26,613 research outputs found

    Information Theoretic Limits for Standard and One-Bit Compressed Sensing with Graph-Structured Sparsity

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    In this paper, we analyze the information theoretic lower bound on the necessary number of samples needed for recovering a sparse signal under different compressed sensing settings. We focus on the weighted graph model, a model-based framework proposed by Hegde et al. (2015), for standard compressed sensing as well as for one-bit compressed sensing. We study both the noisy and noiseless regimes. Our analysis is general in the sense that it applies to any algorithm used to recover the signal. We carefully construct restricted ensembles for different settings and then apply Fano's inequality to establish the lower bound on the necessary number of samples. Furthermore, we show that our bound is tight for one-bit compressed sensing, while for standard compressed sensing, our bound is tight up to a logarithmic factor of the number of non-zero entries in the signal

    Sequential Compressed Sensing

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    Compressed sensing allows perfect recovery of sparse signals (or signals sparse in some basis) using only a small number of random measurements. Existing results in compressed sensing literature have focused on characterizing the achievable performance by bounding the number of samples required for a given level of signal sparsity. However, using these bounds to minimize the number of samples requires a-priori knowledge of the sparsity of the unknown signal, or the decay structure for near-sparse signals. Furthermore, there are some popular recovery methods for which no such bounds are known. In this paper, we investigate an alternative scenario where observations are available in sequence. For any recovery method, this means that there is now a sequence of candidate reconstructions. We propose a method to estimate the reconstruction error directly from the samples themselves, for every candidate in this sequence. This estimate is universal in the sense that it is based only on the measurement ensemble, and not on the recovery method or any assumed level of sparsity of the unknown signal. With these estimates, one can now stop observations as soon as there is reasonable certainty of either exact or sufficiently accurate reconstruction. They also provide a way to obtain "run-time" guarantees for recovery methods that otherwise lack a-priori performance bounds. We investigate both continuous (e.g. Gaussian) and discrete (e.g. Bernoulli) random measurement ensembles, both for exactly sparse and general near-sparse signals, and with both noisy and noiseless measurements.Comment: to appear in IEEE transactions on Special Topics in Signal Processin

    Recursive Compressed Sensing

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    We introduce a recursive algorithm for performing compressed sensing on streaming data. The approach consists of a) recursive encoding, where we sample the input stream via overlapping windowing and make use of the previous measurement in obtaining the next one, and b) recursive decoding, where the signal estimate from the previous window is utilized in order to achieve faster convergence in an iterative optimization scheme applied to decode the new one. To remove estimation bias, a two-step estimation procedure is proposed comprising support set detection and signal amplitude estimation. Estimation accuracy is enhanced by a non-linear voting method and averaging estimates over multiple windows. We analyze the computational complexity and estimation error, and show that the normalized error variance asymptotically goes to zero for sublinear sparsity. Our simulation results show speed up of an order of magnitude over traditional CS, while obtaining significantly lower reconstruction error under mild conditions on the signal magnitudes and the noise level.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Universal Compressed Sensing

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    In this paper, the problem of developing universal algorithms for compressed sensing of stochastic processes is studied. First, R\'enyi's notion of information dimension (ID) is generalized to analog stationary processes. This provides a measure of complexity for such processes and is connected to the number of measurements required for their accurate recovery. Then a minimum entropy pursuit (MEP) optimization approach is proposed, and it is proven that it can reliably recover any stationary process satisfying some mixing constraints from sufficient number of randomized linear measurements, without having any prior information about the distribution of the process. It is proved that a Lagrangian-type approximation of the MEP optimization problem, referred to as Lagrangian-MEP problem, is identical to a heuristic implementable algorithm proposed by Baron et al. It is shown that for the right choice of parameters the Lagrangian-MEP algorithm, in addition to having the same asymptotic performance as MEP optimization, is also robust to the measurement noise. For memoryless sources with a discrete-continuous mixture distribution, the fundamental limits of the minimum number of required measurements by a non-universal compressed sensing decoder is characterized by Wu et al. For such sources, it is proved that there is no loss in universal coding, and both the MEP and the Lagrangian-MEP asymptotically achieve the optimal performance

    Hamming Compressed Sensing

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    Compressed sensing (CS) and 1-bit CS cannot directly recover quantized signals and require time consuming recovery. In this paper, we introduce \textit{Hamming compressed sensing} (HCS) that directly recovers a k-bit quantized signal of dimensional nn from its 1-bit measurements via invoking nn times of Kullback-Leibler divergence based nearest neighbor search. Compared with CS and 1-bit CS, HCS allows the signal to be dense, takes considerably less (linear) recovery time and requires substantially less measurements (O(logn)\mathcal O(\log n)). Moreover, HCS recovery can accelerate the subsequent 1-bit CS dequantizer. We study a quantized recovery error bound of HCS for general signals and "HCS+dequantizer" recovery error bound for sparse signals. Extensive numerical simulations verify the appealing accuracy, robustness, efficiency and consistency of HCS.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figure