15 research outputs found

    Algebraic estimation in partial derivatives systems: parameters and differentiation problems

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    International audienceTwo goals are sought in this paper: namely, to provide a succinct overview on algebraic techniques for numerical differentiation and parameter estimation for linear systems and to present novel algebraic methods in the case of several variables. The state-of-art in the introduction is followed by a brief description of the methodology in the subsequent sections. Our new algebraic methods are illustrated by two examples in the multidimensional case. Some algebraic preliminaries are given in the appendix

    On the Ore extension ring of differential time-varying delay operators

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    International audienceIn this work, we propose an algebraic method to study linear differential time-varying delay (DTVD) systems. Our goal is to give an effective construction of the ring of DTVD operators as an Ore extension, thanks to the concept of skew polynomial rings developed by Ore in the 30s. Some algebraic properties of the DTVD operators ring are analyzed, such as its Noetherianity, its homological and Krull dimensions, and the existence of Gröbner bases, all given in terms of the time-varying delay function. The algebraic analysis framework for linear systems theory allows us to study linear DTVD systems and essential properties such as the existence of autonomous elements, controllability, parametrizability, flatness, etc., through methods coming from module theory, homological algebra, and constructive algebra

    A constructive study of the module structure of rings of partial differential operators

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop constructive versions of Stafford's theorems on the module structure of Weyl algebras A n (k) (i.e., the rings of partial differential operators with polynomial coefficients) over a base field k of characteristic zero. More generally, based on results of Stafford and Coutinho-Holland, we develop constructive versions of Stafford's theorems for very simple domains D. The algorithmization is based on the fact that certain inhomogeneous quadratic equations admit solutions in a very simple domain. We show how to explicitly compute a unimodular element of a finitely generated left D-module of rank at least two. This result is used to constructively decompose any finitely generated left D-module into a direct sum of a free left D-module and a left D-module of rank at most one. If the latter is torsion-free, then we explicitly show that it is isomorphic to a left ideal of D which can be generated by two elements. Then, we give an algorithm which reduces the number of generators of a finitely presented left D-module with module of relations of rank at least two. In particular, any finitely generated torsion left D-module can be generated by two elements and is the homomorphic image of a projective ideal whose construction is explicitly given. Moreover, a non-torsion but non-free left D-module of rank r can be generated by r+1 elements but no fewer. These results are implemented in the Stafford package for D=A n (k) and their system-theoretical interpretations are given within a D-module approach. Finally, we prove that the above results also hold for the ring of ordinary differential operators with either formal power series or locally convergent power series coefficients and, using a result of Caro-Levcovitz, also for the ring of partial differential operators with coefficients in the field of fractions of the ring of formal power series or of the ring of locally convergent power series. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media

    Une approche par l’analyse algĂ©brique effectivedes systĂšmes linĂ©aires sur des algĂšbres de Ore

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a survey on the effective algebraic analysis approach to linear systems theory with applications to control theory and mathematical physics. In particular, we show how the combination of effective methods of computer algebra - based on Gröbner basis techniques over a class of noncommutative polynomial rings of functional operators called Ore algebras - and constructive aspects of module theory and homological algebra enables the characterization of structural properties of linear functional systems. Algorithms are given and a dedicated implementation, called OreAlgebraicAnalysis, based on the Mathematica package HolonomicFunctions, is demonstrated.Le but de ce papier est de prĂ©senter un Ă©tat de l’art d’une approche par l’analyse algĂ©brique effective de la thĂ©orie des systĂšmes linĂ©aires avec des applications Ă  la thĂ©orie du contrĂŽle et Ă  la physique mathĂ©matique.En particulier, nous montrons comment la combinaison des mĂ©thodes effectives de calcul formel - basĂ©es sur lestechniques de bases de Gröbner sur une classe d’algĂšbres polynomiales noncommutatives d’opĂ©rateurs fonctionnels appelĂ©e algĂšbres de Ore - et d’aspects constructifs de thĂ©orie des modules et d’algĂšbre homologique permet lacaractĂ©risation de propriĂ©tĂ©s structurelles des systĂšmes linĂ©aires fonctionnels. Des algorithmes sont donnĂ©s et uneimplĂ©mentation dĂ©diĂ©e, appelĂ©e OREALGEBRAICANALYSIS, basĂ©e sur le package Mathematica HOLONOMIC-FUNCTIONS, est prĂ©sentĂ©