957 research outputs found

    Algorithms and Data Structures for Automated Change Detection and Classification of Sidescan Sonar Imagery

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    During Mine Warfare (MIW) operations, MIW analysts perform change detection by visually comparing historical sidescan sonar imagery (SSI) collected by a sidescan sonar with recently collected SSI in an attempt to identify objects (which might be explosive mines) placed at sea since the last time the area was surveyed. This dissertation presents a data structure and three algorithms, developed by the author, that are part of an automated change detection and classification (ACDC) system. MIW analysts at the Naval Oceanographic Office, to reduce the amount of time to perform change detection, are currently using ACDC. The dissertation introductory chapter gives background information on change detection, ACDC, and describes how SSI is produced from raw sonar data. Chapter 2 presents the author\u27s Geospatial Bitmap (GB) data structure, which is capable of storing information geographically and is utilized by the three algorithms. This chapter shows that a GB data structure used in a polygon-smoothing algorithm ran between 1.3 – 48.4x faster than a sparse matrix data structure. Chapter 3 describes the GB clustering algorithm, which is the author\u27s repeatable, order-independent method for clustering. Results from tests performed in this chapter show that the time to cluster a set of points is not affected by the distribution or the order of the points. In Chapter 4, the author presents his real-time computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithm that automatically detects mine-like objects on the seafloor in SSI. The author ran his GB-based CAD algorithm on real SSI data, and results of these tests indicate that his real-time CAD algorithm performs comparably to or better than other non-real-time CAD algorithms. The author presents his computer-aided search (CAS) algorithm in Chapter 5. CAS helps MIW analysts locate mine-like features that are geospatially close to previously detected features. A comparison between the CAS and a great circle distance algorithm shows that the CAS performs geospatial searching 1.75x faster on large data sets. Finally, the concluding chapter of this dissertation gives important details on how the completed ACDC system will function, and discusses the author\u27s future research to develop additional algorithms and data structures for ACDC

    Intelligent computational sketching support for conceptual design

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    Sketches, with their flexibility and suggestiveness, are in many ways ideal for expressing emerging design concepts. This can be seen from the fact that the process of representing early designs by free-hand drawings was used as far back as in the early 15th century [1]. On the other hand, CAD systems have become widely accepted as an essential design tool in recent years, not least because they provide a base on which design analysis can be carried out. Efficient transfer of sketches into a CAD representation, therefore, is a powerful addition to the designers' armoury.It has been pointed out by many that a pen-on-paper system is the best tool for sketching. One of the crucial requirements of a computer aided sketching system is its ability to recognise and interpret the elements of sketches. 'Sketch recognition', as it has come to be known, has been widely studied by people working in such fields: as artificial intelligence to human-computer interaction and robotic vision. Despite the continuing efforts to solve the problem of appropriate conceptual design modelling, it is difficult to achieve completely accurate recognition of sketches because usually sketches implicate vague information, and the idiosyncratic expression and understanding differ from each designer

    Re-Pair Compression of Inverted Lists

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    Compression of inverted lists with methods that support fast intersection operations is an active research topic. Most compression schemes rely on encoding differences between consecutive positions with techniques that favor small numbers. In this paper we explore a completely different alternative: We use Re-Pair compression of those differences. While Re-Pair by itself offers fast decompression at arbitrary positions in main and secondary memory, we introduce variants that in addition speed up the operations required for inverted list intersection. We compare the resulting data structures with several recent proposals under various list intersection algorithms, to conclude that our Re-Pair variants offer an interesting time/space tradeoff for this problem, yet further improvements are required for it to improve upon the state of the art

    SPIDA: Abstracting and generalizing layout design cases

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    Abstraction and generalization of layout design cases generate new knowledge that is more widely applicable to use than specific design cases. The abstraction and generalization of design cases into hierarchical levels of abstractions provide the designer with the flexibility to apply any level of abstract and generalized knowledge for a new layout design problem. Existing case-based layout learning (CBLL) systems abstract and generalize cases into single levels of abstractions, but not into a hierarchy. In this paper, we propose a new approach, termed customized viewpoint - spatial (CV-S), which supports the generalization and abstraction of spatial layouts into hierarchies along with a supporting system, SPIDA (SPatial Intelligent Design Assistant)

    A machine learning-based approach to optimize repair and increase yield of embedded flash memories in automotive systems-on-chip

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    Nowadays, Embedded Flash Memory cores occupy a significant portion of Automotive Systems-on-Chip area, therefore strongly contributing to the final yield of the devices. Redundancy strategies play a key role in this context; in case of memory failures, a set of spare word- and bit-lines are allocated by a replacement algorithm that complements the memory testing procedure. In this work, we show that replacement algorithms, which are heavily constrained in terms of execution time, may be slightly inaccurate and lead to classify a repairable memory core as unrepairable. We denote this situation as Flash memory false fail. The proposed approach aims at identifying false fails by using a Machine Learning approach that exploits a feature extraction strategy based on shape recognition. Experimental results carried out on the manufacturing data show a high capability of predicting false fails

    تمثيل الإطار الخارجي للكلمات العربية بكفاءة من خلال الدمج بين نموذج الكنتور النشط وتحديد ونقاط الزوايا

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    Graphical curves and surfaces fitting are hot areas of research studies and application, such as artistic applications, analysis applications and encoding purposes. Outline capture of digital word images is important in most of the desktop publishing systems. The shapes of the characters are stored in the computer memory in terms of their outlines, and the outlines are expressed as Bezier curves. Existing methods for Arabic font outline description suffer from low fitting accuracy and efficiency. In our research, we developed a new method for outlining shapes using Bezier curves with minimal set of curve points. A distinguishing characteristic of our method is that it combines the active contour method (snake) with corner detection to achieve an initial set of points that is as close to the shape's boundaries as possible. The method links these points (snake + corner) into a compound Bezier curve, and iteratively improves the fitting of the curve over the actual boundaries of the shape. We implemented and tested our method using MATLAB. Test cases included various levels of shape complexity varying from simple, moderate, and high complexity depending on factors, such as: boundary concavities, number of corners. Results show that our method achieved average 86% of accuracy when measured relative to true shape boundary. When compared to other similar methods (Masood & Sarfraz, 2009; Sarfraz & Khan, 2002; Ferdous A Sohel, Karmakar, Dooley, & Bennamoun, 2010), our method performed comparatively well. Keywords: Bezier curves, shape descriptor, curvature, corner points, control points, Active Contour Model.تعتبر المنحنيات والأسطح الرسومية موضوعاً هاماً في الدراسات البحثية وفي التطبيقات البرمجية مثل التطبيقات الفنية، وتطبيقات تحليل وترميز البيانات. ويعتبر تخطيط الحدود الخارجية للكلمات عملية أساسية في غالبية تطبيقات النشر المكتبي. في هذه التطبيقات تخزن أشكال الأحرف في الذاكرة من حيث خطوطها الخارجية، وتمثل الخطوط الخارجية على هيئة منحنيات Bezier. الطرق المستخدمة حالياً لتحديد الخطوط الخارجية للكلمات العربية تنقصها دقة وكفاءة الملاءمة ما بين الحدود الحقيقية والمنحنى الرسومي الذي تقوم بتشكيله. في هذا البحث قمنا بتطوير طريقة جديدة لتخطيط الحدود الخارجية للكلمات تعتمد على منحنيات Bezier بمجموعة أقل من المنحنيات الجزئية. تتميز طريقتنا بخاصية مميزة وهي الدمج بين آلية لاستشعار الزوايا مع آلية نموذج الكنتور النشط (الأفعى). يتم الدمج بين نقاط الزوايا ونقاط الأفعى لتشكيل مجموعة موحدة من النقاط المبدئية قريبة قدر الإمكان من الحدود الحقيقية للشكل المراد تحديده. يتشكل منحنى Bezier من هذه المجموعة المدمجة، وتتم عملية تدريجية على دورات لملاءمة المنحنى على الحدود الحقيقية للشكل. قام الباحث بتنفيذ وتجربة الطريقة الجديدة باستخدام برنامج MATLAB. وتم اختيار أشكال رسومية كعينات اختبار تتصف بمستويات متباينة من التعقيد تتراوح ما بين بسيط إلى متوسط إلى عالي التعقيد على أساس عوامل مثل تقعرات الحدود، عدد نقاط الزوايا، الفتحات الداخلية، إلخ. وقد أظهرت نتائج الاختبار أن طريقتنا الجديدة حققت دقة في الملائمة تصل نسبتها إلى 86% مقارنة بالحدود الحقيقية للشكل المستهدف. وكذلك فقد كان أداء طريقتنا جيداً بالمقارنة مع طرق أخرى مماثلة

    Image acquisition and storage for medical imaging systems

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    Image Acquisition and Storage for Medical Imaging Systems investigates the issues and requirements to develop a medical imaging system for the dental industry. Research was conducted through studying image acquisition and digitization systems, image file format standards, and data image distribution techniques in a medical facility. Furthermore, the future trends in medical imaging industry were identified; From the studies gathered, a medical imaging system called Miniature Image and Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) was created. MIDAS is an intraoral camera imaging system, which has the capability to capture images of patient\u27s teeth and gums, track images with patient data, and distributes images and data over a Local Area Network (LAN). These capabilities match or exceed those found in most intraoral camera systems

    Grifon: a graphical interface to an object oriented database

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    The aim of the research outlined in this thesis is to establish what type of interface would be most suitable for object oriented databases. In particular it examines how graphical interface technologies might be used to present the database in a clearer form. In support of the research, a prototype interface system has also been developed to a commercial database to illustrate the practicality of the development of such an interface, and the increased effectiveness of the resultant system. The thesis outlines the features provided by the interface, the benefits accrued from such a system, and the problems associated with its development. Finally, it examines how such a system fits into the current work being carried out in the area of user interaction with databases

    Efficient Point-Cloud Processing with Primitive Shapes

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    This thesis presents methods for efficient processing of point-clouds based on primitive shapes. The set of considered simple parametric shapes consists of planes, spheres, cylinders, cones and tori. The algorithms developed in this work are targeted at scenarios in which the occurring surfaces can be well represented by this set of shape primitives which is the case in many man-made environments such as e.g. industrial compounds, cities or building interiors. A primitive subsumes a set of corresponding points in the point-cloud and serves as a proxy for them. Therefore primitives are well suited to directly address the unavoidable oversampling of large point-clouds and lay the foundation for efficient point-cloud processing algorithms. The first contribution of this thesis is a novel shape primitive detection method that is efficient even on very large and noisy point-clouds. Several applications for the detected primitives are subsequently explored, resulting in a set of novel algorithms for primitive-based point-cloud processing in the areas of compression, recognition and completion. Each of these application directly exploits and benefits from one or more of the detected primitives' properties such as approximation, abstraction, segmentation and continuability