9 research outputs found

    Overview of the CRM Market in Tunisia

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    The aim of this paper is to realize the importance of a CRM approach, to detect the degree of awareness of Tunisian managers of this importance and  analyse the degree of integration of CRM in the Tunisian companies. Initially, we focus on the definition and components of CRM, then we focus on the level of integration of CRM within Tunisian enterprises.The Tunisian company begins to integrate the CRM tool : although a minority adopts CRM as software , operational CRM technologies as analytical know quite a development.This essentially depends on adoption of sales and business of the company. Keywords: CRM- Operational Tools- Analytical Tools- Tunisian Company. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/81-03 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Measuring commuters perceptions of service quality of minibus taxi services in the city of Johannesburg

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    Abstract: Minibus taxis are important in South Africa, accounting for approximately 70% of all trips made on public transport. Despite this, the taxi industry is generally perceived as providers of frequent and flexible but low quality services. If government is to achieve its aim of modal shifts from private to public transport, it is necessary to provide car-competitive public transport services. The purpose of this study is to determine commuters’ perceptions of current service levels in the minibus taxi industry. An adapted SERVQUAL methodology was used to determine gaps between perceptions and expectations. The study found that the main reasons for dissatisfaction with current service levels were related to safety and comfort and, in general, users find that the quality of service in the industry is lower than expected. This research provides a clear indication of the most important areas on which future service level improvements should be focussed

    Measuring commuters perceptions of service quality of selected public bus services in the City of Johannesburg

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    Abstract: The quality of public transport services receives frequent media coverage and is often the cause of civil unrest. Whilst the developed world moves towards lower car usage and higher levels of public transport use, South Africa’s public transport system remains unable to provide the commuter with an attractive alternative to the private car. This paper uses a modified SERVQUAL model to consider the gap between commuters’ perceptions of service quality and their expectations. The study measures five dimensions of service quality, i.e. reliability, the extent of the service, comfort, safety and affordability. These five dimensions comprise 25 attributes in total. Respondents were targeted from the Greater Johannesburg area, as the largest urban population in the country. The results indicate gaps in some of the dimensions and a number of attributes were identified as having influenced the perception of service quality significantly enough to lead to customer dissatisfaction. The study provides public transport operators and government departments responsible for the provision and subsidisation of public transport with a tool characterised by a good degree of openness and flexibility, to fit individual needs. It might also be of interest for practitioners wishing to explore the main drivers of satisfaction among transport users. Recommendations for improvement in service quality have been made


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    Carpooling yields great benefits environmentally, socially, and economically for carpooling, however there is no easy to use, safe, and enjoyable application for people to connect with others who are both close in proximity and have schedules that match currently. By creating a database and visual mock ups, our senior project creates the basis for an application called Swerve that matches users by location and schedules and has social and economic incentives. Our research allowed us to further understand the social, environmental and economic benefits and incentives of carpooling. We also looked into current carpooling websites and applications and could not find a successful platform for carpooling that involves both matching and social profile components. Through surveys and interviews we confirmed our belief that there is a great student interest in a social carpooling application as well as gain an understanding of what users would want and need in the application. Based off of all of this knowledge we were able to build an Access database that matches drivers and passengers based off of location and schedules and a visual mock up of the application screens that show how the social matching would work

    Pengembangan Model And Algoritma Untuk Menyelesaikan Multi-Product Inventory Ship Routing Problem Dengan Dedicated Tanker Fleet

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    Kapal tanker banyak digunakan oleh banyak perusahaan sebagai salah satu moda transporasi untuk mengirimkan produknya. Untuk mencapai efisiensi yang tinggi dalam distribusi produk, diperlukan sebuah studi yang komprehensif tentang distribusi produk, dan salah satunya adalah Inventory Routing Problem. Melihat permasalah yang ada, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model dan algoritma untuk multi-product inventory routing problem dengan dedicated tanker fleet. Model yang dibuat mampu mengakomodasi multi product, multi depot, dedicated tanker policy, dan titik awal kapal yang fleksibel. Beberapa constraints dalam penelitian ini antara lain routing, inventori, waktu, loading dan unloading dengan objective function minimasi total biaya. Algoritma yang dikembangkan terdiri dari tiga bagian penting yaitu mengitung dan menyortir pelabuhan kritis, pemilihan kapal, dan proses routing. Kemudian, model yang algoritma tadi deprogram dengan menggunakan VBA di Microsoft Excel 2013 yang akan menghasilkan detail rute dari tiap kapal, waktu rute, dan biaya yang dikeluarkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah program yang digunakan mampu menyelesaikan multi-product inventory ship routing problem. Dari beberapa eksperimen numerik didapat hasil jumlah kapal tanker terbaik untuk skema simulasi tertentu adalah 9 kapal tanker. ============================================================================================================= Many companies use tanker as one of the transportation mode to deliver their products. In order to reach optimum level and high efficiency of product distribution, a comprehensive study regarding distribution is important. In the literature, it is called Inventory Routing Problem (IRP). Based on a real case of oil distribution using tanker fleet in an Indonesian state-owned oil company, this research develops a model and algorithms to solve a Multi-Product Inventory Ship Routing Problem (M-ISRP) for dedicated tanker fleet. The model accommodates some aspects including multi products, multi depots, and flexible tanker initial points. The objective function is to minimize total distribution costs considering some constraints such as inventory, time, loading and unloading. The algorithms built consists of three main modules, which are critical ports selection, ship assignment, and ship routing. A spreadsheet-based decision support tool have been developed to evaluate the proposed algorithms. The results of the numerical experiments showed that the best total tanker number to deliver all the demand on certain case is 9 tankers

    Simulation Model for Automation of Storage Warehouse

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    Storage activity is traditionally one of the representative activities of logistics. It is an activity to create utility by adjusting the temporal distance at the connection point of the distribution network. Companies need an automated storage system that can store and process a wide variety of products on a large scale, faster, and at less cost. In this paper, we have created scenarios based on the types of automated equipment and facilities that can be introduced into storage warehouses of medium and small size among storage warehouses, and the matters to be considered when introducing them. Scenarios include automation equipment, the number of equipment injected, and the level of automation. Since there is a difference between the operation and the operation mode of the automation equipment, the model is divided into the simulation model and the change is applied to the model so that the reality is reflected in the model. It is designed to allocate the position to the simulation model so that the storage position of the actual cargo object is assigned while giving the difference between the goods receipt and the goods issue, and as the kinds of cargo to be processed are small and small. In order to verify the effectiveness of the automation introduction, a simulation experiment was conducted. Scenarios were created to compare before and after the introduction, and scenarios for experiment on the effect of introducing the automatic equipment were considered considering equipment introduction, equipment combination, and introduction cost.제1장. 서 론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1.2 연구 방법 4 제2장. 보관창고와 장비 및 운영시스템 5 2.1 관련문헌 연구 5 2.1.1 국내 문헌 연구 6 2.1.2 해외 문헌 연구 10 2.2 보관창고 13 2.2.1 형태에 의한 구분 13 2.2.2 규모에 의한 구분 16 2.3 보관창고의 장비 및 설비 19 2.3.1 보관창고의 물류장비 17 2.3.2 보관창고의 물류설비 21 2.3.3 자동화 장비 및 설비 21 2.4 운영시스템 24 2.5 보관창고 운영 관련 의사결정 문제 27 제3장. 보관창고의 자동화 시뮬레이션 29 3.1 보관창고의 특징 30 3.2 자동화 도입 요소 – 자동화 수준 37 3.3 시뮬레이션 모델 39 3.3.1 입고 작업 모델 40 3.3.2 출고 작업 모델 45 3.3.3 보관/픽업 모델 45 제4장. 보관창고의 자동화도입 효과 54 4.1 시뮬레이션 시나리오 54 4.2 실험 결과 및 자동화 도입 효과 63 제5장. 결론 75 참고문헌 77Docto

    Integrasi Metode Servqual, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Dan Pugh Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Jasa Bus Trans Sarbagita Koridor 1

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    Bus Trans Sarbagita merupakan layanan angkutan umum yang mulai beroperasi sejak 18 Agustus 2011 dengan diresmikan oleh Gubernur Bali. Peluncuran angkutan umum Trans Sarbagita ini dikarenakan kemacetan yang semakin parah yang terjadi di kawasan metropolitan Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, dan Tabanan (Sarbagita). Dalam road map (2010-2016) yang telah disusun, Trans Sarbagita rencananya akan memiliki 17 trayek dalam pengoperasiannya. Hanya saja, sampai tahun 2016 ini baru 2 rute yang telah beroperasi, yaitu koridor 1 rute Denpasar – GWK PP dan koridor 2 rute Batubulan – Nusa Dua PP. Tetapi, pertumbuhan penumpang Bus Trans Sarbagita untuk koridor 1 mengalami penurunan jumlah penumpang pada tahun 2015. Pada akhir tahun 2014, jumlah penumpang Bus Trans Sarbagita koridor 1 mencapai 323.403 orang. Sedangkan, pada tahun 2015 jumlah penumpang Bus Trans Sarbagita koridor 1 adalah 285.335. Setelah mengetahui jumlah penumpang Bus Trans Sarbagita pada koridor 1 menurun, maka dilakukan observasi lapangan untuk mengetahui penyebab permasalahan yang terjadi di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi lapangan maupun wawancara awal untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Bus Trans Sarbagita, salah satu masalah yang dikeluhkan oleh penumpang mengarah pada kurangnya kualitas pelayanan jasa yang diberikan oleh Bus Trans Sarbagita. Oleh karena itu, digunakan metode Servqual dan IPA untuk melakukan evaluasi pelayanan jasa Trans Sarbagita untuk kemudian menggunakan metode Pugh untuk mencari konsep perbaikan yang terbaik. Pelayanan jasa Trans Sarbagita dibagi ke dalam 5 dimensi dan 22 atribut untuk dilakukan evaluasi. Dari hasil pengolahan metode Servqual dan IPA, didapatkan 7 atribut pelayanan jasa yang akan menjadi prioritas perbaikan dan diolah menggunakan metode Pugh. Hasil akhir dari metode Pugh didapatkan bahwa konsep perbaikan yang terbaik untuk diimplementasikan adalah gabungan konsep penyediaan tempat sampah di setiap bus, penjadwalan keberangkatan bus di setiap halte, penyediaan fasilitas penerima keluhan di setiap bus, dan penambahan alokasi kursi prioritas bagi penumpang berkebutuhan khusus ======================================================================================================= Bus Trans Sarbagita is a public transportion that starting to operate since August 18, 2011 inaugurated by The Governor of Bali. Trans Sarbagita first launched due to the increasingly severe traffic congestion in the metropolitan area of Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, and Tabanan (Sarbagita). In the road map (2010- 2016) that has been compiled, Trans Sarbagita will have 17 routes in operation. But, until now it was only 2 routes that have been operated, Denpasar-GWK round trip and Batubulan-Nusa Dua round trip. However, the passenger growth on corridor 1 tends to decrease in 2015. The number of passengers on corridor 1 is 323.403 in the end of 2014. Meanwhile, the number of passengers on corridor 1 in the end of 2015 is 285.335. After finding out that the number of passengers on corridor 1 decreased, then the field observation was conducted to find out the problems occurred. Based on the result of field observation and interviewed some passengers to find out the problems occurred, one of the problems that being complained by the passengers is the quality of services provided by Trans Sarbagita. Therefore, Servqual and IPA methods are used to evaluate the quality of services provided by Trans Sarbagita and then try to find the best concepts to improve the quality of service with Pugh Method. The service provided by Trans Sarbagita are divided into 5 dimension and 22 service attributes for evaluated. Based on the result of processing Servqual and IPA Methods, there are 7 service attributes that being a priority to improve and will be processing with Pugh Method. The result of Pugh Method is acquired that the best improvement concept is the combination concepts of provision of trash on every bus, bus departure scheduling at each bus stop, provision of facilities for every passenger to complaints in every bus, and the addition of a seat priority allocation for passengers in special need

    A non–financial supply chain performance measurement framework for the Aerospace Division of Rolls-Royce

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    Rolls-Royce places great emphasis on maintaining a consistent strategy with three main areas at the core of its business identified as being customer, innovation and growing profitability. The ability of the business to deliver on its promises and also putting the customer first is paramount to maintaining growth and securing the future of the company. Driving delivery is part of the Rolls-Royce DNA which relates to the need for relentless focus on responsiveness and delivery. This study highlights the changing nature of the organisation and focuses on the new Aerospace Division and in particular the non-financial delivery metrics that operate within the supply chain. The study reviews the current literature regarding supply chain performance methods, implementation strategies and factors affecting measurement frameworks. There is then a proposal put forward of what the new Aerospace metrics should be for the business together with an implementation proposal underpinned by a decision making and escalation framework

    A non–financial supply chain performance measurement framework for the Aerospace Division of Rolls-Royce

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    Rolls-Royce places great emphasis on maintaining a consistent strategy with three main areas at the core of its business identified as being customer, innovation and growing profitability. The ability of the business to deliver on its promises and also putting the customer first is paramount to maintaining growth and securing the future of the company. Driving delivery is part of the Rolls-Royce DNA which relates to the need for relentless focus on responsiveness and delivery. This study highlights the changing nature of the organisation and focuses on the new Aerospace Division and in particular the non-financial delivery metrics that operate within the supply chain. The study reviews the current literature regarding supply chain performance methods, implementation strategies and factors affecting measurement frameworks. There is then a proposal put forward of what the new Aerospace metrics should be for the business together with an implementation proposal underpinned by a decision making and escalation framework