407 research outputs found

    Methods and Applications for Summarising Free-Text Narratives in Electronic Health Records

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    As medical services move towards electronic health record (EHR) systems the breadth and depth of data stored at each patient encounter has increased. This growing wealth of data and investment in care systems has arguably put greater strain on services, as those at the forefront are pushed towards greater time spent in front of computers over their patients. To minimise the use of EHR systems clinicians often revert to using free-text data entry to circumvent the structured input fields. It has been estimated that approximately 80% of EHR data is within the free-text portion. Outside of their primary use, that is facilitating the direct care of the patient, secondary use of EHR data includes clinical research, clinical audits, service improvement research, population health analysis, disease and patient phenotyping, clinical trial recruitment to name but a few.This thesis presents a number of projects, previously published and original work in the development, assessment and application of summarisation methods for EHR free-text. Firstly, I introduce, define and motivate EHR free-text analysis and summarisation methods of open-domain text and how this compares to EHR free-text. I then introduce a subproblem in natural language processing (NLP) that is the recognition of named entities and linking of the entities to pre-existing clinical knowledge bases (NER+L). This leads to the first novel contribution the Medical Concept Annotation Toolkit (MedCAT) that provides a software library workflow for clinical NER+L problems. I frame the outputs of MedCAT as a form of summarisation by showing the tools contributing to published clinical research and the application of this to another clinical summarisation use-case ‘clinical coding’. I then consider methods for the textual summarisation of portions of clinical free-text. I show how redundancy in clinical text is empirically different to open-domain text discussing how this impacts text-to-text summarisation. I then compare methods to generate discharge summary sections from previous clinical notes using methods presented in prior chapters via a novel ‘guidance’ approach.I close the thesis by discussing my contributions in the context of state-of-the-art and how my work fits into the wider body of clinical NLP research. I briefly describe the challenges encountered throughout, offer my perspectives on the key enablers of clinical informatics research, and finally the potential future work that will go towards translating research impact to real-world benefits to healthcare systems, workers and patients alike

    Natural Language Processing and Graph Representation Learning for Clinical Data

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    The past decade has witnessed remarkable progress in biomedical informatics and its related fields: the development of high-throughput technologies in genomics, the mass adoption of electronic health records systems, and the AI renaissance largely catalyzed by deep learning. Deep learning has played an undeniably important role in our attempts to reduce the gap between the exponentially growing amount of biomedical data and our ability to make sense of them. In particular, the two main pillars of this dissertation---natural language processing and graph representation learning---have improved our capacity to learn useful representations of language and structured data to an extent previously considered unattainable in such a short time frame. In the context of clinical data, characterized by its notorious heterogeneity and complexity, natural language processing and graph representation learning have begun to enrich our toolkits for making sense and making use of the wealth of biomedical data beyond rule-based systems or traditional regression techniques. This dissertation comes at the cusp of such a paradigm shift, detailing my journey across the fields of biomedical and clinical informatics through the lens of natural language processing and graph representation learning. The takeaway is quite optimistic: despite the many layers of inefficiencies and challenges in the healthcare ecosystem, AI for healthcare is gearing up to transform the world in new and exciting ways

    Ontology-Based Clinical Information Extraction Using SNOMED CT

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    Extracting and encoding clinical information captured in unstructured clinical documents with standard medical terminologies is vital to enable secondary use of clinical data from practice. SNOMED CT is the most comprehensive medical ontology with broad types of concepts and detailed relationships and it has been widely used for many clinical applications. However, few studies have investigated the use of SNOMED CT in clinical information extraction. In this dissertation research, we developed a fine-grained information model based on the SNOMED CT and built novel information extraction systems to recognize clinical entities and identify their relations, as well as to encode them to SNOMED CT concepts. Our evaluation shows that such ontology-based information extraction systems using SNOMED CT could achieve state-of-the-art performance, indicating its potential in clinical natural language processing

    Overview of the ShARe/CLEF eHealth evaluation lab 2013

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    Discharge summaries and other free-text reports in healthcare transfer information between working shifts and geographic locations. Patients are likely to have difficulties in understanding their content, because of their medical jargon, non-standard abbreviations, and ward-specific idioms. This paper reports on an evaluation lab with an aim to support the continuum of care by developing methods and resources that make clinical reports in English easier to understand for patients, and which helps them in finding information related to their condition. This ShARe/CLEFeHealth2013 lab offered student mentoring and shared tasks: identification and normalisation of disorders (1a and 1b) and normalisation of abbreviations and acronyms (2) in clinical reports with respect to terminology standards in healthcare as well as information retrieval (3) to address questions patients may have when reading clinical reports. The focus on patients' information needs as opposed to the specialised information needs of physicians and other healthcare workers was the main feature of the lab distinguishing it from previous shared tasks. De-identied clinical reports for the three tasks were from US intensive care and originated from the MIMIC II database. Other text documents for Task 3 were from the Internet and originated from the Khresmoi project. Task 1 annotations originated from the ShARe annotations. For Tasks 2 and 3, new annotations, queries, and relevance assessments were created. 64, 56, and 55 people registered their interest in Tasks 1, 2, and 3, respectively. 34 unique teams (3 members per team on average) participated with 22, 17, 5, and 9 teams in Tasks 1a, 1b, 2 and 3, respectively. The teams were from Australia, China, France, India, Ireland, Republic of Korea, Spain, UK, and USA. Some teams developed and used additional annotations, but this strategy contributed to the system performance only in Task 2. The best systems had the F1 score of 0.75 in Task 1a; Accuracies of 0.59 and 0.72 in Tasks 1b and 2; and Precision at 10 of 0.52 in Task 3. The results demonstrate the substantial community interest and capabilities of these systems in making clinical reports easier to understand for patients. The organisers have made data and tools available for future research and development

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationBiomedical data are a rich source of information and knowledge. Not only are they useful for direct patient care, but they may also offer answers to important population-based questions. Creating an environment where advanced analytics can be performed against biomedical data is nontrivial, however. Biomedical data are currently scattered across multiple systems with heterogeneous data, and integrating these data is a bigger task than humans can realistically do by hand; therefore, automatic biomedical data integration is highly desirable but has never been fully achieved. This dissertation introduces new algorithms that were devised to support automatic and semiautomatic integration of heterogeneous biomedical data. The new algorithms incorporate both data mining and biomedical informatics techniques to create "concept bags" that are used to compute similarity between data elements in the same way that "word bags" are compared in data mining. Concept bags are composed of controlled medical vocabulary concept codes that are extracted from text using named-entity recognition software. To test the new algorithm, three biomedical text similarity use cases were examined: automatically aligning data elements between heterogeneous data sets, determining degrees of similarity between medical terms using a published benchmark, and determining similarity between ICU discharge summaries. The method is highly configurable and 5 different versions were tested. The concept bag method performed particularly well aligning data elements and outperformed the compared algorithms by iv more than 5%. Another configuration that included hierarchical semantics performed particularly well at matching medical terms, meeting or exceeding 30 of 31 other published results using the same benchmark. Results for the third scenario of computing ICU discharge summary similarity were less successful. Correlations between multiple methods were low, including between terminologists. The concept bag algorithms performed consistently and comparatively well and appear to be viable options for multiple scenarios. New applications of the method and ideas for improving the algorithm are being discussed for future work, including several performance enhancements, configuration-based enhancements, and concept vector weighting using the TF-IDF formulas

    Automatic Population of Structured Reports from Narrative Pathology Reports

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    There are a number of advantages for the use of structured pathology reports: they can ensure the accuracy and completeness of pathology reporting; it is easier for the referring doctors to glean pertinent information from them. The goal of this thesis is to extract pertinent information from free-text pathology reports and automatically populate structured reports for cancer diseases and identify the commonalities and differences in processing principles to obtain maximum accuracy. Three pathology corpora were annotated with entities and relationships between the entities in this study, namely the melanoma corpus, the colorectal cancer corpus and the lymphoma corpus. A supervised machine-learning based-approach, utilising conditional random fields learners, was developed to recognise medical entities from the corpora. By feature engineering, the best feature configurations were attained, which boosted the F-scores significantly from 4.2% to 6.8% on the training sets. Without proper negation and uncertainty detection, the quality of the structured reports will be diminished. The negation and uncertainty detection modules were built to handle this problem. The modules obtained overall F-scores ranging from 76.6% to 91.0% on the test sets. A relation extraction system was presented to extract four relations from the lymphoma corpus. The system achieved very good performance on the training set, with 100% F-score obtained by the rule-based module and 97.2% F-score attained by the support vector machines classifier. Rule-based approaches were used to generate the structured outputs and populate them to predefined templates. The rule-based system attained over 97% F-scores on the training sets. A pipeline system was implemented with an assembly of all the components described above. It achieved promising results in the end-to-end evaluations, with 86.5%, 84.2% and 78.9% F-scores on the melanoma, colorectal cancer and lymphoma test sets respectively

    Benchmarking Ontologies: Bigger or Better?

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    A scientific ontology is a formal representation of knowledge within a domain, typically including central concepts, their properties, and relations. With the rise of computers and high-throughput data collection, ontologies have become essential to data mining and sharing across communities in the biomedical sciences. Powerful approaches exist for testing the internal consistency of an ontology, but not for assessing the fidelity of its domain representation. We introduce a family of metrics that describe the breadth and depth with which an ontology represents its knowledge domain. We then test these metrics using (1) four of the most common medical ontologies with respect to a corpus of medical documents and (2) seven of the most popular English thesauri with respect to three corpora that sample language from medicine, news, and novels. Here we show that our approach captures the quality of ontological representation and guides efforts to narrow the breach between ontology and collective discourse within a domain. Our results also demonstrate key features of medical ontologies, English thesauri, and discourse from different domains. Medical ontologies have a small intersection, as do English thesauri. Moreover, dialects characteristic of distinct domains vary strikingly as many of the same words are used quite differently in medicine, news, and novels. As ontologies are intended to mirror the state of knowledge, our methods to tighten the fit between ontology and domain will increase their relevance for new areas of biomedical science and improve the accuracy and power of inferences computed across them

    Ascertaining Pain in Mental Health Records:Combining Empirical and Knowledge-Based Methods for Clinical Modelling of Electronic Health Record Text

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    In recent years, state-of-the-art clinical Natural Language Processing (NLP), as in other domains, has been dominated by neural networks and other statistical models. In contrast to the unstructured nature of Electronic Health Record (EHR) text, biomedical knowledge is increasingly available in structured and codified forms, underpinned by curated databases, machine-readable clinical guidelines, and logically defined terminologies. This thesis examines the incorporation of external medical knowledge into clinical NLP and tests these methods on a use case of ascertaining physical pain in clinical notes of mental health records.Pain is a common reason for accessing healthcare resources and has been a growing area of research, especially its impact on mental health. Pain also presents a unique NLP problem due to its ambiguous nature and the varying circumstances in which it can be used. For these reasons, pain has been chosen as a use case, making it a good case study for the application of the methods explored in this thesis. Models are built by assimilating both structured medical knowledge and clinical NLP and leveraging the inherent relations that exist within medical ontologies. The data source used in this project is a mental health EHR database called CRIS, which contains de-identified patient records from the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest mental health providers in Western Europe.A lexicon of pain terms was developed to identify documents within CRIS mentioning painrelated terms. Gold standard annotations were created by conducting manual annotations on these documents. These gold standard annotations were used to build models for a binary classification task, with the objective of classifying sentences from the clinical text as “relevant”, which indicates the sentence contains relevant mentions of pain, i.e., physical pain affecting the patient, or “not relevant”, which indicates the sentence does not contain mentions of physical pain, or the mention does not relate to the patient (ex: someone else in physical pain). Two models incorporating structured medical knowledge were built:1. a transformer-based model, SapBERT, that utilises a knowledge graph of the UMLS ontology, and2. a knowledge graph embedding model that utilises embeddings from SNOMED CT, which was then used to build a random forest classifier. This was achieved by modelling the clinical pain terms and their relations from SNOMED CT into knowledge graph embeddings, thus combining the data-driven view of clinical language, with the logical view of medical knowledge.These models have been compared with NLP models (binary classifiers) that do not incorporate such structured medical knowledge:1. a transformer-based model, BERT_base, and2. a random forest classifier model.Amongst the two transformer-based models, SapBERT performed better at the classification task (F1-score: 0.98), and amongst the random forest models, the one incorporating knowledge graph embeddings performed better (F1-score: 0.94). The SapBERT model was run on sentences from a cohort of patients within CRIS, with the objective of conducting a prevalence study to understand the distribution of pain based on sociodemographic and diagnostic factors.The contribution of this research is both methodological and practical, showing the difference between a conventional NLP approach of binary classification and one that incorporates external knowledge, and further utilising the models obtained from both these approaches ina prevalence study which was designed based on inputs from clinicians and a patient and public involvement group. The results emphasise the significance of going beyond the conventional approach to NLP when addressing complex issues such as pain.<br/

    J Biomed Inform

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    We followed a systematic approach based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses to identify existing clinical natural language processing (NLP) systems that generate structured information from unstructured free text. Seven literature databases were searched with a query combining the concepts of natural language processing and structured data capture. Two reviewers screened all records for relevance during two screening phases, and information about clinical NLP systems was collected from the final set of papers. A total of 7149 records (after removing duplicates) were retrieved and screened, and 86 were determined to fit the review criteria. These papers contained information about 71 different clinical NLP systems, which were then analyzed. The NLP systems address a wide variety of important clinical and research tasks. Certain tasks are well addressed by the existing systems, while others remain as open challenges that only a small number of systems attempt, such as extraction of temporal information or normalization of concepts to standard terminologies. This review has identified many NLP systems capable of processing clinical free text and generating structured output, and the information collected and evaluated here will be important for prioritizing development of new approaches for clinical NLP.CC999999/ImCDC/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2019-11-20T00:00:00Z28729030PMC6864736694

    Knowledge representation and text mining in biomedical, healthcare, and political domains

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    Knowledge representation and text mining can be employed to discover new knowledge and develop services by using the massive amounts of text gathered by modern information systems. The applied methods should take into account the domain-specific nature of knowledge. This thesis explores knowledge representation and text mining in three application domains. Biomolecular events can be described very precisely and concisely with appropriate representation schemes. Protein–protein interactions are commonly modelled in biological databases as binary relationships, whereas the complex relationships used in text mining are rich in information. The experimental results of this thesis show that complex relationships can be reduced to binary relationships and that it is possible to reconstruct complex relationships from mixtures of linguistically similar relationships. This encourages the extraction of complex relationships from the scientific literature even if binary relationships are required by the application at hand. The experimental results on cross-validation schemes for pair-input data help to understand how existing knowledge regarding dependent instances (such those concerning protein–protein pairs) can be leveraged to improve the generalisation performance estimates of learned models. Healthcare documents and news articles contain knowledge that is more difficult to model than biomolecular events and tend to have larger vocabularies than biomedical scientific articles. This thesis describes an ontology that models patient education documents and their content in order to improve the availability and quality of such documents. The experimental results of this thesis also show that the Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation measures are a viable option for the automatic evaluation of textual patient record summarisation methods and that the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve can be used in a large-scale sentiment analysis. The sentiment analysis of Reuters news corpora suggests that the Western mainstream media portrays China negatively in politics-related articles but not in general, which provides new evidence to consider in the debate over the image of China in the Western media
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