395 research outputs found

    Automatic differentiation of non-holonomic fast marching for computing most threatening trajectories under sensors surveillance

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    We consider a two player game, where a first player has to install a surveillance system within an admissible region. The second player needs to enter the the monitored area, visit a target region, and then leave the area, while minimizing his overall probability of detection. Both players know the target region, and the second player knows the surveillance installation details.Optimal trajectories for the second player are computed using a recently developed variant of the fast marching algorithm, which takes into account curvature constraints modeling the second player vehicle maneuverability. The surveillance system optimization leverages a reverse-mode semi-automatic differentiation procedure, estimating the gradient of the value function related to the sensor location in time N log N

    Knot Flow Classification and its Applications in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET)

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    Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) play a crucial role in the identification and mitigation for attacks on host systems. Of these systems, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are difficult to protect due to the dynamic nature of their clients and their necessity for constant interaction with their respective cyber-physical systems. Currently, there is a need for a VANET-specific IDS that meets this criterion. To this end, a spline-based intrusion detection system has been pioneered as a solution. By combining clustering with spline-based general linear model classification, this knot flow classification method (KFC) allows for robust intrusion detection to occur. Due its design and the manner it is constructed, KFC holds great potential for implementation across a distributed system. The purpose of this thesis was to explain and extrapolate the afore mentioned IDS, highlight its effectiveness, and discuss the conceptual design of the distributed system for use in future research

    Application of Machine Learning Approaches in Intrusion Detection System

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    The rapid development of technology reveals several safety concerns for making life more straightforward. The advance of the Internet over the years has increased the number of attacks on the Internet. The IDS is one supporting layer for data protection. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) offers a healthy market climate and prevents misgivings in the network. Recently, IDS is used to recognize and distinguish safety risks using Machine Learning (ML). This paper proposed a comparative analysis of the different ML algorithms used in IDS and aims to identify intrusions with SVM, J48, and Naive Bayes. Intrusion is also classified. Work with the KDD-CUP data set, and their performance has checked with the Weak software. In comparison of techniques such as J48, SVM and Naïve Bayes showed that the accuracy of j48 is the higher one which was (99.96%)

    A Convolutional Neural Network for Network Intrusion Detection System

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    System administrators can benefit from deploying Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) to find potential security breaches. However, security attacks tend to be unpredictable. There are many challenges to develop a flexible and effective NIDS in order to prevent high false alarm rates and low detection accuracy against unknown attacks. In this paper, we propose a deep learning method to implement an effective and flexible NIDS. We used a convolutional neural network (CNN), an advanced deep learning technique, on NSL-KDD, a benchmark dataset for network intrusion. Our experimental results of a 99.79% detection rate when compared against the NSL-KDD test dataset show that CNNs can be applied as a learning method for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs)

    Application of bagging, boosting and stacking to intrusion detection

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    This paper investigates the possibility of using ensemble algorithms to improve the performance of network intrusion detection systems. We use an ensemble of three different methods, bagging, boosting and stacking, in order to improve the accuracy and reduce the false positive rate. We use four different data mining algorithms, naïve bayes, J48 (decision tree), JRip (rule induction) and iBK( nearest neighbour), as base classifiers for those ensemble methods. Our experiment shows that the prototype which implements four base classifiers and three ensemble algorithms achieves an accuracy of more than 99% in detecting known intrusions, but failed to detect novel intrusions with the accuracy rates of around just 60%. The use of bagging, boosting and stacking is unable to significantly improve the accuracy. Stacking is the only method that was able to reduce the false positive rate by a significantly high amount (46.84%); unfortunately, this method has the longest execution time and so is insufficient to implement in the intrusion detection fiel
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