41 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Computability

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    We introduce Monte Carlo computability as a probabilistic concept of computability on infinite objects and prove that Monte Carlo computable functions are closed under composition. We then mutually separate the following classes of functions from each other: the class of multi-valued functions that are non-deterministically computable, that of Las Vegas computable functions, and that of Monte Carlo computable functions. We give natural examples of computational problems witnessing these separations. As a specific problem which is Monte Carlo computable but neither Las Vegas computable nor non-deterministically computable, we study the problem of sorting infinite sequences that was recently introduced by Neumann and Pauly. Their results allow us to draw conclusions about the relation between algebraic models and Monte Carlo computability

    Semicomputable Geometry

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    Computability and semicomputability of compact subsets of the Euclidean spaces are important notions, that have been investigated for many classes of sets including fractals (Julia sets, Mandelbrot set) and objects with geometrical or topological constraints (embedding of a sphere). In this paper we investigate one of the simplest classes, namely the filled triangles in the plane. We study the properties of the parameters of semicomputable triangles, such as the coordinates of their vertices. This problem is surprisingly rich. We introduce and develop a notion of semicomputability of points of the plane which is a generalization in dimension 2 of the left-c.e. and right-c.e. numbers. We relate this notion to Solovay reducibility. We show that semicomputable triangles admit no finite parametrization, for some notion of parametrization

    Reverse mathematics of matroids

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    Matroids generalize the familiar notion of linear dependence from linear algebra. Following a brief discussion of founding work in computability and matroids, we use the techniques of reverse mathematics to determine the logical strength of some basis theorems for matroids and enumerated matroids. Next, using Weihrauch reducibility, we relate the basis results to combinatorial choice principles and statements about vector spaces. Finally, we formalize some of the Weihrauch reductions to extract related reverse mathematics results. In particular, we show that the existence of bases for vector spaces of bounded dimension is equivalent to the induction scheme for \Sigma^0_2 formulas

    Kolmogorov Last Discovery? (Kolmogorov and Algorithmic Statictics)

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    The last theme of Kolmogorov's mathematics research was algorithmic theory of information, now often called Kolmogorov complexity theory. There are only two main publications of Kolmogorov (1965 and 1968-1969) on this topic. So Kolmogorov's ideas that did not appear as proven (and published) theorems can be reconstructed only partially based on work of his students and collaborators, short abstracts of his talks and the recollections of people who were present at these talks. In this survey we try to reconstruct the development of Kolmogorov's ideas related to algorithmic statistics (resource-bounded complexity, structure function and stochastic objects).Comment: [version 2: typos and minor errors corrected