26,401 research outputs found

    On optimally partitioning a text to improve its compression

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of partitioning an input string T in such a way that compressing individually its parts via a base-compressor C gets a compressed output that is shorter than applying C over the entire T at once. This problem was introduced in the context of table compression, and then further elaborated and extended to strings and trees. Unfortunately, the literature offers poor solutions: namely, we know either a cubic-time algorithm for computing the optimal partition based on dynamic programming, or few heuristics that do not guarantee any bounds on the efficacy of their computed partition, or algorithms that are efficient but work in some specific scenarios (such as the Burrows-Wheeler Transform) and achieve compression performance that might be worse than the optimal-partitioning by a Ω(logn)\Omega(\sqrt{\log n}) factor. Therefore, computing efficiently the optimal solution is still open. In this paper we provide the first algorithm which is guaranteed to compute in O(n \log_{1+\eps}n) time a partition of T whose compressed output is guaranteed to be no more than (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-worse the optimal one, where ϵ\epsilon may be any positive constant

    Complexity plots

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    In this paper, we present a novel visualization technique for assisting in observation and analysis of algorithmic\ud complexity. In comparison with conventional line graphs, this new technique is not sensitive to the units of\ud measurement, allowing multivariate data series of different physical qualities (e.g., time, space and energy) to be juxtaposed together conveniently and consistently. It supports multivariate visualization as well as uncertainty visualization. It enables users to focus on algorithm categorization by complexity classes, while reducing visual impact caused by constants and algorithmic components that are insignificant to complexity analysis. It provides an effective means for observing the algorithmic complexity of programs with a mixture of algorithms and blackbox software through visualization. Through two case studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness of complexity plots in complexity analysis in research, education and application

    Novel ring resonator-based integrated photonic beamformer for broadband phased array receive antennas - part I: design and performance analysis

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    A novel optical beamformer concept is introduced that can be used for seamless control of the reception angle in broadband wireless receivers employing a large phased array antenna (PAA). The core of this beamformer is an optical beamforming network (OBFN), using ring resonator-based broadband delays, and coherent optical combining. The electro-optical conversion is performed by means of single-sideband suppressed carrier modulation, employing a common laser, Mach-Zehnder modulators, and a common optical sideband filter after the OBFN. The unmodulated laser signal is then re-injected in order to perform balanced coherent optical detection, for the opto-electrical conversion. This scheme minimizes the requirements on the complexity of the OBFN, and has potential for compact realization by means of full integration on chip. The impact of the optical beamformer concept on the performance of the full receiver system is analyzed, by modeling the combination of the PAA and the beamformer as an equivalent two-port RF system. The results are illustrated by a numerical example of a PAA receiver for satellite TV reception, showing that—when properly designed—the beamformer hardly affects the sensitivity of the receiver

    Multicodes for improved range resolution in radar

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    Third generation (3G) wireless systems are required to support a variety of communication services like voice, image, motion picture transmission, etc, each of which requires different transmission rates. Multi-code modulation has been introduced therefore as a means of supporting multi-rate services and operating in multi-cell environments [8, 9, 10]. This multi-rate multi-function capability may be used in Radar related applications, too. For example, a single transmitted waveform consisting of two orthogonal codes can be used to simultaneously track a target and obtain high range resolution. Tracking requires low bandwidth and high resolution needs a high bandwidth signal. Orthogonal codes like Walsh codes can be used to provide multiple rates if the codes are chosen from the same matrix, because certain Walsh codes of the same length have very different bandwidths. Therefore, as an extension to its use in communication, multi-codes can be used to enable multi-function operations in a Radar system. The first criterion for choosing a Radar waveform, whether single or multi-code, is its resolving capability in range and Doppler. A measure of range resolution or sensitivity to delay commonly used in Radar literature is the Peak to Sidelobe Level Ratio (PSLR) of the code\u27s autocorrelation function. The multi-codes proposed in this work are found to have better (lower) PSLRs than existing radar codes when the number of simultaneously transmitted codes is large. In the special case of using an entire set of orthogonal codes of any length, the resulting multi-code consists of just a single pulse of thickness equal to the chip width of the code used. This pulse will have a \u27perfect\u27 autocorrelation function with only a single peak at the main lobe and zero sidelobes. This gives the ideal PSLR for radar purposes. An important aspect of using multi-codes in Radar is the need for multiple transmitters to avoid the high peak factor that would result if only a single antenna 15 used. This requires the Radar system to have multiple transmitters as in phased array radar. The best example is a multi-function digital array radar that transmits a unique orthogonal code from each of its antenna elements as described by Rabideau and Parker in [13]. The system described in this publication makes use of the array mode of operation of the Radar to transmit orthogonal codes from each antenna element which are then phased and combined at the receiver. The phase (or angle) of the signal at each receive antenna element can be used to better resolve targets that are spatially separated. This thesis introduces the concept of multicodes in Radar. Further, the advantages of using multiple coded waveforms over the known Radar polyphase codes are demonstrated by simulations

    Study of radar pulse compression for high resolution satellite altimetry

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    Pulse compression techniques are studied which are applicable to a satellite altimeter having a topographic resolution of + 10 cm. A systematic design procedure is used to determine the system parameters. The performance of an optimum, maximum likelihood processor is analysed, which provides the basis for modifying the standard split-gate tracker to achieve improved performance. Bandwidth considerations lead to the recommendation of a full deramp STRETCH pulse compression technique followed by an analog filter bank to separate range returns. The implementation of the recommended technique is examined

    Malleable coding for updatable cloud caching

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    In software-as-a-service applications provisioned through cloud computing, locally cached data are often modified with updates from new versions. In some cases, with each edit, one may want to preserve both the original and new versions. In this paper, we focus on cases in which only the latest version must be preserved. Furthermore, it is desirable for the data to not only be compressed but to also be easily modified during updates, since representing information and modifying the representation both incur cost. We examine whether it is possible to have both compression efficiency and ease of alteration, in order to promote codeword reuse. In other words, we study the feasibility of a malleable and efficient coding scheme. The tradeoff between compression efficiency and malleability cost-the difficulty of synchronizing compressed versions-is measured as the length of a reused prefix portion. The region of achievable rates and malleability is found. Drawing from prior work on common information problems, we show that efficient data compression may not be the best engineering design principle when storing software-as-a-service data. In the general case, goals of efficiency and malleability are fundamentally in conflict.This work was supported in part by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (LRV), Grant CCR-0325774, and Grant CCF-0729069. This work was presented at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory [1] and the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering [2]. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was R. Thobaben. (CCR-0325774 - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship; CCF-0729069 - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship)Accepted manuscrip

    Connecting the World of Embedded Mobiles: The RIOT Approach to Ubiquitous Networking for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly evolving based on low-power compliant protocol standards that extend the Internet into the embedded world. Pioneering implementations have proven it is feasible to inter-network very constrained devices, but had to rely on peculiar cross-layered designs and offer a minimalistic set of features. In the long run, however, professional use and massive deployment of IoT devices require full-featured, cleanly composed, and flexible network stacks. This paper introduces the networking architecture that turns RIOT into a powerful IoT system, to enable low-power wireless scenarios. RIOT networking offers (i) a modular architecture with generic interfaces for plugging in drivers, protocols, or entire stacks, (ii) support for multiple heterogeneous interfaces and stacks that can concurrently operate, and (iii) GNRC, its cleanly layered, recursively composed default network stack. We contribute an in-depth analysis of the communication performance and resource efficiency of RIOT, both on a micro-benchmarking level as well as by comparing IoT communication across different platforms. Our findings show that, though it is based on significantly different design trade-offs, the networking subsystem of RIOT achieves a performance equivalent to that of Contiki and TinyOS, the two operating systems which pioneered IoT software platforms

    Fluid quantity gaging

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    A system for measuring the mass of liquid in a tank on orbit with 1 percent accuracy was developed and demonstrated. An extensive tradeoff identified adiabatic compression as the only gaging technique that is independent of gravity or its orientation, and of the size and distribution of bubbles in the tank. This technique is applicable to all Earth-storable and cryogenic liquids of interest for Space Station use, except superfluid helium, and can be applied to tanks of any size, shape, or internal structure. Accuracy of 0.2 percent was demonstrated in the laboratory, and a detailed analytical model was developed and verified by testing. A flight system architecture is presented that allows meeting the needs of a broad range of space fluid systems without custom development for each user