53 research outputs found

    Shooting the information rapids

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    Terms such as 'navigation' and 'information orienteering' have been applied to users working in large information spaces such as the Web or digital libraries. Such terms – and their descriptions – imply that the user is in control of the interaction, moving deliberately through the information space. In practice, as recognised in the work on situated cognition, users often behave much more reactively than this, responding to external stimuli in a fluid way. In this paper we report on user behaviour when interacting with a collection of digital libraries, focusing particularly on situations where users were switching between multiple windows

    The Impact of Sentiment Analysis Output on Decision Outcomes: An Empirical Evaluation

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    User-generated online content serves as a source of product- and service-related information that reduces the uncertainty in consumer decision making, yet the abundance of such content makes it prohibitively costly to use all relevant information. Dealing with this (big data) problem requires a consumer to decide what subset of information to focus on. Peer-generated star ratings are excellent tools for one to decide what subset of information to focus on as they indicate a review’s “tone”. However, star ratings are not available for all user-generated content and not detailed enough in other cases. Sentiment analysis, a text-analytic technique that automatically detects the polarity of text, provides sentiment scores that are comparable to, and potentially more refined than, star ratings. Despite its popularity as an active topic in analytics research, sentiment analysis outcomes have not been evaluated through rigorous user studies. We fill that gap by investigating the impact of sentiment scores on purchase decisions through a controlled experiment using 100 participants. The results suggest that, consistent with the effort-accuracy trade off and effort-minimization concepts, sentiment scores on review documents improve the efficiency (speed) of purchase decisions without significantly affecting decision effectiveness (confidence)

    An evaluation of semantic fisheye views for opportunistic search in an annotated image collection

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    Visual interfaces are potentially powerful tools for users to explore a representation of a collection and opportunistically discover information that will guide them toward relevant documents. Semantic fisheye views (SFEVs) are focus + context visualization techniques that manage visual complexity by selectively emphasizing and increasing the detail of information related to the user's focus and deemphasizing or filtering less important information. In this paper we describe a prototype for visualizing an annotated image collection and an experiment to compare the effectiveness of two distinctly different SFEVs for a complex opportunistic search task. The first SFEV calculates relevance based on keyword-content similarity and the second based on conceptual relationships between images derived using WordNet. The results of the experiment suggest that semantic-guided search is significantly more effective than similarity-guided search for discovering and using domain knowledge in a collectio

    Examining the Influence of Saliency in Mobile Interface Displays

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    Designers spend more resources to develop better mobile experiences today than ever before. Researchers commonly use visual search efficiency as a usability measure to determine the time or effort it takes someone to perform a task. Previous research has shown that a computational visual saliency model can predict attentional deployment in stationary desktop displays. Designers can use this salience awareness to co-locate important task information with higher salience regions. Research has shown that placing targets in higher salience regions in this way improves interface efficiency. However, researchers have not tested the model in key mobile technology design dimensions such as small displays and touch screens. In two studies, we examined the influence of saliency in a mobile application interface. In the first study, we explored a saliency model’s ability to predict fixations in small mobile interfaces at three different display sizes under free-viewing conditions. In the second study, we examined the influence that visual saliency had on search efficiency while participants completed a directed search for either an interface element associated with high or low salience. We recorded reaction time to touch the targeted element on the tablet. We experimentally blocked high and low saliency interactions and subjectively measured cognitive workload. We found that a saliency model predicted fixations. In the search task, participants found highly salient targets about 900 milliseconds faster than low salient targets. Interestingly, participants did not perceive a lighter cognitive workload associated with the increase in search efficiency

    VisIRR: Interactive Visual Information Retrieval and Recommendation for Large-scale Document Data

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    Research areas: Machine learning, Data mining, Information visualization, Visual analytics, Text visualization.We present a visual analytics system called VisIRR, which is an interactive visual information retrieval and recommendation system for document discovery. VisIRR effectively combines both paradigms of passive pull through a query processes for retrieval and active push that recommends the items of potential interest based on the user preferences. Equipped with efficient dynamic query interfaces for a large corpus of document data, VisIRR visualizes the retrieved documents in a scatter plot form with their overall topic clusters. At the same time, based on interactive personalized preference feedback on documents, VisIRR provides recommended documents reaching out to the entire corpus beyond the retrieved sets. Such recommended documents are represented in the same scatter space of the retrieved documents so that users can perform integrated analyses of both retrieved and recommended documents seamlessly. We describe the state-of-the-art computational methods that make these integrated and informative representations as well as real time interaction possible. We illustrate the way the system works by using detailed usage scenarios. In addition, we present a preliminary user study that evaluates the effectiveness of the system
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