1,701 research outputs found

    Abnormal ECG search in long-term electrocardiographic recordings from an animal model of heart failure

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    Heart failure is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Five million Americans suffer from heart failure. Advances in portable electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring systems and large data storage space allow the ECG to be recorded continuously for long periods. Long-term monitoring could potentially lead to better diagnosis and treatment if the progression of heart failure could be followed. The challenge is to analyze the sheer mass of data. Manual analysis using the classical methods is impossible. In this dissertation, a framework for analysis of long-term ECG recording and methods for searching an abnormal ECG are presented.;The data used in this research were collected from an animal model of heart failure. Chronic heart failure was gradually induced in rats by aldosterone infusion and a high Na and low Mg diet. The ECG was continuously recorded during the experimental period of 11-12 weeks through radiotelemetry. The ECG leads were placed subcutaneously in lead-II configuration. In the end, there were 80 GB of data from five animals. Besides the massive amount of data, noise and artifacts also caused problems in the analysis.;The framework includes data preparation, ECG beat detection, EMG noise detection, baseline fluctuation removal, ECG template generation, feature extraction, and abnormal ECG search. The raw data was converted from its original format and stored in a database for data retrieval. The beat detection technique was improved from the original algorithm so that it was less sensitive to signal baseline jump and more sensitive to beat size variation. A method for estimating a parameter required for baseline fluctuation removal is proposed. It provides a good result on test signals. A new algorithm for EMG noise detection was developed using morphological filters and moving variance. The resulting sensitivity and specificity are 94% and 100%, respectively. A procedure for ECG template generation was proposed to capture gradual change in ECG morphology and manage the matching process if numerous ECG templates are created. RR intervals and heart rate variability parameters are extracted and plotted to display progressive changes as heart failure develops. In the abnormal ECG search, premature ventricular complexes, elevated ST segment, and split-R-wave ECG are considered. New features are extracted from ECG morphology. The Fisher linear discriminant analysis is used to classify the normal and abnormal ECG. The results provide classification rate, sensitivity, and specificity of 97.35%, 96.02%, and 98.91%, respectively

    A Review of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Methods as a Service

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a common heart arrhythmia that often goes undetected, and even if it is detected, managing the condition may be challenging. In this paper, we review how the RR interval and Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, incorporated into a monitoring system, can be useful to track AF events. Were such an automated system to be implemented, it could be used to help manage AF and thereby reduce patient morbidity and mortality. The main impetus behind the idea of developing a service is that a greater data volume analyzed can lead to better patient outcomes. Based on the literature review, which we present herein, we introduce the methods that can be used to detect AF efficiently and automatically via the RR interval and ECG signals. A cardiovascular disease monitoring service that incorporates one or multiple of these detection methods could extend event observation to all times, and could therefore become useful to establish any AF occurrence. The development of an automated and efficient method that monitors AF in real time would likely become a key component for meeting public health goals regarding the reduction of fatalities caused by the disease. Yet, at present, significant technological and regulatory obstacles remain, which prevent the development of any proposed system. Establishment of the scientific foundation for monitoring is important to provide effective service to patients and healthcare professionals

    Study on the non-linear metrics contribution to estimate atrial fibrillation organization from the surface electrocardiogram

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    [EN] Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most frequently diagnosed arrhythmia, characterized by an uncoordinated atrial electrical activation, thus causing the atria to be unable to pump blood effectively. The prevalence of AF is expected to increase significantly in the next decades as the population ages. However, both the knowledge and the treatment of this arrhythmia still have to experiment a significant progress. Previous studies have reported that AF organization, which can be defined as the repetitiveness degree of the atrial activity pattern, correlates with the arrhythmia status as well as with the therapy outcome. Thus, estimating AF organization from surface electrocardiographic (ECG) recordings constitutes a very interesting approach because ECG recordings are easy and cheap to obtain. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to assess the use of a variety of nonlinear indices in the estimation of AF organization from single-lead noninvasive ECG recordings. Apart from the most common noninvasive AF organization estimators, such as Sample Entropy (SampEn) and the dominant atrial frequency (DAF), the following nonlinear indices have been studied: Fuzzy Entropy, Spectral Entropy, Lempel-Ziv Complexity and Hurst Exponents. Moreover, since the presence of noise and ventricular residuals affects the performance of nonlinear methods, the application of a strategy aimed at reducing these nuisances has been evaluated. Therefore, the application of these metrics over the atrial activity fundamental waveform, named the main atrial wave (MAW), has been proposed. In this doctoral thesis, the following scenarios involving AF organization have been considered: the prediction of paroxysmal AF spontaneous termination, the study of the earlier signs anticipating AF termination and the classification between paroxysmal and persistent AF from short ECG recordings. Firstly, the performance of the studied metrics discriminating events related to AF organization was tested making use of a reference database aimed at predicting AF spontaneous termination. In this study, most of the proposed indices provided higher accuracy than traditional AF organization estimators. Accuracy values higher than 90% were obtained with several indices. In particular, the generalized Hurst exponents of order 1 and 2, H(1) and H(2), achieved outstanding results, thus being selected for later studies in this thesis. Furthermore, the computation of H(2) depends on two critical parameters, namely, the analyzed interval length (L) and the maximum search window for self-similarities (tau). Hence, a study with 660 combinations on these two parameters was performed, together with the sampling frequency (fs) of the recording, in order to obtain their optimal combination in computing AF organization. On the other hand, previous works analyzing the spontaneous termination of AF have been only focused on the last 2 minutes preceding the termination. In contrast, a different scenario considering longer recordings to detect the earlier signs anticipating paroxysmal AF termination has been analyzed for the first time in this thesis. H(2) was selected for the study because of its highest accuracy in AF termination prediction. Additionally, the DAF and SampEn were also computed as references. Through this study it has been corroborated that AF organization only varies significantly within the last 3 minutes before spontaneous termination. As a consequence, the early prediction of paroxysmal AF spontaneous termination does not seem feasible through the current signal analysis tools. Finally, H(2) was applied in the classification between paroxysmal and persistent AF from short ECG recordings, achieving a higher diagnostic accuracy than DAF and SampEn. This result suggests that the analysis of ambulatory ECG recordings through H(2) could be a future alternative to the use of Holter ECG recordings in the classification between paroxysmal and persistent AF.[ES] La fibrilación auricular (FA) es la arritmia más frecuente y se caracteriza por una actividad auricular descoordinada, que impide que las aurículas bombeen sangre de manera eficaz. Se espera que la prevalencia de la FA aumente significativamente en las próximas décadas debido al envejecimiento de la población. Sin embargo, tanto el conocimiento relativo a esta arritmia como su tratamiento son todavía mejorables. Estudios previos han relacionado la organización de la FA, que se puede definir como el grado de repetitividad de la actividad auricular, con el estado de la arritmia o su respuesta al tratamiento. Además, la estimación de la organización de la FA a partir de registros electrocardiográficos (ECG) de superficie resulta especialmente interesante porque su obtención es sencilla y barata. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es evaluar el uso de distintos índices no lineales para estimar la organización de la FA a partir del ECG. Además de los estimadores no invasivos de organización más comunes, como la entropía muestral (SampEn) y la frecuencia auricular dominante (DAF), se han estudiado los siguientes métodos no lineales: la entropía borrosa, la entropía espectral, la complejidad Lempel-Ziv y los exponentes de Hurst. Además, se ha estudiado el uso de una estrategia destinada a la reducción del ruido y los residuos de actividad ventricular para mejorar el desempeño de métodos no lineales. Así, los índices estudiados también se han aplicado sobre la forma de onda fundamental de la actividad auricular, conocida como la onda auricular principal (MAW). Se han considerado los siguientes escenarios relacionados con la organización de la FA: la predicción de la terminación espontánea de la FA paroxística, el estudio de los primeros indicios de terminación espontánea de la FA y la clasificación entre FA paroxística y FA persistente a partir de registros ECG de corta duración. Primero, se estudió la capacidad de los índices estudiados para distinguir eventos relacionados con la organización de la FA mediante el análisis de una base de datos de referencia para la predicción de su terminación espontánea. La mayoría de los índices propuestos consiguieron una mayor precisión que los estimadores tradicionales de organización. Así, varios de los índices obtuvieron una precisión superior al 90% en la predicción de la terminación espontánea de la FA. En particular, los exponentes de Hurst generalizados de orden 1 y 2, H(1) y H(2), lograron los mejores resultados de clasificación. Puesto que el cálculo de H(2) depende de dos parámetros críticos, la longitud del intervalo analizado (L) y el tamaño máximo de la ventana donde buscar similitudes (tau), se llevó a cabo un estudio con 660 combinaciones de esos dos parámetros junto con la frecuencia de muestreo (fs) del registro para determinar el uso óptimo de este índice. Por otra parte, los trabajos previos que han estudiado la terminación espontánea de la FA se han centrado en los últimos 2 minutos antes de la terminación. Por contra, en esta tesis doctoral se han estudiado por primera vez registros de mayor duración para detectar los primeros indicios de la terminación de la FA. Para ello, se eligió el uso de H(2) por su alta precisión en la predicción de la terminación de la FA. Además, la DAF y SampEn se calcularon como referencias. En este estudio se ha comprobado que la organización de la FA solamente presenta variaciones significativas en los últimos 3 minutos antes de su terminación espontánea. Por ello, la predicción temprana de la terminación no parece posible con los medios actuales de análisis de la señal. Por último, se aplicó H(2) para clasificar entre FA paroxística y FA persistente a partir de ECGs de corta duración, obteniendo una mayor precisión diagnóstica que la DAF y SampEn. Este resultado sugiere que el análisis de ECGs ambulatorios por medio de H(2) puede ser en el futuro una alte[CA] La fibril·lació auricular (FA) és l'arítmia més freqüent i es caracteritza per una activitat auricular descoordinada, que impedix que les aurícules bomben sang de manera eficaç. S'espera que la prevalença de la FA augmente significativament en les pròximes dècades a causa de l'envelliment de la població. No obstant això, tant el coneixement relatiu a esta arítmia com el seu tractament són encara millorables. Estudis previs han relacionat l'organització de la FA, que es pot definir com el grau de repetitivitat de l'activitat auricular, amb l'estat de l'arítmia o la seua resposta al tractament. A més, l'estimació de l'organització de la FA a partir de registres electrocardiogràfics (ECG) de superfície resulta especialment interessant perquè la seua obtenció és senzilla i barata. L'objectiu d'esta tesi doctoral és avaluar l'ús de distints índexs no lineals en l'estimació de l'organització de la FA a partir de l'ECG de superfície. A més dels estimadors no invasius d'organització més comuns, com l'entropia mostral (SampEn) i la freqüència auricular dominant (DAF), s'han estudiat els següents mètodes no lineals: l'entropia borrosa, l'entropia espectral, la complexitat Lempel-Ziv i els exponents de Hurst. A més, s'ha estudiat l'ús d'una estratègia destinada a la reducció del soroll i els residus d'activitat ventricular per a millorar la seua capacitat d'estimar l'organització. Així, doncs, els índexs estudiats també s'han aplicat sobre la forma d'onda fonamental de l'activitat auricular, coneguda com l'onda auricular principal (MAW). S'han considerat els següents escenaris relacionats amb l'organització de la FA: la predicció de la terminació espontània de la FA paroxística, l'estudi dels primers indicis de terminació espontània de la FA i la classificació entre FA paroxística i FA persistent a partir de registres ECG de curta duració. Primer, es va estudiar la capacitat dels índexs estudiats per a distingir esdeveniments relacionats amb l'organització de la FA per mitjà de l'anàlisi d'una base de dades de referència per a la predicció de la seua terminació espontània. La majoria dels índexs proposats van aconseguir una major precisió que els estimadors tradicionals d'organització de la FA. Així, alguns dels índexs van obtindre una precisió superior al 90% en la predicció de la terminació espontània de la FA. En particular, els exponents de Hurst generalitzats d'orde 1 i 2, H(1) i H(2), van aconseguir els millors resultats de classificació. Com el càlcul de H(2) depén de dos paràmetres crítics, la longitud de l'interval analitzat (L) i la grandària màxima de la finestra on buscar similituds (tau), es va dur a terme un estudi amb 660 combinacions d'eixos dos paràmetres junt amb la freqüència de mostratge (fs) del registre per a determinar la combinació òptima de valors per a estimar l'organització de la FA. D'altra banda, els treballs previs que han estudiat la terminació espontània de la FA s'han centrat en els últims 2 minuts abans de la terminació. Per contra, en esta tesi doctoral s'han estudiat per primera vegada registres de major duració amb l'objectiu de detectar els primers indicis de la terminació de la FA. Es va triar l'ús de H(2) per a este estudi per la seua alta precisió en la predicció de la terminació de la FA. A més, la DAF i SampEn es van calcular com a referències. En este estudi s'ha comprovat que l'organització de la FA només presenta variacions significatives en els últims 3 minuts abans de la seua terminació espontània. Per això, la predicció primerenca de la terminació no pareix possible amb els mitjans actuals d'anàlisi del senyal. Finalment, es va aplicar H(2) per a classificar entre FA paroxística i FA persistent a partir d'ECGs de curta duració, obtenint una millor precisió diagnòstica que amb la DAF i SampEn. Este resultat suggerix que l'anàlisi d'ECGs ambulatoris per mitjà de H(2) pot ser en eJulián Seguí, M. (2015). Study on the non-linear metrics contribution to estimate atrial fibrillation organization from the surface electrocardiogram [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/56150TESI

    Role of Editing of R–R Intervals in the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability

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    This paper reviews the methods used for editing of the R–R interval time series and how this editing can influence the results of heart rate (HR) variability analyses. Measurement of HR variability from short and long-term electrocardiographic (ECG) recordings is a non-invasive method for evaluating cardiac autonomic regulation. HR variability provides information about the sympathetic-parasympathetic autonomic balance. One important clinical application is the measurement of HR variability in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction. However, HR variability signals extracted from R–R interval time series from ambulatory ECG recordings often contain different amounts of artifact. These false beats can be either of physiological or technical origin. For instance, technical artifact may result from poorly fastened electrodes or be due to motion of the subject. Ectopic beats and atrial fibrillation are examples of physiological artifact. Since ectopic and other false beats are common in the R–R interval time series, they complicate the reliable analysis of HR variability sometimes making it impossible. In conjunction with the increased usage of HR variability analyses, several studies have confirmed the need for different approaches for handling false beats present in the R–R interval time series. The editing process for the R–R interval time series has become an integral part of these analyses. However, the published literature does not contain detailed reviews of editing methods and their impact on HR variability analyses. Several different editing and HR variability signal pre-processing methods have been introduced and tested for the artifact correction. There are several approaches available, i.e., use of methods involving deletion, interpolation or filtering systems. However, these editing methods can have different effects on HR variability measures. The effects of editing are dependent on the study setting, editing method, parameters used to assess HR variability, type of study population, and the length of R–R interval time series. The purpose of this paper is to summarize these pre-processing methods for HR variability signal, focusing especially on the editing of the R–R interval time series

    Fog Computing in Medical Internet-of-Things: Architecture, Implementation, and Applications

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    In the era when the market segment of Internet of Things (IoT) tops the chart in various business reports, it is apparently envisioned that the field of medicine expects to gain a large benefit from the explosion of wearables and internet-connected sensors that surround us to acquire and communicate unprecedented data on symptoms, medication, food intake, and daily-life activities impacting one's health and wellness. However, IoT-driven healthcare would have to overcome many barriers, such as: 1) There is an increasing demand for data storage on cloud servers where the analysis of the medical big data becomes increasingly complex, 2) The data, when communicated, are vulnerable to security and privacy issues, 3) The communication of the continuously collected data is not only costly but also energy hungry, 4) Operating and maintaining the sensors directly from the cloud servers are non-trial tasks. This book chapter defined Fog Computing in the context of medical IoT. Conceptually, Fog Computing is a service-oriented intermediate layer in IoT, providing the interfaces between the sensors and cloud servers for facilitating connectivity, data transfer, and queryable local database. The centerpiece of Fog computing is a low-power, intelligent, wireless, embedded computing node that carries out signal conditioning and data analytics on raw data collected from wearables or other medical sensors and offers efficient means to serve telehealth interventions. We implemented and tested an fog computing system using the Intel Edison and Raspberry Pi that allows acquisition, computing, storage and communication of the various medical data such as pathological speech data of individuals with speech disorders, Phonocardiogram (PCG) signal for heart rate estimation, and Electrocardiogram (ECG)-based Q, R, S detection.Comment: 29 pages, 30 figures, 5 tables. Keywords: Big Data, Body Area Network, Body Sensor Network, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Medical Cyberphysical Systems, Medical Internet-of-Things, Telecare, Tele-treatment, Wearable Devices, Chapter in Handbook of Large-Scale Distributed Computing in Smart Healthcare (2017), Springe

    Applications of Signal Analysis to Atrial Fibrillation

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    This work was supported by projects TEC2010–20633 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and PPII11–0194–8121 from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaRieta Ibañez, JJ.; Alcaraz Martínez, R. (2013). Applications of Signal Analysis to Atrial Fibrillation. En Atrial Fibrillation - Mechanisms and Treatment. InTech. 155-180. https://doi.org/10.5772/5340915518

    Precision medicine and artificial intelligence : a pilot study on deep learning for hypoglycemic events detection based on ECG

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    Tracking the fluctuations in blood glucose levels is important for healthy subjects and crucial diabetic patients. Tight glucose monitoring reduces the risk of hypoglycemia, which can result in a series of complications, especially in diabetic patients, such as confusion, irritability, seizure and can even be fatal in specific conditions. Hypoglycemia affects the electrophysiology of the heart. However, due to strong inter-subject heterogeneity, previous studies based on a cohort of subjects failed to deploy electrocardiogram (ECG)-based hypoglycemic detection systems reliably. The current study used personalised medicine approach and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automatically detect nocturnal hypoglycemia using a few heartbeats of raw ECG signal recorded with non-invasive, wearable devices, in healthy individuals, monitored 24 hours for 14 consecutive days. Additionally, we present a visualisation method enabling clinicians to visualise which part of the ECG signal (e.g., T-wave, ST-interval) is significantly associated with the hypoglycemic event in each subject, overcoming the intelligibility problem of deep-learning methods. These results advance the feasibility of a real-time, non-invasive hypoglycemia alarming system using short excerpts of ECG signal