12 research outputs found

    Simple Embedding-Based Word Sense Disambiguation

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    We present a simple knowledge-based WSD method that uses word and sense embeddings to compute the similarity between the gloss of a sense and the context of the word. Our method is inspired by the Lesk algorithm as it exploits both the context of the words and the definitions of the senses. It only requires large unlabeled corpora and a sense inventory such as WordNet, and therefore does not rely on annotated data. We explore whether additional extensions to Lesk are compatible with our method. The results of our experiments show that by lexically extending the amount of words in the gloss and context, although it works well for other implementations of Lesk, harms our method. Using a lexical selection method on the context words, on the other hand, improves it. The combination of our method with lexical selection enables our method to outperform state-of the art knowledge-based systems

    Simple Embedding-Based Word Sense Disambiguation

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    Simple Embedding-Based Word Sense Disambiguation

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    A large corpus of product reviews in Portuguese: tackling out-of-vocabulary words

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    Web 2.0 has allowed a never imagined communication boom. With the widespread use of computational and mobile devices, anyone, in practically any language, may post comments in the web. As such, formal language is not necessarily used. In fact, in these communicative situations, language is marked by the absence of more complex syntactic structures and the presence of internet slang, with missing diacritics, repetitions of vowels, and the use of chat-speak style abbreviations, emoticons and colloquial expressions. Such language use poses severe new challenges for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and applications, which, so far, have focused on well-written texts. In this work, we report the construction of a large web corpus of product reviews in Brazilian Portuguese and the analysis of its lexical phenomena, which support the development of a lexical normalization tool for, in future work, subsidizing the use of standard NLP products for web opinion mining and summarization purposes.University of São PauloSamsung Eletrônica da Amazônia LtdaFAPESPCNP


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    In today´s world, organizations conduct technology assessment (TAS) prior to decision making about investments in existing, emerging, and hot technologies to avoid costly mistakes and survive in the hyper-competitive business environment. Relying on web search engines in looking for relevant information for TAS processes, decision makers face abundant unstructured information that limit their ability to assess technologies within a reasonable time frame. Thus the following qustion arises: how to extract valuable TAS knowledge from a diverse corpus of textual data on the web? To cope with this qustion, this paper presents a web-based model and tool for knowledge mapping. The proposed knowledge maps are constructed on the basis of a novel method of co-word analysis, based on webometric web counts and a temporal trend detection algorithm which employs the vector space model (VSM). The approach is demonstrated and validated for a spectrum of information technologies. Results show that the research model assessments are highly correlated with subjective expert (n=136) assessment (r \u3e 0.91), and with predictive validity valu above 85%. Thus, it seems safe to assume that this work can probably be generalized to other domains. The model contribution is emphasized by the current growing attention to the big-data phenomenon

    Distributional Lesk: Effective Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation

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    We propose a simple, yet effective, Word Sense Disambiguation method that uses a combinationof a lexical knowledge-base and embeddings. Similar to the classic Lesk algorithm, it exploits the idea that overlap between the context of a word and the definition of its senses provides information on its meaning. Instead of counting the number of words that overlap, we use embeddings to compute the similarity between the gloss of a sense and the context. Evaluation on both Dutch and English datasets shows that our method outperforms other Lesk methods and improves upon a state-of-theart knowledge-based system. Additional experiments confirm the effect of the use of glosses and indicate that our approach works well in different domains.<br/

    Semantic Relevance Analysis of Subject-Predicate-Object (SPO) Triples

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    The goal of this thesis is to explore and integrate several existing measurements for ranking the relevance of a set of subject-predicate-object (SPO) triples to a given concept. As we are inundated with information from multiple sources on the World-Wide-Web, SPO similarity measures play a progressively important role in information extraction, information retrieval, document clustering and ontology learning. This thesis is applied in the Cyber Security Domain for identifying and understanding the factors and elements of sociopolitical events relevant to cyberattacks. Our efforts are towards developing an algorithm that begins with an analysis of news articles by taking into account the semantic information and word order information in the SPOs extracted from the articles. The semantic cohesiveness of a user provided concept and the extracted SPOs will then be calculated using semantic similarity measures derived from 1) structured lexical databases; and 2) our own corpus statistics. The use of a lexical database will enable our method to model human common sense knowledge, while the incorporation of our own corpus statistics allows our method to be adaptable to the Cyber Security domain. The model can be extended to other domains by simply changing the local corpus. The integration of different measures will help us triangulate the ranking of SPOs from multiple dimensions of semantic cohesiveness. Our results are compared to rankings gathered from surveys of human users, where each respondent ranks a list of SPO based on their common knowledge and understanding of the relevance evaluations to a given concept. The comparison demonstrates that our integrated SPO similarity ranking scheme closely reflects the human common sense knowledge in a specific domain it addresses

    B-splines in EMD and Graph Theory in Pattern Recognition

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    With the development of science and technology, a large amount of data is waiting for further scientific exploration. We can always build up some good mathematical models based on the given data to analyze and solve the real life problems. In this work, we propose three types of mathematical models for different applications.;In chapter 1, we use Bspline based EMD to analysis nonlinear and no-stationary signal data. A new idea about the boundary extension is introduced and applied to the Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) algorithm. Instead of the traditional mirror extension on the boundary, we propose a ratio extension on the boundary.;In chapter 2 we propose a weighted directed multigraph for text pattern recognition. We set up a weighted directed multigraph model using the distances between the keywords as the weights of arcs. We then developed a keyword-frequency-distance-based algorithm which not only utilizes the frequency information of keywords but also their ordering information.;In chapter 3, we propose a centrality guided clustering method. Different from traditional methods which choose a center of a cluster randomly, we start clustering from a LEADER - a vertex with highest centrality score, and a new member is added into an existing community if the new vertex meet some criteria and the new community with the new vertex maintain a certain density.;In chapter 4, we define a new graph optimization problem which is called postman tour with minimum route-pair cost. And we model the DNA sequence assembly problem as the postman tour with minimum route-pair cost problem