1,740 research outputs found

    (Mis)computation in Computational Psychiatry

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    An adequate explication of miscomputation should do justice to relevant practices in the computational sciences. While philosophers of computation have neglected scientific practices outside computer science, here I focus on computational psychiatry. I argue that computational psychiatrists use a concept of miscomputation in their explanations, and that this concept should be explicated as interest-relative and perspectival, alt-hough non-arbitrary, relatively clear-cut, experimentally evaluable, and instrumentally useful. To the extent my argument is convincing, we should reconsider the general adequacy of the mechanistic view of computation for illuminating relevant methodological and explanatory practices in the computational sciences

    (Mis)computation in Computational Psychiatry

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    An adequate explication of miscomputation should do justice to the practices involved in the computational sciences. As relevant practices outside computer science have been overlooked, I begin to fill this gap by distinguishing different notions of miscomputation in computational psychiatry. I argue that a satisfactory explication of miscomputation in computational psychiatry should be grounded in the semantic view of computation, rather than in the mechanistic view. To the extent my argument is convincing, we should reconsider the adequacy of the mechanistic view of computation for illuminating some methodological and explanatory practices in computational cognitive neuroscience, as well as for individuating biological computing systems

    (Mis)computation in Computational Psychiatry

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    An adequate explication of miscomputation should do justice to relevant practices in the computational sciences. While philosophers of computation have neglected scientific practices outside computer science, here I focus on computational psychiatry. I argue that computational psychiatrists use a concept of miscomputation in their explanations, and that this concept should be explicated as interest-relative and perspectival, alt-hough non-arbitrary, relatively clear-cut, experimentally evaluable, and instrumentally useful. To the extent my argument is convincing, we should reconsider the general adequacy of the mechanistic view of computation for illuminating relevant methodological and explanatory practices in the computational sciences

    Computational Phenotyping in Psychiatry: A Worked Example

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    Computational psychiatry is a rapidly emerging field that uses model-based quantities to infer the behavioral and neuronal abnormalities that underlie psychopathology. If successful, this approach promises key insights into (pathological) brain function as well as a more mechanistic and quantitative approach to psychiatric nosology-structuring therapeutic interventions and predicting response and relapse. The basic procedure in computational psychiatry is to build a computational model that formalizes a behavioral or neuronal process. Measured behavioral (or neuronal) responses are then used to infer the model parameters of a single subject or a group of subjects. Here, we provide an illustrative overview over this process, starting from the modeling of choice behavior in a specific task, simulating data, and then inverting that model to estimate group effects. Finally, we illustrate cross-validation to assess whether between-subject variables (e.g., diagnosis) can be recovered successfully. Our worked example uses a simple two-step maze task and a model of choice behavior based on (active) inference and Markov decision processes. The procedural steps and routines we illustrate are not restricted to a specific field of research or particular computational model but can, in principle, be applied in many domains of computational psychiatry

    Computational psychiatry: from synapses to sentience

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    This review considers computational psychiatry from a particular viewpoint: namely, a commitment to explaining psychopathology in terms of pathophysiology. It rests on the notion of a generative model as underwriting (i) sentient processing in the brain, and (ii) the scientific process in psychiatry. The story starts with a view of the brain-from cognitive and computational neuroscience-as an organ of inference and prediction. This offers a formal description of neuronal message passing, distributed processing and belief propagation in neuronal networks; and how certain kinds of dysconnection lead to aberrant belief updating and false inference. The dysconnections in question can be read as a pernicious synaptopathy that fits comfortably with formal notions of how we-or our brains-encode uncertainty or its complement, precision. It then considers how the ensuing process theories are tested empirically, with an emphasis on the computational modelling of neuronal circuits and synaptic gain control that mediates attentional set, active inference, learning and planning. The opportunities afforded by this sort of modelling are considered in light of in silico experiments; namely, computational neuropsychology, computational phenotyping and the promises of a computational nosology for psychiatry. The resulting survey of computational approaches is not scholarly or exhaustive. Rather, its aim is to review a theoretical narrative that is emerging across subdisciplines within psychiatry and empirical scales of investigation. These range from epilepsy research to neurodegenerative disorders; from post-traumatic stress disorder to the management of chronic pain, from schizophrenia to functional medical symptoms

    Current status, challenges and future prospects in computational psychiatry: a narrative review

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    BACKGROUND: Computational psychiatry is an area of scientific knowledge which lies at the intersection of neuroscience, psychiatry, and computer science. It employs mathematical models and computational simulations to shed light on the complexities inherent to mental disorders. AIM: The aim of this narrative review is to offer insight into the current landscape of computational psychiatry, to discuss its significant challenges, as well as the potential opportunities for the fields growth. METHODS: The authors have carried out a narrative review of the scientific literature published on the topic of computational psychiatry. The literature search was performed in the PubMed, eLibrary, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar databases. A descriptive analysis was used to summarize the published information on the theoretical and practical aspects of computational psychiatry. RESULTS: The article relates the development of the scientific approach in computational psychiatry since the mid-1980s. The data on the practical application of computational psychiatry in modeling psychiatric disorders and explaining the mechanisms of how psychopathological symptomatology develops (in schizophrenia, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance use disorders) are summarized. Challenges, limitations, and the prospects of computational psychiatry are discussed. CONCLUSION: The capacity of current computational technologies in psychiatry has reached a stage where its integration into psychiatric practice is not just feasible but urgently needed. The hurdles that now need to be addressed are no longer rooted in technological advancement, but in ethics, education, and understanding

    Visual attention deficits in schizophrenia can arise from inhibitory dysfunction in thalamus or cortex

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    Schizophrenia is associated with diverse cognitive deficits, including disorders of attention-related oculomotor behavior. At the structural level, schizophrenia is associated with abnormal inhibitory control in the circuit linking cortex and thalamus. We developed a spiking neural network model that demonstrates how dysfunctional inhibition can degrade attentive gaze control. Our model revealed that perturbations of two functionally distinct classes of cortical inhibitory neurons, or of the inhibitory thalamic reticular nucleus, disrupted processing vital for sustained attention to a stimulus, leading to distractibility. Because perturbation at each circuit node led to comparable but qualitatively distinct disruptions in attentive tracking or fixation, our findings support the search for new eye movement metrics that may index distinct underlying neural defects. Moreover, because the cortico-thalamic circuit is a common motif across sensory, association, and motor systems, the model and extensions can be broadly applied to study normal function and the neural bases of other cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.R01 MH057414 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 MH101209 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 NS024760 - NINDS NIH HHSPublished versio
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