5 research outputs found

    Information Quality in Web-Based eCatalogue

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    Catalogues are important business strategy as they can provide customers with product descriptions and assist who have buying interest to not go through the floor areas and shelves, browsing aimlessly, trying to locate items that are of interest. Printed catalogue are cumbersome to use, require large storage areas, become dated soon after publication, and make search and comparison activities very difficult.The situation is further worsen when the quality of information provided is not regularly updated and is below customers’ expectations. eCatalogue has the potential to offer assistance to customer, and improve information quality.Therefore, an eCatalouge was developed in this study where 30 potential customers tried the proposed eCatalogue for a certain period. Nine information quality dimensions, which are Accuracy, Precision, Currency, Timeliness, Reliability,Completeness, Conciseness, Format, and Relevance, were used to measure the eCatalouge. Based on a three point scale (where 1= disagree and 3= agree),respondents agree that the information in the eCatalouge are somewhat current(mean =2.27), precise (2.20), accurate (2.17), reliable (2.17), and concise(2.17). However, they are not sure about the timely (2.00) and relevant (2.07) dimensions.Also they agree to some extent, the eCatalogue format is satisfying (2.20). Overall mean of quality measure is (2.15), which is indicates that the quality of information in the developed eCatalogue should be improved

    Estudo de um sistema de informação e gestão de ferramentas

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia MecânicaA presente dissertação surge no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade do Minho e foi desenvolvida em contexto prático na empresa Leica – Aparelhos Óticos de Precisão, S.A., na secção Mecânica, concretamente nos grupos produtivos de maquinagem. Um sistema de gestão de ferramentas é, atualmente, um tema de absoluta importância para a empresa, pois estas assumem uma parcela importante dos custos de produção e têm um papel importante na estabilidade e repetibilidade do processo produtivo. O presente projeto de dissertação pretende uniformizar a gestão de ferramentas, assim como gerir toda a informação associada, em todos os grupos produtivos da secção Mecânica. Com esse intuito, foram analisados os processos atuais e posteriormente implementadas diferentes propostas de melhoria, com objetivo de uniformizar os diversos componentes de uma ferramenta e a documentação técnica, diminuir o processo de requisição, criar bases de dados e centralizar a informação relativamente às ferramentas de corte e restante componentes, criar uma aplicação para registo e consulta de informação e diminuir o tempo de montagem de uma ferramenta. A implementação destas propostas resultou numa uma redução de 1 minuto e 30 segundos para a preparação e montagem de uma ferramenta. A extrapolação da redução para todas as trocas de ferramentas efetuadas, representa uma poupança anual de 32 032.5€.The present dissertation arises within the scope of the Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minho and was developed in a practical context at the company Leica – Devices Óticos de Preciso, S.A., in the Mechanical section, specifically in the machining production groups. A tool management system is currently a crucial topic for the company, as they assume an important part of production costs and play a big role in the stability and repeatability of the production process. This dissertation project aims to standardize the management of tools, as well as manage all the associated information, in all productive groups of the Mechanics section. To this end, current processes were analyzed and different proposals for improvement were subsequently implemented, with the aim of standardizing the various components of a tool and technical documentation, reducing the request process, creating databases and centralizing information regarding the tools and other components, create an application to record and consult information and reduce the assembly time of a tool. The implementation of these proposals resulted in a reduction of 1 minute and 30 seconds for the preparation and assembly of a tool. The extrapolation of the reduction for all tool changes carried out, represents an annual savings of €32,032.5

    Computer aided tool management system : an implementation model.

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    In recent years considerable attention has been diverted towards devising new strategies to deal with the competitive nature of manufacturing environments. Such strategies are often influenced by the costs and quality of the manufactured products. An effective tool management and control system can significantly contribute to the efficiency of manufacturing facilities by maintaining the flow of production, reducing manufacturing costs, and be instrumental to the quality of finished goods. Most companies however, have consistently overlooked the importance of tooling and its impact on the efficiency of their manufacturing facilities, consequently it has become a maior production bottleneck. Hence, the need for uncovering the nature, extent, and underlying causes of tooling problems. Having recognised the importance of a Computer Aided Tool Management And Control Systems (CATMACS) as a partial solution to the efficient management of tooling resources, the study then looks at the implementation of CATMACS in fourteen manufacturing companies in the UK, developing some 40 propositions. Based on the developed propositions, a framework for the implementation methodology is constructed. The framework consists of five phases; Tool audit, Strategy, Design, Action, and Review. The framework has been evaluated and the inputs and outputs to the phases have been identified. The framework represents a significant step in understanding of CATMACS implementation, in particular: It addresses the need for such system. It provides the basis of an implementation toolkit. It provides guidance for the best way of implementing a CATMACS. It is constructed using hard data. </ul

    Databases for technological information systems

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    Organization of tool management for mixed production includes today, in particular, the computer-supported management and organization of the flow of tools and data on them. The system supports the entire flow of tools in a production process including the tool store management, commissioning, mounting, dismantling and pre-setting of tools. The system contains the management of the tool database with all vital data on tools and ensures adaption of production requirements for meeting the needs for tools. The integral model for the selection of optimal cutting conditions in the computer aided tool management system (TOMS) is proposed. The integration of technological databases and tool management systems is urgently necessary. The target function for the OPTIS programme, worked out by the programme package Microsoft Visual Basic, is selection of optimal cutting conditions from commercial databases with respect to the lowest costs of machining by taking into account the technological limitations of the metal removal process. The newly developed OPTIS programme selects optimal cutting conditions with respect to the tool maker, workpiece material, type of machining, cutting machine, smallest and greatest cutting conditions, tool, data on series, type of clamping and workpiece geometry