22 research outputs found

    CloudScent: a model for code smell analysis in open-source cloud

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    The low cost and rapid provisioning capabilities have made open-source cloud a desirable platform to launch industrial applications. However, as open-source cloud moves towards maturity, it still suffers from quality issues like code smells. Although, a great emphasis has been provided on the economic benefits of deploying open-source cloud, low importance has been provided to improve the quality of the source code of the cloud itself to ensure its maintainability in the industrial scenario. Code refactoring has been associated with improving the maintenance and understanding of software code by removing code smells. However, analyzing what smells are more prevalent in cloud environment and designing a tool to define and detect those smells require further attention. In this paper, we propose a model called CloudScent which is an open source mechanism to detect smells in open-source cloud. We test our experiments in a real-life cloud environment using OpenStack. Results show that CloudScent is capable of accurately detecting 8 code smells in cloud. This will permit cloud service providers with advanced knowledge about the smells prevalent in open-source cloud platform, thus allowing for timely code refactoring and improving code quality of the cloud platforms

    Generic Home Automation System Using IoT Gateway Based on Wi-Fi and ant+ Sensor Network

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    This research article explores the use of internet of things (IoT) technology in home automation, including cloud computing and sensor networks to improve quality of life, and the increasing affordability through mobile connectivity. In this proposed smart home system, our main objective is to build a home automation system for the common consumer, which can help him to use home appliances with confidence and control at a low cost. The paper describes the building of an IoT gateway using the ANT multi-hop wireless network protocol and the Wi-Fi protocol, specifically utilizing the nRF24L01 and Esp8266 chips. Various sensor nodes, such as a water tank level sensor, human presence sensor, smart LED door sensor, and smart switch, will be integrated into the system. The main goal of the research is to develop an affordable solution for smart home technology for everyday consumers

    A Rapid Review of Clustering Algorithms

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    Clustering algorithms aim to organize data into groups or clusters based on the inherent patterns and similarities within the data. They play an important role in today's life, such as in marketing and e-commerce, healthcare, data organization and analysis, and social media. Numerous clustering algorithms exist, with ongoing developments introducing new ones. Each algorithm possesses its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and as of now, there is no universally applicable algorithm for all tasks. In this work, we analyzed existing clustering algorithms and classify mainstream algorithms across five different dimensions: underlying principles and characteristics, data point assignment to clusters, dataset capacity, predefined cluster numbers and application area. This classification facilitates researchers in understanding clustering algorithms from various perspectives and helps them identify algorithms suitable for solving specific tasks. Finally, we discussed the current trends and potential future directions in clustering algorithms. We also identified and discussed open challenges and unresolved issues in the field.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Impact of Accounting Information System on Performance of Vietnamese Construction Enterprises

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    Purpose: The article analyzes the impact of the accounting information system on the performance of Vietnamese construction enterprises, providing more empirical evidence on the impact of the accounting information system to the performance of Vietnamese construction enterprises.   Theoretical framework: This paper uses Organizational information processing theory, Situation theory, System Theory.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The research method uses a questionnaire survey of accountants, chief accountants, business managers. Firm Performance, AIS Availability, AIS Security and Integrity, AIS Confidentiality and Privacy, AIS System Quality measured on a five-point Likert scale Very good, good, moderate, not good, weak.   Findings: Research results show that AIS Availability, AIS Security and Integrity, AIS Confidentiality and Privacy, AIS System Quality has a positive impact on the performance of Vietnamese construction enterprises.   Research,  Practical   &   Social   implications: Based on the research results, the author has proposed recommendations to improve the performance of construction enterprises in Vietnam.   Originality/Value: This study fills the gap in the the the impact of the accounting information system on the performance of Vietnamese construction enterprises

    Проектування навчальних об'єктів доповненої реальності

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    Статья посвящена проблеме проектирования и разработки учебных объектов дополненной реальности для их дальнейшего использования в традиционном, мобильном и комбинированном обучении. Охарактеризовано понятие учебного объекта дополненной реальности, определена его роль в организации традиционного, мобильного и комбинированного обучения, предложена модель организации доступа к учебным объектам дополненной реальности, рассмотрены основные подходы к их проектированию и реализации. В качестве инструмента разработки учебных объектов дополненной реальности предложено использовать мобильное приложение BlippAR и веб-сервис BlippBuilder. Описаны функционал данных программ и основные этапы работы с ними. Приведены примеры использования учебных объектов дополненной реальности в обучении студентов различных специальностей.The article is devoted to the problem of designing and developing of augmented reality learning objects for their further use in traditional, mobile and blended learning. The concept of an augmented reality learning object, its role in the organization of traditional, mobile and blended learning, the model of access to augmented reality learning objects, as well as basic approaches to their design and implementation are characterized. The BlippAR mobile application and BlippBuilder web service are proposed as a tool for developing augmented reality learning objects. The functional of these programs and the main stages of their using are described. In addition the examples of applying of augmented reality learning objects in training of students of various specialties are given.Статтю присвячено проблемі проектування та розробки навчальних об'єктів доповненої реальності для їх подальшого використання в традиційному, мобільному та комбінованому навчанні. Охарактеризовано поняття навчального об'єкта доповненої реальності, визначена його роль в організації традиційного, мобільного та комбінованого навчання, запропонована модель організації доступу до навчальних об'єктів доповненої реальності, розглянуті основні підходи до їх проектування і реалізації. Як інструмент розробки навчальних об'єктів доповненої реальності запропоновано використовувати мобільний додаток BlippAR і веб-сервіс BlippBuilder. Описано функціонал цих програм і основні етапи роботи з ними. Наведені приклади використання навчальних об'єктів доповненої реальності в навчанні студентів різних спеціальностей

    Sentiment Analysis in Digital Spaces: An Overview of Reviews

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    Sentiment analysis (SA) is commonly applied to digital textual data, revealing insight into opinions and feelings. Many systematic reviews have summarized existing work, but often overlook discussions of validity and scientific practices. Here, we present an overview of reviews, synthesizing 38 systematic reviews, containing 2,275 primary studies. We devise a bespoke quality assessment framework designed to assess the rigor and quality of systematic review methodologies and reporting standards. Our findings show diverse applications and methods, limited reporting rigor, and challenges over time. We discuss how future research and practitioners can address these issues and highlight their importance across numerous applications.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables, 3 appendice