaluation of the synthesis on practical examples

    Propagation and Decay of Injected One-Off Delays on Clusters: A Case Study

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    Analytic, first-principles performance modeling of distributed-memory applications is difficult due to a wide spectrum of random disturbances caused by the application and the system. These disturbances (commonly called "noise") destroy the assumptions of regularity that one usually employs when constructing simple analytic models. Despite numerous efforts to quantify, categorize, and reduce such effects, a comprehensive quantitative understanding of their performance impact is not available, especially for long delays that have global consequences for the parallel application. In this work, we investigate various traces collected from synthetic benchmarks that mimic real applications on simulated and real message-passing systems in order to pinpoint the mechanisms behind delay propagation. We analyze the dependence of the propagation speed of idle waves emanating from injected delays with respect to the execution and communication properties of the application, study how such delays decay under increased noise levels, and how they interact with each other. We also show how fine-grained noise can make a system immune against the adverse effects of propagating idle waves. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the collective phenomena that manifest themselves in distributed-memory parallel applications.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; title change

    Quantum Annealing Applied to De-Conflicting Optimal Trajectories for Air Traffic Management

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    We present the mapping of a class of simplified air traffic management (ATM) problems (strategic conflict resolution) to quadratic unconstrained boolean optimization (QUBO) problems. The mapping is performed through an original representation of the conflict-resolution problem in terms of a conflict graph, where nodes of the graph represent flights and edges represent a potential conflict between flights. The representation allows a natural decomposition of a real world instance related to wind-optimal trajectories over the Atlantic ocean into smaller subproblems, that can be discretized and are amenable to be programmed in quantum annealers. In the study, we tested the new programming techniques and we benchmark the hardness of the instances using both classical solvers and the D-Wave 2X and D-Wave 2000Q quantum chip. The preliminary results show that for reasonable modeling choices the most challenging subproblems which are programmable in the current devices are solved to optimality with 99% of probability within a second of annealing time.Comment: Paper accepted for publication on: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System

    Optimizing Performance of Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems using Timeout Synthesis

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    We consider parametric version of fixed-delay continuous-time Markov chains (or equivalently deterministic and stochastic Petri nets, DSPN) where fixed-delay transitions are specified by parameters, rather than concrete values. Our goal is to synthesize values of these parameters that, for a given cost function, minimise expected total cost incurred before reaching a given set of target states. We show that under mild assumptions, optimal values of parameters can be effectively approximated using translation to a Markov decision process (MDP) whose actions correspond to discretized values of these parameters

    Revisiting Robustness in Priced Timed Games

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    Priced timed games are optimal-cost reachability games played between two players---the controller and the environment---by moving a token along the edges of infinite graphs of configurations of priced timed automata. The goal of the controller is to reach a given set of target locations as cheaply as possible, while the goal of the environment is the opposite. Priced timed games are known to be undecidable for timed automata with 33 or more clocks, while they are known to be decidable for automata with 11 clock. In an attempt to recover decidability for priced timed games Bouyer, Markey, and Sankur studied robust priced timed games where the environment has the power to slightly perturb delays proposed by the controller. Unfortunately, however, they showed that the natural problem of deciding the existence of optimal limit-strategy---optimal strategy of the controller where the perturbations tend to vanish in the limit---is undecidable with 1010 or more clocks. In this paper we revisit this problem and improve our understanding of the decidability of these games. We show that the limit-strategy problem is already undecidable for a subclass of robust priced timed games with 55 or more clocks. On a positive side, we show the decidability of the existence of almost optimal strategies for the same subclass of one-clock robust priced timed games by adapting a classical construction by Bouyer at al. for one-clock priced timed games

    Neuromorphic Learning towards Nano Second Precision

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    Temporal coding is one approach to representing information in spiking neural networks. An example of its application is the location of sounds by barn owls that requires especially precise temporal coding. Dependent upon the azimuthal angle, the arrival times of sound signals are shifted between both ears. In order to deter- mine these interaural time differences, the phase difference of the signals is measured. We implemented this biologically inspired network on a neuromorphic hardware system and demonstrate spike-timing dependent plasticity on an analog, highly accelerated hardware substrate. Our neuromorphic implementation enables the resolution of time differences of less than 50 ns. On-chip Hebbian learning mechanisms select inputs from a pool of neurons which code for the same sound frequency. Hence, noise caused by different synaptic delays across these inputs is reduced. Furthermore, learning compensates for variations on neuronal and synaptic parameters caused by device mismatch intrinsic to the neuromorphic substrate.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, presented at IJCNN 2013 in Dallas, TX, USA. IJCNN 2013. Corrected version with updated STDP curves IJCNN 201