26 research outputs found

    Neural Network Based Hurdle Avoidance System for Smart Vehicles

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    The structure of a self-ruling vehicle dependent on neural sophisticated network for route in obscure condition is proposed. The vehicle is equipped with an IR sensor for obstacle separation estimation, a GPS collector for goal data and heading position, L298 H-connect for driving the engines which runs the wheels; all interfaced to a controller unit. The smaller scale controller forms the data gained from the sensor and GPS to produce robot movement through neural based network. The neural network running inside the small scale controller is a multi-layer feed-forward network with back-engendering blunder calculation. The network is prepared disconnected with tangent-sigmoid and positive direct estimate as enactment work for neurons and is executed progressively with piecewise straight guess of tangent-sigmoid capacity. The programming of the miniaturized scale controller is finished by PIC C Compiler and the neural network is actualized utilizing MATLAB programming. Results have shown that up to twenty neurons can be actualized in shrouded layer with this method. The vehicle is tried with differing goal places in open air situations containing fixed as well as moving obstructions and is found to arrive at the set targets effectively and its yield exactness is about equivalent to that of the normal precision