911 research outputs found

    Narrow Band Interference Elimination based on Compressed Sensing in UWB Energy Detector

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    Wireless communication applications with large signal bandwidth are developed tremendously in recent times. Due to large bandwidth the wide band communication causes huge power consumption and signal deterioration after addition of narrow band interference (NBI). The ultra wide band (UWB) energy detector, which is highly robust against NBI signal is presented. Compressed sensing is implemented to reduce the power consumption at the analog to digital converter with approximated message passing reconstruction. In addition to this, digital notch is employed to eliminate the NBI affected measurements from compressed version of the received signal before applying it to the energy detector. To analyze the efficiency of the detector, the energy detection and bit error probability of the detector in the absence of NBI and after mitigating NBI is compared. The simulation results are the evidence of effectiveness of the presented energy detector.

    Compressive Sampling based Multiple Symbol Differential Detection for UWB Communications

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    Compressive sampling (CS) based multiple sym- bol differential detectors are proposed for impulse-radio ultra- wideband signaling, using the principles of generalized likelihood ratio tests. The CS based detectors correspond to two communica- tion scenarios. One, where the signaling is fully synchronized at the receiver and the other, where there exists a symbol level synchro- nization only. With the help of CS, the sampling rates are reduced much below the Nyquist rate to save on the high power consumed by the analog-to-digital converters. In stark contrast to the usual compressive sampling practices, the proposed detectors work on the compressed samples directly, thereby avoiding a complicated reconstruction step and resulting in a reduction of the implemen- tation complexity. To resolve the detection of multiple symbols, compressed sphere decoders are proposed as well, for both com- munication scenarios, which can further help to reduce the sys- tem complexity. Differential detection directly on the compressed symbols is generally marred by the requirement of an identical measurement process for every received symbol. Our proposed detectors are valid for scenarios where the measurement process is the same as well as where it is different for each received symbol

    Compressive sampling based differential detection for UWB impulse radio signals

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    Noncoherent detectors significantly contribute to the practical realization of the ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse-radio (IR) concept, in that they allow avoiding channel estimation and provide highly efficient reception capabilities. Complexity can be reduced even further by resorting to an all-digital implementation, but Nyquist-rate sampling of the received signal is still required. The current paper addresses this issue by proposing a novel differential detection (DD) scheme, which exploits the compressive sampling (CS) framework to reduce the sampling rate much below the Nyquist-rate. The optimization problem is formulated to jointly recover the sparse received signal as well as the differentially encoded data symbols, and is compared with both the separate approach and the scheme using the compressed received signal directly, i.e., without reconstruction. Finally, a maximum a posteriori based detector using the compressed symbols is developed for a Laplacian distributed channel, as a reference to compare the performance of the proposed approaches. Simulation results show that the proposed joint CS-based DD brings the considerable advantage of reducing the sampling rate without degrading the performance, compared with the optimal MAP detector

    Banco de testes para monitoramento sub-Nyquist de espectro de banda larga

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    Radioelectric spectrum management is a concern for today’s world, mainly due to the misuse that has been given to this resource through the years, especially on the UHF band. To address this problem, a testbed for sub-Nyquist Wideband Spectrum Monitoring was built, that includes a web interface to remotely measure occupancy of the UHF band. To achieve the above, an RF interface that allows tuning UHF frequencies with an instantaneous bandwidth of 95 MHz was built. Afterwards, a Random Demodulator was connected, and then an embedded system performed sub--Nyquist sampling and spectrum recovery. The embedded system connected to an information system that serves a web page, through which remote users can perform UHF band monitoring. Experimental results showed that spectrum sensing can be achieved by using different algorithms on certain sparse spectra. In addition, the aforementioned web interface allowed simultaneous user connections, in order to perform independent measurements by sharing a hardware subsystem.La gestión del espectro radioeléctrico es una preocupación en la actualidad, hecho derivado, ante todo, del mal uso que se ha dado a este recurso a través de los años, especialmente en la banda de UHF. Para afrontar este problema, se construyó un banco de pruebas para la supervisión del espectro de banda ancha a través de muestreo sub-Nyquist, el cual incluye una interfaz web para medir de forma remota la ocupación de la banda UHF. Para lograr esto, se construyó una interfaz RF que permitiría sintonizar frecuencias UHF con un ancho de banda instantáneo de 95 MHz. Después, se conectó un demodulador aleatorio; y luego, un sistema embebido realizaría el muestreo sub-Nyquist y la recuperación del espectro. Este se conectaría, a su turno, con un sistema de información que sirve una página web, a través de la cual los usuarios remotos pueden realizar la supervisión de la banda de UHF. Los resultados muestran que la detección del espectro se puede lograr mediante diferentes algoritmos en ciertos espectros dispersos. Además, la interfaz web permitió que existiesen conexiones de usuario simultáneas, de tal manera que se realizaran mediciones independientes compartiendo el subsistema de hardware.O gerenciamento do espectro radioelétrico é uma preocupação na atualidade, fato derivado, inicialmente, do mau uso que se tem dado a esse recurso através dos anos, especialmente na banda de UHF. Para enfrentar esse problema, construiu-se um banco de testes para a supervisão do espectro de banda larga por meio de amostragem sub-Nyquist, a qual inclui uma interface web para medir de forma remota a ocupação da banda UHF. Para isso, construiu-se uma interface RF que permitiria sintonizar frequências UHF com uma largura de banda instantânea de 95 MHz. Em seguida, ligou-se um demodulador aleatório; logo, um sistema embebido realizaria a amostragem sub-Nyquist e a recuperação do espectro. Este se ligaria, por sua vez, com um sistema de informação que serve um site, através do qual os usuários remotos podem realizar a supervisão da banda de UHF. Os resultados mostram que a detecção do espectro pode ser conseguida mediante diferentes algoritmos em certos espectros dispersos. Além disso, a interface web permitiu que existissem conexões de usuário simultâneas, de tal maneira que se realizassem medidas independentes compartilhando o subsistema de hardware.&nbsp

    Configurable pseudo noise radar imaging system enabling synchronous MIMO channel extension

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    In this article, we propose an evolved system design approach to ultra-wideband (UWB) radar based on pseudo-random noise (PRN) sequences, the key features of which are its user-adaptability to meet the demands provided by desired microwave imaging applications and its multichannel scalability. In light of providing a fully synchronized multichannel radar imaging system for short-range imaging as mine detection, non-destructive testing (NDT) or medical imaging, the advanced system architecture is presented with a special focus put on the implemented synchronization mechanism and clocking scheme. The core of the targeted adaptivity is provided by means of hardware, such as variable clock generators and dividers as well as programmable PRN generators. In addition to adaptive hardware, the customization of signal processing is feasible within an extensive open-source framework using the Red Pitaya ® data acquisition platform. A system benchmark in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), jitter, and synchronization stability is conducted to determine the achievable performance of the prototype system put into practice. Furthermore, an outlook on the planned future development and performance improvement is provided

    Centralized collaborative compressed sensing of wideband spectrum for cognitive radios

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