4 research outputs found


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    Brazilian society has experienced an increase of computing devices used by the population in general. Anyhow, individuals might be technologically unprepared to deal with them, particularly at in-developing countries. At the Information System education, this technological gap might affect undergraduate freshmen students’ performance. Thus, the goal of this study was to identify the most relevant computer literacy dimensions and factors required from freshmen. The research method was a combination of two techniques, Systematic Literature Review followed by a Delphi technique. We found 24 factors that are most relevant to the Brazilian context regarding freshmen students learning goals. They were classified according to: i) seven different dimensions and ii) four different visions: teachers, industry managers, researchers, and a blend of these three visions

    Systematic Review on Computer Literacy

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    This systematic review aims to consolidate the understanding of the term Computer Literacy , which corresponds to the classification of the first stage of learning skills and knowledge about the aspects of information and communication technology (ICT). In addition to this concept, the study also aims to assess the range of knowledge and skills related to computer literacy. This review was based on ACM and ERIC research bases, comprising the period of the last 10 years, and adding some extra articles that were deemed relevant. The conclusion indicates that Computer Literacy has a dynamic nature – exhibiting evolution over time – and an inherent need to upgrade constantly in order to keep up with information and communication technology’s evolutionary curve

    Um Estudo Exploratório sobre a Alfabetização Computacional em São Paulo / Alternative Title: An Exploratory Study on Computer Literacy in São Paulo

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    Ao longo do tempo, tem-se presenciado o aumento da disseminação dos dispositivos computacionais na sociedade. Entretanto, pesquisas recentes evidenciam situações de indivíduos munidos de dispositivos de TI, mas despreparados tecnologicamente. Dado este contexto, evidencia-se que há uma aprendizagem mínima necessária sobre aspectos computacionais, os quais atribui-se o termo Alfabetização Computacional (AC). O objetivo deste estudo exploratório é avaliar a relevância dos aspectos da AC na formação da base de conhecimentos dos jovens brasileiros. Este trabalho caracteriza-se por ser uma pesquisa exploratória que utiliza a técnica de entrevistas em profundidade para captar percepções de três instituições brasileiras relacionadas ao tema de estudo. A pesquisa confirma a relevância dos conhecimentos e habilidades da AC relatados na literatura e identifica os aspectos mais importantes para cada uma das instituições entrevistadas. 

    Impacts of Artificial Intelligence

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    This book, which is intended to serve as the first stage in an iterative process of detecting, predicting, and assessing the impacts of Artificial Intelligence opens with a short "one-hour course" in AI, which is intended to provide a nontechnical informative introduction to the material which follows. Next comes an overview chapter which is based on an extensive literature search, the position papers, and discussions. The next section of the book contains position papers whose richness and diversity illustrate the wealth of opinions and research directions that today fall under the umbrella term "AI research". The papers are followed by a select bibliography containing nearly 700 books, articles, and research memoranda on AI-related topics, together with a thesaurus and KWIC index to facilitate the retrieval of information. The book closes with and index and two appendices, one listing the names and addresses of the contributing scientists and the other giving details of the AI curriculum at the University of Vienna