3 research outputs found

    Resilience Index Development for the Manufacturing Industry based on Robustness, Resourcefulness, Redundancy, and Rapidity

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    The manufacturing industry has always been one of the most significant GDP contributors globally, accounting for approximately 15% of the global GDP. However, with unknown future challenges, the industry must begin to consider and improve its underlying resilience capability in order to survive. This study offers a fundamental resilience index that can be applied to different manufacturing industries to guide them in developing a strategy to increase their resiliency. Resilience refers to a company鈥檚 ability to bounce back to its original or targeted state after being disrupted or exposed to a risk. In this study, resilience has four main factors: robustness, resourcefulness, redundancy, and rapidity. This study combines these four factors with the four typical organizational functions in most organizations: operations, finance, strategy, and human resources. Each resilience factor has a set of indicators obtained through literature studies and in-depth interviews with experts. This study indicates that the most influential factor and resilience indicator are redundancy and reserve funds, respectively. Furthermore, this study found that reserve funds, customer satisfaction, and demand forecasts are the top three indicators in terms of the highest weighted value

    Simulaci贸n en el laboratorio de cadenas de montaje para aplicaci贸n de metodolog铆as de evaluaci贸n ergon贸micas

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    En el contexto del M谩ster Universitario de Prevenci贸n de Riesgos Laborales (PRL) de la UA cuya primera edici贸n se ha desarrollado en el curso 2012-2013, toma especial importancia dise帽ar actividades pr谩cticas para desarrollar en el laboratorio que, faciliten y motiven el aprendizaje de las alumnas y alumnos de metodolog铆as de evaluaci贸n de riesgos aplicadas a puestos de trabajo simulados, de forma que dichas actividades proporcionen condiciones equivalentes a las variables preventivas reales a evaluar. Para ello, en la asignatura de Evaluaci贸n y Adaptaci贸n del Puesto de Trabajo (EAPT), se ha dise帽ado una pr谩ctica de laboratorio con la que se han simulado cadenas de montaje manual, permitiendo su implementaci贸n mediante sencillos elementos de ferreter铆a de muy bajo coste, de forma que el alumnado ha podido desempe帽ar satisfactoriamente, seg煤n se desprende de los resultados de las memorias de pr谩cticas y de la encuesta sobre la misma, tanto el propio proceso de montaje como la aplicaci贸n de dos de las metodolog铆as de evaluaci贸n ergon贸mica m谩s ampliamente aceptadas y reconocidas, como son REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) para posturas forzadas y, el m茅todo Check-List OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Action) para movimientos repetitivos, empleando para ello el software gratuito que el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (Espa帽a) ofrece en su p谩gina web a disposici贸n de los profesionales de la PRL

    Strategi Penetapan Harga Offline, Online, Dan Reseller Berdasarkan Struktur Dual-Channel Supply Chain

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    Pertumbuhan e-commerce yang menjanjikan menjadi pertimbangan bagi perusahaan untuk melakukan ekspansi terhadap bisnisnya. Pada pemenuhan permintaan, perusahaan tidak hanya melakukannya melalui transaksi langsung (offline channel), namun juga melalui website (online channel), yang kemudian disebut seagai konsep Dual-channel Supply Chain (DCSC). Implementasi DCSC dapat mengarah ke dua kemungkinan, yaitu kenaikan profit yang karena segmen pasar yang terakomodasi lebih luas, dan penurunan profit karena konflik antar channel. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah kooperasi antar channel. Konsep DCSC juga mempertimbangkan preferensi customer terhadap channel yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya perbedaan harga antar channel. Penelitian ini merancang stratregi penetapan harga sesuai dengan konsep DCSC melalui perancangan skenario harga. Terdapat tiga skenario harga yang masing-masing dikembangkan berdasarkan karakteristik yang merepresentasikan struktur DCSC. Model matematis dikembangkan berdasarkan skenario yang telah dirancang, kemudian dilakukan proses optimasi dengan menggunakan MATLAB. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat skenario penetapan harga mana yang menghasilkan performansi finansial terbaik yang ditunjukkan dengan total profit. Hasil dari percobaan numerik menunjukkan bahwa kooperasi antar channel offline dan online menghasilkan performansi finansial terbaik bagi perusahaan. ========================================================================================================= The promising growth of e-commerce become the consideration of companies to expand their business channels. In the demand fulfillment, the company is not only doing it through face-to-face transaction (offline channel), but also through their website (online channel), which is called Dual-channel Supply Chain (DCSC). Implementing DCSC can lead to two different possible outcome, which are increased profit caused by bigger market segments covered and decreased profit caused by channel conflict. The answer of this problem is channel cooperation that may bring each channel an addition to their profits. DCSC also considers customer鈥檚 channel preference, shown in price difference between channels. This research proposed pricing strategies based on DCSC concept through several pricing scenarios. Three pricing scenarios are developed, each with its own characteristic representing the DCSC structure. Mathematical model are developed based on the scenarios proposed, then optimization process is done using MATLAB. The aim of this research is to see which pricing scenario generates the best financial performance shown in total gain. The result of numerical experiments shows that cooperating the offline and online channel generates the best financial performance