8 research outputs found

    On images and pre-images in a graph of the composition of independent uniform random mappings

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    Изучаются вероятностные характеристики графа случайного отображения fk] — композиции k независимых равновероятных случайных отображений f1,.. . , fk, где f: {1,...,n} {1,...,n}, n, k G N, i = 1,...,n. Получены формулы для распределения длины отрезка апериодичности произвольной вершины в графе отображения f[k] с учётом ряда ограничений. Выписаны формулы для вероятностей принадлежности вершины множеству f[k]({1, . . . , n}) и множеству висячих вершин в графе отображения f[k]. Вычислены вероятности инцидентности двух произвольных вершин одной компоненте связности, попадания произвольной вершины в множество прообразов другой вершины, а также появления коллизии в указанном графе

    On estimations of distribution of the length of aperiodicity segment in the graph of k-fold iteration of uniform random mapping

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    Работа посвящена исследованию случайной величины Tfk (xo), равной длине отрезка апериодичности произвольной вершины x0 € S = {1, . . . ,n}, n € N, в графе k-кратной итерации равновероятного случайного отображения f : S ^ S. Отрезком апериодичности, начинающимся в вершине xo € S, называется отрезок выходящей из х0 траектории от х0 до её первого самопересечения. Исследовано поведение локальной вероятности Р { Tfk (x0) = z } как функционала от z € S при фиксированных значениях параметров k,n € N. Получена двусторонняя оценка Р {Tf k (x0) = z } для произвольных k € N, x0, z € S , таких, что kz < n. Для случаев простого k и k2z @ n получены эффективно вычислимые для используемых на практике значений n (2256 и более) двусторонние оценки Р { Tfk (x0) = z } , выраженные в элементарных функциях. Для произвольных k € N, x0, z € S выписаны двусторонние оценки для функции распределения FT k (x0) (z) в случаях kz < n/2 и kz ^ л/n

    Genealogical trees from genetic distances

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    In a population with haploid reproduction any individual has a single parent in the previous generation. If all genealogical distances among pairs of individuals (generations from the closest common ancestor) are known it is possible to exactly reconstruct their genealogical tree. Unfortunately, in most cases, genealogical distances are unknown and only genetic distances are available. The genetic distance between two individuals is measurable from differences in mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) in the case of humans or other complex organisms while an analogous distance can be also given for languages where it is measured from lexical differences. Assuming a constant rate of mutation, these genetic distances are random and proportional only on average to genealogical ones. The reconstruction of the genealogical tree from the available genetic distances is forceful imprecise. In this paper we try to quantify the error one may commit in the reconstruction of the tree for different degrees of randomness. The errors may concern both topology of the tree (the branching hierarchy) and, in case of correct topology, the proportions of the tree (length of various branches).Comment: 20 pages, 5 eps figures, added figure and changed content of sez.

    Quantum and affine Schubert calculus and Macdonald polynomials

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    This thesis is on the theory of symmetric functions and quantum and affine Schubert calculus. Namely, it establishes that the theory of symmetric Macdonald polynomials aligns with quantum and affine Schubert calculus using a discovery that distinguished weak chains can be identified by chains in the strong (Bruhat) order poset on the type-A affine Weyl group. Through this discovery, there is a construction of two one-parameter families of functions that respectively transition positively with Hall-Littlewood polynomials and Macdonald's P-functions. Furthermore, these functions specialize to the representatives for Schubert classes of homology and cohomology of the affine Grassmannian. This shows that the theory of symmetric Macdonald polynomials connects with affine Schubert calculus.There is a generalization of the discovery of the strong order chains. This generalization connects the theory of Macdonald polynomials to quantum Schubert calculus. In particular, the approach leads to conjecture that all elements in a defining set of 3-point genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants for flag manifolds can be formulated as strong covers.Ph.D., Mathematics -- Drexel University, 201

    On Compositions of Random Functions on a Finite Set

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    We establish the limiting distribution of the number T n of random functions on a set of size n which must be composed before a constant function results. In more detail, let f 1 , f 2 , . . . be independent draws from the uniform distribution over all functions from . . . , n} into itself. For t = 1, 2, . . . let g t := f t f 1 denote the composition of the first t random maps, and let T n be the smallest t such that g t is constant. Then T n /n converges in distribution, with convergence of moment generating functions (and hence of all moments), to the infinite convolution of exponential distributions with rates , j = 2, 3, . . .