4,853 research outputs found

    Detect the unexpected: a science for surveillance

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for research development focused on addressing the neglected role of visual perception in real life tasks such as policing surveillance and command and control settings. Approach – The scale of surveillance task in modern control room is expanding as technology increases input capacity at an accelerating rate. The authors review recent literature highlighting the difficulties that apply to modern surveillance and give examples of how poor detection of the unexpected can be, and how surprising this deficit can be. Perceptual phenomena such as change blindness are linked to the perceptual processes undertaken by law-enforcement personnel. Findings – A scientific programme is outlined for how detection deficits can best be addressed in the context of a multidisciplinary collaborative agenda between researchers and practitioners. The development of a cognitive research field specifically examining the occurrence of perceptual “failures” provides an opportunity for policing agencies to relate laboratory findings in psychology to their own fields of day-to-day enquiry. Originality/value – The paper shows, with examples, where interdisciplinary research may best be focussed on evaluating practical solutions and on generating useable guidelines on procedure and practice. It also argues that these processes should be investigated in real and simulated context-specific studies to confirm the validity of the findings in these new applied scenarios

    Clinical disorders affecting mesopic vision

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    Vision in the mesopic range is affected by a number of inherited and acquired clinical disorders. We review these conditions and summarize the historical background, describing the clinical characteristics alongside the genetic basis and molecular biological mechanisms giving rise to rod and cone dysfunction relevant to twilight vision. The current diagnostic gold standards for each disease are discussed and curative and symptomatic treatment strategies are summarized

    A Modified Pseudoisochromatic Ishihara Colour Vision Test Based on Eastern Arabic Numerals

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    Congenital colour vision defects affect about 8% and 0.5% of the male and female population, respectively. Pseudoisochromatic Ishihara plates have shown to be successful in an early diagnosis of colour vision defects. This commonly used colour vision test was initially intended to identify those who suffered from red-green aspect of congenital colour blindness; however, it may be of use to reveal acquired colour vision defects as well. Despite the Ishihara plates’ value, there are a number of shortcomings in their current layout. We proposing a new colour plate modified from original Ishihara test. To best assist illiterates who are not able to read English, standard Ishihara plates have been translated to Eastern Arabic numerals, which are used in most parts of the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa populations. The purpose of the present modification was to present the new plates to these regions, but more research and study is required to work on the validity, reliability, and repeatability of these new plates

    Vision tests of sensory judges - review

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    In sensory examinations, judges must be in good general health. They should not have any deficiencies that could affect their perception or adversely affect their sensory performance, and thus can affect the reliability of their judgments. The vision of a judge is basically determined by three factors: visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and color vision. In the international practice of sensory analyses, color vision is generally examined. Color blindness is typically tested using the Ishihara pseudo-isochromatic color test, while color discrimination ability is examined using the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test [1]. The most accurate tool to detect color blind people is the anomaloscope. Screening for color blind people is important because they have both poorer color discrimination abilities and poorer color identification abilities. The results of online color vision tests are significantly affected by the display device and its settings (monitor resolution, color-correct calibration), as well as test conditions: test geometry (relative position of the light source, the test book and the eye), photometric and spectral nature of the light source and the monitor, and the adaptation state of the eye. Unfortunately, the specifications for standard sensory tests do not require the visual acuity and contrast sensitivity testing of sensory judges, however, these properties obviously affect visual perception, so testing them is necessary

    A Modified Pseudoisochromatic Ishihara Colour Vision Test Based on Eastern Arabic Numerals

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    Congenital colour vision defects affect about 8% and 0.5% of the male and female population, respectively. Pseudoisochromatic Ishihara plates have shown to be successful in an early diagnosis of colour vision defects. This commonly used colour vision test was initially intended to identify those who suffered from red-green aspect of congenital colour blindness; however, it may be of use to reveal acquired colour vision defects as well. Despite the Ishihara plates’ value, there are a number of shortcomings in their current layout. We proposing a new colour plate modified from original Ishihara test. To best assist illiterates who are not able to read English, standard Ishihara plates have been translated to Eastern Arabic numerals, which are used in most parts of the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa populations. The purpose of the present modification was to present the new plates to these regions, but more research and study is required to work on the validity, reliability, and repeatability of these new plates

    From Codes to Patterns: Designing Interactive Decoration for Tableware

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    ABSTRACT We explore the idea of making aesthetic decorative patterns that contain multiple visual codes. We chart an iterative collaboration with ceramic designers and a restaurant to refine a recognition technology to work reliably on ceramics, produce a pattern book of designs, and prototype sets of tableware and a mobile app to enhance a dining experience. We document how the designers learned to work with and creatively exploit the technology, enriching their patterns with embellishments and backgrounds and developing strategies for embedding codes into complex designs. We discuss the potential and challenges of interacting with such patterns. We argue for a transition from designing ‘codes to patterns’ that reflects the skills of designers alongside the development of new technologies

    The development of a low cost microcomputer generated color vision exam

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    Color is becoming important in the communication process of our technological society. A proportion of the population does not perceive color as the majority perceives it. This fact may lead to reduced communication, hindrance in the learning process, low performance on tasks which require acute color perception, and fatal judgements in situations requiring split second decisions based on color;Unless the color perception is deviant enough, this personal condition may be unrecognized until a medical examination;This study was designed to discover if a color microcomputer generated examination could be used to screeen for color perception difficulty and to assess the degree of agreement of this examination with an accepted color vision screening examination. The Cohen K coefficient of agreement between the Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates and the color computer vision exam was computed. The Cohen coefficient of agreement of .72 indicated that the color computer has potential for use as an instrument to screen for color vision deficiencies. Further development of the computer procedure may permit self color vision screening at earlier ages for a larger proportion of the population

    Live Video and Image Recolouring for Colour Vision Deficient Patients

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    Colour Vision Deficiency (CVD) is an important issue for a significant population across the globe. There are several types of CVD\u27s, such as monochromacy, dichromacy, trichromacy, and anomalous trichromacy. Each of these categories contain specific other subtypes. The aim of this research is to device a scheme to address CVD by using variations in pixel plotting of colours to capture colour disparities and perform colour compensation. The proposed scheme recolours the video and images by colour contrast variation of each colour for CVD patients, and depending on the type of deficiency, it is able to provide live results. Different types of CVD’s can be identified and cured by changing the particular colour related to it and based upon the type of diseases, it performs RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) to LMS (Long, Medium, and Short) transformation. This helps in colour identification and also adjustments of colour contrasts. The processing and rendering of recoloured video and images, allows the affected patients with CVD to see perfect shades in the recoloured frames of video or images and other modes of files. In this thesis, we propose an efficient recolouring algorithm with a strong focus on real-time applications that is capable of providing different recoloured outputs based on specific types of CVD

    Linking Disability and Intercultural Studies: the adaptation journey of the visually impaired migrant in Ireland

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    This study focuses on the lived experiences of the visually impaired migrant in Ireland and this is the first study to document the lives of these members of Irish society. It examines how visually impaired migrants are simultaneously adapting to their disability and a new cultural environment while living in Ireland. In so doing this study aims to link the two academic fields of Intercultural Studies and Disability Studies and theoretical underpinnings for this study are drawn and woven together from both fields. As such this study draws from the development of theories relating to disability as well as the intercultural aspects of migration. Qualitative in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 participants living in the larger Dublin region, which comprised of two groups; migrant users and providers of services for the visually impaired. Data analysis was assisted through the software package Atlas.ti. A grounded theory approach to collecting and analysing data was adopted as this facilitates the flow from raw data to codes to concepts. Purposive sampling was employed and the typical method of grounded theory of constant comparison was not used, rather interviews were analysed individually once they were all completed then compared. Research findings indicate that the cultural perceptions of disability may help or hinder the individual’s adaptation process both to their visual impairment and to living and integrating into a new culture in Ireland. Findings cluster around the three areas of cultural perceptions of disability, support networks and cultural barriers to adaptation. Synergising theoretical concepts and data steered the development of a new integrative model which identifies the inhibitors and facilitators for the process of adaptation to visual impairment for a migrant in Ireland

    Color vision tests using a calibrated color monitor controlled by a microprocessor

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    A feasibility study was performed to determine if colors on a CRT could be measured accurately and then controlled by a computer to provide a means of performing color vision tests. Benefits from using a calibrated computer/monitor system could be decreased testing time, exact diagnosis, and possibly the means of quantifing the degree of the deficiency. The Atari 800XL Computer with a Sakata color monitor were used for the experimentation due to their low cost, availability, and ability to create the largest number of colors of any computer in the same price range. The system was calibrated and color vision tests were performed with five subjects of known deficiencies. The results were compared to testing with the Ishihara Charts. The color vision tests with this system were able to detect for major color deficiencies without any difficulty. The color vision test was able to distinguish between trichromatic and dichromatic vision and the types of dichromats