346 research outputs found

    A Study on the Impact of Locality in the Decoding of Binary Cyclic Codes

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    In this paper, we study the impact of locality on the decoding of binary cyclic codes under two approaches, namely ordered statistics decoding (OSD) and trellis decoding. Given a binary cyclic code having locality or availability, we suitably modify the OSD to obtain gains in terms of the Signal-To-Noise ratio, for a given reliability and essentially the same level of decoder complexity. With regard to trellis decoding, we show that careful introduction of locality results in the creation of cyclic subcodes having lower maximum state complexity. We also present a simple upper-bounding technique on the state complexity profile, based on the zeros of the code. Finally, it is shown how the decoding speed can be significantly increased in the presence of locality, in the moderate-to-high SNR regime, by making use of a quick-look decoder that often returns the ML codeword.Comment: Extended version of a paper submitted to ISIT 201

    A class of narrow-sense BCH codes over Fq\mathbb{F}_q of length qm12\frac{q^m-1}{2}

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    BCH codes with efficient encoding and decoding algorithms have many applications in communications, cryptography and combinatorics design. This paper studies a class of linear codes of length qm12 \frac{q^m-1}{2} over Fq\mathbb{F}_q with special trace representation, where qq is an odd prime power. With the help of the inner distributions of some subsets of association schemes from bilinear forms associated with quadratic forms, we determine the weight enumerators of these codes. From determining some cyclotomic coset leaders δi\delta_i of cyclotomic cosets modulo qm12 \frac{q^m-1}{2}, we prove that narrow-sense BCH codes of length qm12 \frac{q^m-1}{2} with designed distance δi=qmqm121qm32+i12\delta_i=\frac{q^m-q^{m-1}}{2}-1-\frac{q^{ \lfloor \frac{m-3}{2} \rfloor+i}-1}{2} have the corresponding trace representation, and have the minimal distance d=δid=\delta_i and the Bose distance dB=δid_B=\delta_i, where 1im+341\leq i\leq \lfloor \frac{m+3}{4} \rfloor

    Iterative Soft Input Soft Output Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes by Adapting the Parity Check Matrix

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    An iterative algorithm is presented for soft-input-soft-output (SISO) decoding of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes. The proposed iterative algorithm uses the sum product algorithm (SPA) in conjunction with a binary parity check matrix of the RS code. The novelty is in reducing a submatrix of the binary parity check matrix that corresponds to less reliable bits to a sparse nature before the SPA is applied at each iteration. The proposed algorithm can be geometrically interpreted as a two-stage gradient descent with an adaptive potential function. This adaptive procedure is crucial to the convergence behavior of the gradient descent algorithm and, therefore, significantly improves the performance. Simulation results show that the proposed decoding algorithm and its variations provide significant gain over hard decision decoding (HDD) and compare favorably with other popular soft decision decoding methods.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, final version accepted by IEEE Trans. on Information Theor

    The Weight Distributions of a Class of Cyclic Codes with Three Nonzeros over F3

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    Cyclic codes have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. The decoding error probability and the undetected error probability are usually bounded by or given from the weight distributions of the codes. Most researches are about the determination of the weight distributions of cyclic codes with few nonzeros, by using quadratic form and exponential sum but limited to low moments. In this paper, we focus on the application of higher moments of the exponential sum to determine the weight distributions of a class of ternary cyclic codes with three nonzeros, combining with not only quadratic form but also MacWilliams' identities. Another application of this paper is to emphasize the computer algebra system Magma for the investigation of the higher moments. In the end, the result is verified by one example using Matlab.Comment: 10 pages, 3 table