1,207 research outputs found

    Defensive alliances in graphs: a survey

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    A set SS of vertices of a graph GG is a defensive kk-alliance in GG if every vertex of SS has at least kk more neighbors inside of SS than outside. This is primarily an expository article surveying the principal known results on defensive alliances in graph. Its seven sections are: Introduction, Computational complexity and realizability, Defensive kk-alliance number, Boundary defensive kk-alliances, Defensive alliances in Cartesian product graphs, Partitioning a graph into defensive kk-alliances, and Defensive kk-alliance free sets.Comment: 25 page

    Parameterized lower bound and NP-completeness of some HH-free Edge Deletion problems

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    For a graph HH, the HH-free Edge Deletion problem asks whether there exist at most kk edges whose deletion from the input graph GG results in a graph without any induced copy of HH. We prove that HH-free Edge Deletion is NP-complete if HH is a graph with at least two edges and HH has a component with maximum number of vertices which is a tree or a regular graph. Furthermore, we obtain that these NP-complete problems cannot be solved in parameterized subexponential time, i.e., in time 2o(k)GO(1)2^{o(k)}\cdot |G|^{O(1)}, unless Exponential Time Hypothesis fails.Comment: 15 pages, COCOA 15 accepted pape

    Quantum Computation, Markov Chains and Combinatorial Optimisation

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    This thesis addresses two questions related to the title, Quantum Computation, Markov Chains and Combinatorial Optimisation. The first question involves an algorithmic primitive of quantum computation, quantum walks on graphs, and its relation to Markov Chains. Quantum walks have been shown in certain cases to mix faster than their classical counterparts. Lifted Markov chains, consisting of a Markov chain on an extended state space which is projected back down to the original state space, also show considerable speedups in mixing time. We design a lifted Markov chain that in some sense simulates any quantum walk. Concretely, we construct a lifted Markov chain on a connected graph G with n vertices that mixes exactly to the average mixing distribution of a quantum walk on G. Moreover, the mixing time of this chain is the diameter of G. We then consider practical consequences of this result. In the second part of this thesis we address a classic unsolved problem in combinatorial optimisation, graph isomorphism. A theorem of Kozen states that two graphs on n vertices are isomorphic if and only if there is a clique of size n in the weak modular product of the two graphs. Furthermore, a straightforward corollary of this theorem and Lovász’s sandwich theorem is if the weak modular product between two graphs is perfect, then checking if the graphs are isomorphic is polynomial in n. We enumerate the necessary and sufficient conditions for the weak modular product of two simple graphs to be perfect. Interesting cases include complete multipartite graphs and disjoint unions of cliques. We find that all perfect weak modular products have factors that fall into classes of graphs for which testing isomorphism is already known to be polynomial in the number of vertices. Open questions and further research directions are discussed

    Graph Transversals for Hereditary Graph Classes: a Complexity Perspective

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    Within the broad field of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, the theory of graphs has been of fundamental importance in solving a large number of optimization problems and in modelling real-world situations. In this thesis, we study a topic that covers many aspects of Graph Theory: transversal sets. A transversal set in a graph G is a vertex set that intersects every subgraph of G that belongs to a certain class of graphs. The focus is on vertex cover, feedback vertex set and odd cycle transversal. The decision problems Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set and Odd Cycle Transversal ask, for a given graph G and an integer k, whether there is a corresponding transversal of G of size at most k. These problems are NP-complete in general and our focus is to determine the complexity of the problems when various restrictions are placed on the input, both for the purpose of finding tractable cases and to increase our understanding of the point at which a problem becomes NP-complete. We consider graph classes that are closed under vertex deletion and in particular H-free graphs, i.e. graphs that do not contain a graph H as an induced subgraph. The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis. There we illustrate the motivation of our work and introduce most of the terminology we have used for our research. In the second chapter, we develop a number of structural results for some classes of H-free graphs. The third chapter looks at the Subset Transversal problems: there we prove that Feedback Vertex Set and Odd Cycle Transversal and their subset variants can be solved in polynomial time for both P_4-free and (sP_1+P_3)-free graphs, while for Subset Vertex Cover we show that it can be solved in polynomial time for (sP_1+P_4)-free graphs. The fourth chapter is entirely dedicated to the Connected Vertex Cover problem. The connectivity constraint requires additional proof techniques. We prove this problem can be solved in polynomial time for (sP_1+P_5)-free graphs, even when weights are given to the vertices of the graph. We continue the research on connected transversals in the fifth chapter: we show that Connected Feedback Vertex Set, Connected Odd Cycle Transversal and their extension variants can be solved in polynomial time for both P_4-free and (sP_1+P_3)-free graphs. In the sixth chapter we study the price of independence: can the size of a smallest independent transversal be bounded in terms of the minimum size of a transversal? We establish complete and almost-complete dichotomies which determine for which graph classes such a bound exists and for which cases such a bound is the identity

    On the complexity of Dominating Set for graphs with fixed diameter

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    A set SVS\subseteq V of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a dominating set if each vertex has a neighbor in SS or belongs to SS. Dominating Set is the problem of deciding, given a graph GG and an integer k1k\geq 1, if GG has a dominating set of size at most kk. It is well known that this problem is NP\mathsf{NP}-complete even for claw-free graphs. We give a complexity dichotomy for Dominating Set for the class of claw-free graphs with diameter dd. We show that the problem is NP\mathsf{NP}-complete for every fixed d3d\ge 3 and polynomial time solvable for d2d\le 2. To prove the case d=2d=2, we show that Minimum Maximal Matching can be solved in polynomial time for 2K22K_2-free graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure