391,377 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Computer Self-efficacy Terhadap Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, Kualitas Layanan, Penggunaan, Kepuasan Pengguna, Dan Dampak Individu

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    The study aims to determine the effect of computer self-efficacy (CSE) on the qualitysystem, the quality of information, quality of service, USAge, satisfaction and impact of individualusers by using a model of success Delone and McLean information systems. The studyconducted on students of system users of e-learning in higher education. The population used inthis study amounted to 144 686 students with a total sample of 178. The sampling method usingproportional random sampling. The analysis tool used is the Generalized Structured ComponentAnalysis (GSCA). The results showed that CSE significant effect on the quality system, thequality of information, quality of service, USAge and impact of the individual. Quality systemshave a significant effect on the quality of information, USAge, and user satisfaction. The qualityof information significantly influence the use and user satisfaction. Service quality significantlyinfluence the use and user satisfaction. User satisfaction significantly influence the individualimpact. The results also show that the better CSE students will further improve system quality,information quality, service quality, use, and impact of the individual. The better the students'perceptions of the quality system, the quality of information, and the quality of service willincrease the USAge and user satisfaction. The better use will have an impact on user satisfaction,so that will have an impact on individual performance

    Pengaruh Computer Self Efficacy, Kualitas Sistem Informasi Dan Pengalaman Auditor Terhadap Kualitas Audit Berbantuan Komputer Pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Di Surakarta

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    This research is empirical survey at PD BPR at Suarakarta. Data that used in this research is primary data. Data have been collected from PD BPR at Surakarta 2010. The data have been colleted in this research as 100 respondents. The analisys that used is multiple regression, clasic asumption,t test, F test and test of R2. The result of t test show that computer self efficiacy, Quality of Information system and auditor experience have positif influence to Audit quality with computer at PD BPR at Surakarta. Keyword: computer self efficiacy, Quality of Information system auditor experience, Audit quality with compute

    Faculty and teacher candidate computer self -efficacy and the relationship of faculty computer self -efficacy, technology professional development, and technology use

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the possible relationship among faculty computer self-efficacy, technology professional development, and the extent of technology use in Louisiana\u27s college and university classrooms. Additionally, faculty computer self-efficacy and teacher candidate computer self-efficacy were compared. Participation was voluntary, involving higher education faculty and teacher candidates from the nineteen teacher preparation institutions within Louisiana. Faculty completed online surveys. A 30-item Likert-type scale was used to measure computer self-efficacy. Faculty also reported their involvement in technology training over the last five years and their technology use in the classroom. Teacher candidates completed either an online or print copy of the computer self-efficacy survey. Data analysis involved a factor analysis of the computer self-efficacy scale, the identification of five computer self-efficacy constructs, a 4 x 3 ANOVA, and contingency coefficients to determine the correlation of nonparametric items. Results of this study indicate a significant relationship between faculty computer self-efficacy and the extent of technology use. A significant relationship between technology professional development and technology use was also detected. Analysis of the data failed to confirm an interactive effect between faculty computer self-efficacy and technology professional development related to technology use. Results suggest an inverse relationship between tenure and computer self-efficacy, with observed tenured faculty members\u27 computer self-efficacy scores lower than expected scores. The results of this study also found no difference in faculty members\u27 computer self-efficacy and teacher candidates\u27 computer self-efficacy

    Computer self-efficacy, anxiety and attitudes towards use of technology among university academicians: a case study of University of Port Harcourt Nigeria

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    The 21st century also called ICT literacy includes not only the traditional concept of literacy, but it also encompasses the ability to incorporate new technologies into teaching and learning. The paper focus on computer, self-efficacy, anxiety and attitudes towards use of technology, as it influence the behavioral intention of the university academicians to accept and use ICT for teaching and learning. The University of Port Harcourt Nigeria was use as a case study, and 100 questionnaires were administered and collected. The technology usage by the academic staff shows that 74% are willing to use ICT once or more a day. 51% of the respondents said that the use of ICT is voluntary. Three null hypotheses were stated. The findings shows that the Uniport academic staff had medium computer anxiousness, they have moderate computer self efficacy and high attitudes towards use of technology. Therefore, as attitudes towards use of technology increase, computer self efficacy also increase and this cause a gradual decrease in computer anxiety. The most influential construct is attitudes towards use of technology. This was determined by the regression analysis and the hypotheses. The knowledge gained from this study is beneficial to university administrators, academic staff and the Nigerian ICT policy makers


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    It is believed that the perception that computing is a male domain has discouraged American women to participate in computing fields. Like the U.S., computing is also dominated by men in China. However, unlike the U.S., information technology is ranked the highest compared with other industries in term of career choices for Chinese female university graduates. This study investigates how computer anxiety and computer self-efficacy influence gender perception toward computing of Chinese female in comparison to American female. One of the findings indicated computer anxiety directly impacts gender perception toward computing of females in both cultures.Gender Perception, IT, Computer Self-efficacy, Computer Anxiety, China


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    This study investigated the computer self-efficacy of Turkish prospective physical education teachers. The research group consisted of 173 prospective physical education teachers. In the study “Computer Self-Efficacy Perception Scale” was used as data collection tool. Results indicated that prospective physical education teachers obtained high computer self-efficacy scores. Prospective physical education teachers’ computer self-efficacy was also examined according to their gender and class year no significant difference was found. In the study it has also found that no significant correlation between prospective physical education teachers’ computer self-efficacies and their ages. In addition there was significant difference in the scale of computer self-efficacy perception based on the owner of a computer

    The Role of Gender and Prior Experience in Judgments of Generalized Computer Self Efficacy

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    Computer self-efficacy is frequently used as an explanatory variable in software training and technology acceptance investigations. It has been frequently used to predict training and learning outcomes and some investigations have examined the malleability of computer self-efficacy in response to positive and negative training experiences. Computer self-efficacy models identify prior experience with computers as an important determinant of self-efficacy judgments; however, few studies have systematically examined this. Gender and frequency of computer use have been identified as other predictors of generalized computer self-efficacy. In this investigation, proficiency ratings on nineteen dimensions of computer knowledge are used to measure prior experience/knowledge of computers. These were collected from more than 300 university students at the same time that they completed an online generalized computer self-efficacy scale. This data is used to test two predictions: 1) that greater prior experience with computers is directly related to higher computer self-efficacy scores and 2) that for comparable levels of prior experience/knowledge, males will have higher self-efficacy scores than females. Preliminary results provide support for the first prediction but not the second. Initial results also suggest that less common types of prior experience/knowledge are especially important to self-efficacy judgments


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    This research was done at Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya and aimed at understanding the Influences of computer anxiety and computer experience on computer self-efficacy.. This study uses data collected by a survey on active student at Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya, using simple random sampling method with amount of sample 100 respondent. The data analysis using SPSS software and AMOS. The independent variables are computer anxiety and computer experience. Dependent variable is computer self-efficacy. The study results indicate that computer anxiety had significant and negative influence on computer self-efficacy. Then, computer experience had significant and positive influence on computer self-efficacy

    Antecedents of Generalized Computer Self-Efficacy Judgements

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    Computer self-efficacy is frequently used as an explanatory variable in software training and technology acceptance investigations and it has been frequently used to predict training and learning outcomes. While self-efficacy models identify prior experience with computers as an important determinant of generalized self-efficacy judgments, relatively few studies have systematically examined the types of experience that drive such judgments. Gender and frequency of computer use have also been identified as other predictors of generalized computer self-efficacy. In this investigation, self-reported knowledge/skill attainments levels with each of nineteen computer use/knowledge dimensions are used to measure prior experience/knowledge of computers. These were collected from 340 university students at the same time that they completed a generalized computer self-efficacy scale. This data is used to test two predictions: 1) that greater prior computer knowledge/experience is directly related to higher computer self-efficacy scores and 2) for comparable levels of prior experience/knowledge, males will have higher self-efficacy scores than females. Our results provide support for the first prediction but not the second. Our findings suggest that experience/knowledge of less common computer applications may be more important in shaping self-efficacy judgments than are greater levels of experience/knowledge with common computer applications

    Understanding the Formation and Effects of General Self Effocacy in Business Students

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the formation and effects of general computer self-efficacy among business students. Antecedents of computer self-efficacy were investigated, and computer attitudes and MIS intention (defined as one’s intention to select MIS for his or her future study and career) were selected as dependent variables. The results supported that computer knowledge, current computing experiences, computer anxiety, and age affected the formation and development of computer self-efficacy among the sampled students; computer self-efficacy and social norms had strong effects on computer attitudes and MIS intention. Implications for both research and MIS education are also discussed