4 research outputs found

    Information-theoretic graph mining

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    Real world data from various application domains can be modeled as a graph, e.g. social networks and biomedical networks like protein interaction networks or co-activation networks of brain regions. A graph is a powerful concept to model arbitrary (structural) relationships among objects. In recent years, the prevalence of social networks has made graph mining an important center of attention in the data mining field. There are many important tasks in graph mining, such as graph clustering, outlier detection, and link prediction. Many algorithms have been proposed in the literature to solve these tasks. However, normally these issues are solved separately, although they are closely related. Detecting and exploiting the relationship among them is a new challenge in graph mining. Moreover, with data explosion, more information has already been integrated into graph structure. For example, bipartite graphs contain two types of node and graphs with node attributes offer additional non-structural information. Therefore, more challenges arise from the increasing graph complexity. This thesis aims to solve these challenges in order to gain new knowledge from graph data. An important paradigm of data mining used in this thesis is the principle of Minimum Description Length (MDL). It follows the assumption: the more knowledge we have learned from the data, the better we are able to compress the data. The MDL principle balances the complexity of the selected model and the goodness of fit between model and data. Thus, it naturally avoids over-fitting. This thesis proposes several algorithms based on the MDL principle to acquire knowledge from various types of graphs: Info-spot (Automatically Spotting Information-rich Nodes in Graphs) proposes a parameter-free and efficient algorithm for the fully automatic detection of interesting nodes which is a novel outlier notion in graph. Then in contrast to traditional graph mining approaches that focus on discovering dense subgraphs, a novel graph mining technique CXprime (Compression-based eXploiting Primitives) is proposed. It models the transitivity and the hubness of a graph using structure primitives (all possible three-node substructures). Under the coding scheme of CXprime, clusters with structural information can be discovered, dominating substructures of a graph can be distinguished, and a new link prediction score based on substructures is proposed. The next algorithm SCMiner (Summarization-Compression Miner) integrates tasks such as graph summarization, graph clustering, link prediction, and the discovery of the hidden structure of a bipartite graph on the basis of data compression. Finally, a method for non-redundant graph clustering called IROC (Information-theoretic non-Redundant Overlapping Clustering) is proposed to smartly combine structural information with non-structural information based on MDL. IROC is able to detect overlapping communities within subspaces of the attributes. To sum up, algorithms to unify different learning tasks for various types of graphs are proposed. Additionally, these algorithms are based on the MDL principle, which facilitates the unification of different graph learning tasks, the integration of different graph types, and the automatic selection of input parameters that are otherwise difficult to estimate

    Beyond Flatland : exploring graphs in many dimensions

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    Societies, technologies, economies, ecosystems, organisms, . . . Our world is composed of complex networks—systems with many elements that interact in nontrivial ways. Graphs are natural models of these systems, and scientists have made tremendous progress in developing tools for their analysis. However, research has long focused on relatively simple graph representations and problem specifications, often discarding valuable real-world information in the process. In recent years, the limitations of this approach have become increasingly apparent, but we are just starting to comprehend how more intricate data representations and problem formulations might benefit our understanding of relational phenomena. Against this background, our thesis sets out to explore graphs in five dimensions: descriptivity, multiplicity, complexity, expressivity, and responsibility. Leveraging tools from graph theory, information theory, probability theory, geometry, and topology, we develop methods to (1) descriptively compare individual graphs, (2) characterize similarities and differences between groups of multiple graphs, (3) critically assess the complexity of relational data representations and their associated scientific culture, (4) extract expressive features from and for hypergraphs, and (5) responsibly mitigate the risks induced by graph-structured content recommendations. Thus, our thesis is naturally situated at the intersection of graph mining, graph learning, and network analysis.Gesellschaften, Technologien, Volkswirtschaften, Ökosysteme, Organismen, . . . Unsere Welt besteht aus komplexen Netzwerken—Systemen mit vielen Elementen, die auf nichttriviale Weise interagieren. Graphen sind natürliche Modelle dieser Systeme, und die Wissenschaft hat bei der Entwicklung von Methoden zu ihrer Analyse große Fortschritte gemacht. Allerdings hat sich die Forschung lange auf relativ einfache Graphrepräsentationen und Problemspezifikationen beschränkt, oft unter Vernachlässigung wertvoller Informationen aus der realen Welt. In den vergangenen Jahren sind die Grenzen dieser Herangehensweise zunehmend deutlich geworden, aber wir beginnen gerade erst zu erfassen, wie unser Verständnis relationaler Phänomene von intrikateren Datenrepräsentationen und Problemstellungen profitieren kann. Vor diesem Hintergrund erkundet unsere Dissertation Graphen in fünf Dimensionen: Deskriptivität, Multiplizität, Komplexität, Expressivität, und Verantwortung. Mithilfe von Graphentheorie, Informationstheorie, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Geometrie und Topologie entwickeln wir Methoden, welche (1) einzelne Graphen deskriptiv vergleichen, (2) Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Gruppen multipler Graphen charakterisieren, (3) die Komplexität relationaler Datenrepräsentationen und der mit ihnen verbundenen Wissenschaftskultur kritisch beleuchten, (4) expressive Merkmale von und für Hypergraphen extrahieren, und (5) verantwortungsvoll den Risiken begegnen, welche die Graphstruktur von Inhaltsempfehlungen mit sich bringt. Damit liegt unsere Dissertation naturgemäß an der Schnittstelle zwischen Graph Mining, Graph Learning und Netzwerkanalyse

    Compression-based graph mining exploiting structure primitives.

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    How can we retrieve information from sparse graphs? Traditional graph mining approaches focus on discovering dense patterns inside complex networks, for example modularity-based or cut-based methods. However, most real world data sets are very sparse. Nevertheless, traditional approaches tend to omit interesting sparse patterns like stars. In this paper, we propose a novel graph mining technique modeling the transitivity and the hub ness of a graph using structure primitives. We exploit these structure primitives for effective graph compression using the Minimum Description Length Principle. The compression rate is an unbiased measure for the transitivity or hub ness and therefore provides interesting insights into the structure of even very sparse graphs. Since real graphs can be composed of sub graphs of different structures, we propose a novel algorithm CXprime (Compression-based exploiting Primitives) for clustering graphs using our coding scheme as an objective function. In contrast to traditional graph clustering methods, our algorithm automatically recognizes different types of sub graphs without requiring the user to specify input parameters. Additionally we propose a novel link prediction algorithm based on the detected substructures, which increases the quality of former methods. Extensive experiments evaluate our algorithms on synthetic and real data