22,999 research outputs found

    Learning, Generalization, and Functional Entropy in Random Automata Networks

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    It has been shown \citep{broeck90:physicalreview,patarnello87:europhys} that feedforward Boolean networks can learn to perform specific simple tasks and generalize well if only a subset of the learning examples is provided for learning. Here, we extend this body of work and show experimentally that random Boolean networks (RBNs), where both the interconnections and the Boolean transfer functions are chosen at random initially, can be evolved by using a state-topology evolution to solve simple tasks. We measure the learning and generalization performance, investigate the influence of the average node connectivity KK, the system size NN, and introduce a new measure that allows to better describe the network's learning and generalization behavior. We show that the connectivity of the maximum entropy networks scales as a power-law of the system size NN. Our results show that networks with higher average connectivity KK (supercritical) achieve higher memorization and partial generalization. However, near critical connectivity, the networks show a higher perfect generalization on the even-odd task

    Complex Networks

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    Introduction to the Special Issue on Complex Networks, Artificial Life journal.Comment: 7 pages, in pres

    Context-aware Dynamic Discovery and Configuration of 'Things' in Smart Environments

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a dynamic global information network consisting of Internet-connected objects, such as RFIDs, sensors, actuators, as well as other instruments and smart appliances that are becoming an integral component of the future Internet. Currently, such Internet-connected objects or `things' outnumber both people and computers connected to the Internet and their population is expected to grow to 50 billion in the next 5 to 10 years. To be able to develop IoT applications, such `things' must become dynamically integrated into emerging information networks supported by architecturally scalable and economically feasible Internet service delivery models, such as cloud computing. Achieving such integration through discovery and configuration of `things' is a challenging task. Towards this end, we propose a Context-Aware Dynamic Discovery of {Things} (CADDOT) model. We have developed a tool SmartLink, that is capable of discovering sensors deployed in a particular location despite their heterogeneity. SmartLink helps to establish the direct communication between sensor hardware and cloud-based IoT middleware platforms. We address the challenge of heterogeneity using a plug in architecture. Our prototype tool is developed on an Android platform. Further, we employ the Global Sensor Network (GSN) as the IoT middleware for the proof of concept validation. The significance of the proposed solution is validated using a test-bed that comprises 52 Arduino-based Libelium sensors.Comment: Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Smart Environments, Studies in Computational Intelligence book series, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 201

    Neural Networks retrieving Boolean patterns in a sea of Gaussian ones

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines are key tools in Machine Learning and are described by the energy function of bipartite spin-glasses. From a statistical mechanical perspective, they share the same Gibbs measure of Hopfield networks for associative memory. In this equivalence, weights in the former play as patterns in the latter. As Boltzmann machines usually require real weights to be trained with gradient descent like methods, while Hopfield networks typically store binary patterns to be able to retrieve, the investigation of a mixed Hebbian network, equipped with both real (e.g., Gaussian) and discrete (e.g., Boolean) patterns naturally arises. We prove that, in the challenging regime of a high storage of real patterns, where retrieval is forbidden, an extra load of Boolean patterns can still be retrieved, as long as the ratio among the overall load and the network size does not exceed a critical threshold, that turns out to be the same of the standard Amit-Gutfreund-Sompolinsky theory. Assuming replica symmetry, we study the case of a low load of Boolean patterns combining the stochastic stability and Hamilton-Jacobi interpolating techniques. The result can be extended to the high load by a non rigorous but standard replica computation argument.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur
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