52 research outputs found

    Compressive Imaging using Approximate Message Passing and a Markov-Tree Prior

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    We propose a novel algorithm for compressive imaging that exploits both the sparsity and persistence across scales found in the 2D wavelet transform coefficients of natural images. Like other recent works, we model wavelet structure using a hidden Markov tree (HMT) but, unlike other works, ours is based on loopy belief propagation (LBP). For LBP, we adopt a recently proposed "turbo" message passing schedule that alternates between exploitation of HMT structure and exploitation of compressive-measurement structure. For the latter, we leverage Donoho, Maleki, and Montanari's recently proposed approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm. Experiments with a large image database suggest that, relative to existing schemes, our turbo LBP approach yields state-of-the-art reconstruction performance with substantial reduction in complexity

    On Convergence of Approximate Message Passing

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    Approximate message passing is an iterative algorithm for compressed sensing and related applications. A solid theory about the performance and convergence of the algorithm exists for measurement matrices having iid entries of zero mean. However, it was observed by several authors that for more general matrices the algorithm often encounters convergence problems. In this paper we identify the reason of the non-convergence for measurement matrices with iid entries and non-zero mean in the context of Bayes optimal inference. Finally we demonstrate numerically that when the iterative update is changed from parallel to sequential the convergence is restored.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    An Overview of Multi-Processor Approximate Message Passing

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    Approximate message passing (AMP) is an algorithmic framework for solving linear inverse problems from noisy measurements, with exciting applications such as reconstructing images, audio, hyper spectral images, and various other signals, including those acquired in compressive signal acquisiton systems. The growing prevalence of big data systems has increased interest in large-scale problems, which may involve huge measurement matrices that are unsuitable for conventional computing systems. To address the challenge of large-scale processing, multiprocessor (MP) versions of AMP have been developed. We provide an overview of two such MP-AMP variants. In row-MP-AMP, each computing node stores a subset of the rows of the matrix and processes corresponding measurements. In column- MP-AMP, each node stores a subset of columns, and is solely responsible for reconstructing a portion of the signal. We will discuss pros and cons of both approaches, summarize recent research results for each, and explain when each one may be a viable approach. Aspects that are highlighted include some recent results on state evolution for both MP-AMP algorithms, and the use of data compression to reduce communication in the MP network

    Compressive Imaging via Approximate Message Passing with Image Denoising

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    We consider compressive imaging problems, where images are reconstructed from a reduced number of linear measurements. Our objective is to improve over existing compressive imaging algorithms in terms of both reconstruction error and runtime. To pursue our objective, we propose compressive imaging algorithms that employ the approximate message passing (AMP) framework. AMP is an iterative signal reconstruction algorithm that performs scalar denoising at each iteration; in order for AMP to reconstruct the original input signal well, a good denoiser must be used. We apply two wavelet based image denoisers within AMP. The first denoiser is the "amplitude-scaleinvariant Bayes estimator" (ABE), and the second is an adaptive Wiener filter; we call our AMP based algorithms for compressive imaging AMP-ABE and AMP-Wiener. Numerical results show that both AMP-ABE and AMP-Wiener significantly improve over the state of the art in terms of runtime. In terms of reconstruction quality, AMP-Wiener offers lower mean square error (MSE) than existing compressive imaging algorithms. In contrast, AMP-ABE has higher MSE, because ABE does not denoise as well as the adaptive Wiener filter.Comment: 15 pages; 2 tables; 7 figures; to appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Proces

    Measure What Should be Measured: Progress and Challenges in Compressive Sensing

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    Is compressive sensing overrated? Or can it live up to our expectations? What will come after compressive sensing and sparsity? And what has Galileo Galilei got to do with it? Compressive sensing has taken the signal processing community by storm. A large corpus of research devoted to the theory and numerics of compressive sensing has been published in the last few years. Moreover, compressive sensing has inspired and initiated intriguing new research directions, such as matrix completion. Potential new applications emerge at a dazzling rate. Yet some important theoretical questions remain open, and seemingly obvious applications keep escaping the grip of compressive sensing. In this paper I discuss some of the recent progress in compressive sensing and point out key challenges and opportunities as the area of compressive sensing and sparse representations keeps evolving. I also attempt to assess the long-term impact of compressive sensing