81 research outputs found

    Fifty years of spellchecking

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    A short history of spellchecking from the late 1950s to the present day, describing its development through dictionary lookup, affix stripping, correction, confusion sets, and edit distance to the use of gigantic databases

    A large list of confusion sets for spellchecking assessed against a corpus of real-word errors

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    One of the methods that has been proposed for dealing with real-word errors (errors that occur when a correctly spelled word is substituted for the one intended) is the "confusion-set" approach - a confusion set being a small group of words that are likely to be confused with one another. Using a list of confusion sets drawn up in advance, a spellchecker, on finding one of these words in a text, can assess whether one of the other members of its set would be a better fit and, if it appears to be so, propose that word as a correction. Much of the research using this approach has suffered from two weaknesses. The first is the small number of confusion sets used. The second is that systems have largely been tested on artificial errors. In this paper we address these two weaknesses. We describe the creation of a realistically sized list of confusion sets, then the assembling of a corpus of real-word errors, and then we assess the potential of that list in relation to that corpus

    The adaptation of an English spellchecker for Japanese writers

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    It has been pointed out that the spelling errors made by second-language writers writing in English have features that are to some extent characteristic of their first language, and the suggestion has been made that a spellchecker could be adapted to take account of these features. In the work reported here, a corpus of spelling errors made by Japanese writers writing in English was compared with a corpus of errors made by native speakers. While the great majority of errors were common to the two corpora, some distinctively Japanese error patterns were evident against this common background, notably a difficulty in deciding between the letters b and v, and the letters l and r, and a tendency to add syllables. A spellchecker that had been developed for native speakers of English was adapted to cope with these errors. A brief account is given of the spellchecker’s mode of operation to indicate how it lent itself to modifications of this kind. The native-speaker spellchecker and the Japanese-adapted version were run over the error corpora and the results show that these adaptations produced a modest but worthwhile improvement to the spellchecker’s performance in correcting Japanese-made errors

    Ordering the suggestions of a spellchecker without using context.

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    Having located a misspelling, a spellchecker generally offers some suggestions for the intended word. Even without using context, a spellchecker can draw on various types of information in ordering its suggestions. A series of experiments is described, beginning with a basic corrector that implements a well-known algorithm for reversing single simple errors, and making successive enhancements to take account of substring matches, pronunciation, known error patterns, syllable structure and word frequency. The improvement in the ordering produced by each enhancement is measured on a large corpus of misspellings. The final version is tested on other corpora against a widely used commercial spellchecker and a research prototype

    Errors lingüístics en el domini biomèdic: Cap a una tipologia d’errors per a l’espanyol

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    L’objectiu d’aquest treball és l’anàlisi d’errors continguts en un corpus d’informes mèdics en llenguatge natural i el disseny d’una tipologia d’errors, ja que no hi va haver una revisió sistemàtica sobre verificació i correcció d’errors en documentació clínica en castellà. En el desenvolupament de sistemes automàtics de detecció i correcció, és d’interès aprofundir en la naturalesa dels errors lingüístics que es produeixen en els informes clínics per tal de detectar-los i tractar-los adequadament. Els resultats mostren que els errors d’omissió són els més freqüents en la mostra analitzada i que la longitud de la paraula sens dubte influeix en la freqüència d’error. La tipificació dels patrons d’error proporcionats permet el desenvolupament d’un mòdul basat en coneixements lingüístics, actualment en curs, que serà capaç de millorar el rendiment dels sistemes de correcció de detecció i correcció d’errors per al domini biomèdicThe objective of this work is the analysis of errors contained in a corpus of medical reports in natural language and the design of a typology of errors, as there was no systematic review on verification and correction of errors in clinical documentation in Spanish. In the development of automatic detection and correction systems, it is of great interest to delve into the nature of the linguistic errors that occur in clinical reports, in order to detect and treat them properly. The results show that omission errors are the most frequent ones in the analyzed sample, and that word length certainly influences error frequency. The typification of error patterns provided is enabling the development of a module based on linguistic knowledge, which is currently in progress. This will help to improve the performance of error detection and correction systems for the biomedical domain.This work was supported by the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) through project LaTe4PSP (PID2019-107652RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Furthermore, the main autor is supported by Ministerio de Universidades of Spain through the national program Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario (FPU), with reference FPU16/0332

    A behavioral database for masked form priming

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    Reading involves a process of matching an orthographic input with stored representations in lexical memory. The masked priming paradigm has become a standard tool for investigating this process. Use of existing results from this paradigm can be limited by the precision of the data and the need for cross-experiment comparisons that lack normal experimental controls. Here, we present a single, large, high-precision, multicondition experiment to address these problems. Over 1,000 participants from 14 sites responded to 840 trials involving 28 different types of orthographically related primes (e.g., castfe–CASTLE) in a lexical decision task, as well as completing measures of spelling and vocabulary. The data were indeed highly sensitive to differences between conditions: After correction for multiple comparisons, prime type condition differences of 2.90 ms and above reached significance at the 5% level. This article presents the method of data collection and preliminary findings from these data, which included replications of the most widely agreed-upon differences between prime types, further evidence for systematic individual differences in susceptibility to priming, and new evidence regarding lexical properties associated with a target word’s susceptibility to priming. These analyses will form a basis for the use of these data in quantitative model fitting and evaluation and for future exploration of these data that will inform and motivate new experiments

    Searching by approximate personal-name matching

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    We discuss the design, building and evaluation of a method to access theinformation of a person, using his name as a search key, even if it has deformations. We present a similarity function, the DEA function, based on the probabilities of the edit operations accordingly to the involved letters and their position, and using a variable threshold. The efficacy of DEA is quantitatively evaluated, without human relevance judgments, very superior to the efficacy of known methods. A very efficient approximate search technique for the DEA function is also presented based on a compacted trie-tree structure.Postprint (published version

    Normalisation de textes par analogie: le cas des mots inconnus

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    International audienceAnalogy-based Text Normalization : the case of unknowns words. In this paper, we describe and evaluate a system for improving the quality of noisy texts containing non-word errors. It is meant to be integrated into a full information extraction architecture, and aims at improving its results. For each word unknown to a reference lexicon which is neither a named entity nor a neologism, our system suggests one or several normalization candidates (any known word which has the same lemma as the spell-corrected form is a valid candidate). For this purpose, we use an analogy-based approach for acquiring normalisation rules and use them in the same way as lexical spelling correction rules.Dans cet article, nous proposons et évaluons un système permettant d'améliorer la qualité d'un texte bruité notamment par des erreurs orthographiques. Ce système a vocation à être intégré à une architecture complète d'extraction d'information, et a pour objectif d'améliorer les résultats d'une telle tâche. Pour chaque mot qui est inconnu d'un lexique de référence et qui n'est ni une entité nommée ni une création lexicale, notre système cherche à proposer une ou plusieurs normalisations possibles (une normalisation valide étant un mot connu dont le lemme est le même que celui de la forme orthographiquement correcte). Pour ce faire, ce système utilise des techniques de correction automatique lexicale par règle qui reposent sur un système d'induction de règles par analogie

    Non-Imaging Acoustical Properties in Monitoring Arteriovenous Hemodialysis Access. a Review

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    The limitations of the gold standard angiography technique in arteriovenous access surveillance have opened a gap for researchers to find the best way to monitor this condition with low-cost, non-invasive and continuous bedside monitoring. The phonoangiography technique has been developed prior to these limits. This measurement and monitoring technique, associated with intelligence signal processing, promises better analysis for early detection of hemodialysis access problems, such as stenosis and thrombosis. Some research groups have shown that the phonoangiography technique could identify as many as 20% of vascular diameter changes and also its frequency characteristics due to hemodialysis access problems. The frequency characteristics of these acoustical signals are presented and discussed in detail to understand the association with the stenosis level, blood flows, sensor locations, fundamental frequency bands of normal and abnormal conditions, and also the spectral energy produced. This promising technique could be used in the near future as a tool for pre-diagnosis of arteriovenous access before any further access correction by surgical techniques is required. This paper provides an extensive review of various arteriovenous access monitoring techniques based on non-imaging acoustical properties