4 research outputs found

    Lossless Compression of Predicted Floating-Point Geometry

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    The sizeof geometric data sets in scientific and industrial applications is constantly increasing. Storing surfng or volume meshes in standard uncompressedf ormats results in large files that are expensive to store and slow to load and transmit. Scientists and engineersofne refeer ff using mesh compression because currently available schemes modif the mesh data. While connectivity is encoded in a lossless manner, the floating-point coordinates associated with the vertices are quantized onto aunif6: integer grid to enable e#cient predictive compression. Although a fine enough grid can usually represent the data with su#cient precision, the original floating-point values will change, regardless of grid resolution. In this paper we describe a methodf or compressing floating-point coordinates with predictive coding in a completely lossless manner. The initial quantization step is omitted and predictions are calculated in floating-point. The predicted and the actual floating-point values are broken up into sign, exponent, and mantissa and their corrections are compressed separately with context-based arithmetic coding. As the quality of the predictions varies with the exponent, we use the exponent to switch between di#erent arithmetic contexts. We report compression results using the popular parallelogram predictor, but our approach will work with any prediction scheme. The achieved bit-ratesf or lossless floating-point compression nicely complement those resultingfsu unifting quantizing with di#erent precisions

    3D Compression: from A to Zip a first complete example

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    Imagens invadiram a maioria das publicacações e comunicacões contemporâneas. Esta expansão acelerou-se com o desenvolvimento de métodos eficientes de compressão da imagem. Hoje o processo da criação de imagens é baseado nos objetos multidimensionais gerados por CAD, simulações físicas, representações de dados ou soluções de problemas de otimização. Esta variedade das fontes motiva o desenho de esquemas de compressão adaptados a classes específicas de modelos. O lançamento recente do Google Sketch’up com o seu armazém de modelos 3D acelerou a passagem das imagens bidimensionais às tridimensionais. Entretanto, este o tipo de sistemas requer um acesso rápido aos modelos 3D, possivelmente gigantes, que é possível somente usando de esquemas eficientes da compressão. Esse trabalho faz parte de um tutorial ministrado no Sibgrapi 2007.Images invaded most of contemporary publications and communications. This expansion has accelerated with the development of efficient schemes dedicated to image compression. Nowadays, the image creation process relies on multidimensional objects generated from computer aided design, physical simulations, data representation or optimisation problem solutions. This variety of sources motivates the design of compression schemes adapted to specific class of models. The recent launch of Google Sketch’up and its 3D models warehouse has accelerated the shift from two-dimensional images to three-dimensional ones. However, these kind of systems require fast access to eventually huge models, which is possible only through the use of efficient compression schemes. This work is part of a tutorial given at the XXth Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (Sibgrapi 2007)

    Compressing Hexahedral Volume Meshes

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    Unstructured hexahedral volume meshes are of particular interest for visualization and simulation applications. They allow regular tiling of the three-dimensional space and show good numerical behaviour in finite element computations. Beside such appealing properties, volume meshes take huge amount of space when stored in a raw format. In this paper we present a technique for encoding connectivity and geometry of unstructured hexahedral volume meshes. Fo