3,580 research outputs found

    Video streaming

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    Human Motion Capture Data Tailored Transform Coding

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    Human motion capture (mocap) is a widely used technique for digitalizing human movements. With growing usage, compressing mocap data has received increasing attention, since compact data size enables efficient storage and transmission. Our analysis shows that mocap data have some unique characteristics that distinguish themselves from images and videos. Therefore, directly borrowing image or video compression techniques, such as discrete cosine transform, does not work well. In this paper, we propose a novel mocap-tailored transform coding algorithm that takes advantage of these features. Our algorithm segments the input mocap sequences into clips, which are represented in 2D matrices. Then it computes a set of data-dependent orthogonal bases to transform the matrices to frequency domain, in which the transform coefficients have significantly less dependency. Finally, the compression is obtained by entropy coding of the quantized coefficients and the bases. Our method has low computational cost and can be easily extended to compress mocap databases. It also requires neither training nor complicated parameter setting. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of compression performance and speed

    Are all the frames equally important?

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    In this work, we address the problem of measuring and predicting temporal video saliency - a metric which defines the importance of a video frame for human attention. Unlike the conventional spatial saliency which defines the location of the salient regions within a frame (as it is done for still images), temporal saliency considers importance of a frame as a whole and may not exist apart from context. The proposed interface is an interactive cursor-based algorithm for collecting experimental data about temporal saliency. We collect the first human responses and perform their analysis. As a result, we show that qualitatively, the produced scores have very explicit meaning of the semantic changes in a frame, while quantitatively being highly correlated between all the observers. Apart from that, we show that the proposed tool can simultaneously collect fixations similar to the ones produced by eye-tracker in a more affordable way. Further, this approach may be used for creation of first temporal saliency datasets which will allow training computational predictive algorithms. The proposed interface does not rely on any special equipment, which allows to run it remotely and cover a wide audience.Comment: CHI'20 Late Breaking Work

    Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short-Term Memory Approach

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    HTTP based adaptive video streaming has become a popular choice of streaming due to the reliable transmission and the flexibility offered to adapt to varying network conditions. However, due to rate adaptation in adaptive streaming, the quality of the videos at the client keeps varying with time depending on the end-to-end network conditions. Further, varying network conditions can lead to the video client running out of playback content resulting in rebuffering events. These factors affect the user satisfaction and cause degradation of the user quality of experience (QoE). It is important to quantify the perceptual QoE of the streaming video users and monitor the same in a continuous manner so that the QoE degradation can be minimized. However, the continuous evaluation of QoE is challenging as it is determined by complex dynamic interactions among the QoE influencing factors. Towards this end, we present LSTM-QoE, a recurrent neural network based QoE prediction model using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. The LSTM-QoE is a network of cascaded LSTM blocks to capture the nonlinearities and the complex temporal dependencies involved in the time varying QoE. Based on an evaluation over several publicly available continuous QoE databases, we demonstrate that the LSTM-QoE has the capability to model the QoE dynamics effectively. We compare the proposed model with the state-of-the-art QoE prediction models and show that it provides superior performance across these databases. Further, we discuss the state space perspective for the LSTM-QoE and show the efficacy of the state space modeling approaches for QoE prediction

    A reduced-reference perceptual image and video quality metric based on edge preservation

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    In image and video compression and transmission, it is important to rely on an objective image/video quality metric which accurately represents the subjective quality of processed images and video sequences. In some scenarios, it is also important to evaluate the quality of the received video sequence with minimal reference to the transmitted one. For instance, for quality improvement of video transmission through closed-loop optimisation, the video quality measure can be evaluated at the receiver and provided as feedback information to the system controller. The original image/video sequence-prior to compression and transmission-is not usually available at the receiver side, and it is important to rely at the receiver side on an objective video quality metric that does not need reference or needs minimal reference to the original video sequence. The observation that the human eye is very sensitive to edge and contour information of an image underpins the proposal of our reduced reference (RR) quality metric, which compares edge information between the distorted and the original image. Results highlight that the metric correlates well with subjective observations, also in comparison with commonly used full-reference metrics and with a state-of-the-art RR metric. © 2012 Martini et al

    A framework for realistic 3D tele-immersion

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    Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite differ- ent from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that we are online and that the people we are engaging with are not in close proximity. Analogous to how talking on the telephone does not replicate the experi- ence of talking in person. Several causes for these differences have been identified and we propose inspiring and innova- tive solutions to these hurdles in attempt to provide a more realistic, believable and engaging online conversational expe- rience. We present the distributed and scalable framework REVERIE that provides a balanced mix of these solutions. Applications build on top of the REVERIE framework will be able to provide interactive, immersive, photo-realistic ex- periences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the expe- rience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems