6 research outputs found

    Formalisation and Proofs of the Chilean Electronic Invoices System

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    We present the complete process of a formal specification and verification of the Chilean electronic invoice system which has been defined by the tax agency. We use this case study as a real-world and real-size example to illustrate our methodology for specification and verification of distributed applications. Our approach is based on a new hierarchical and parameterized model for synchronised networks of labelled transition systems. In this case study, we use a subset of the model as a graphical specification language. We check this formal specification of the invoice system against its informal requirements, described in terms of parameterized temporal logic formulas. Their satisfiability cannot be checked directly on the parameterized model\,: we introduce a method and a tool to instantiate the parameterized models and properties, allowing to use standard (finite-state, bisimulation-based) model-checkers for the verification. We also illustrate the use of different methods to avoid the state explosion problem by taking advantage of the parameterized structure and instantiations

    Refined Interfaces for Compositional Verification

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    The compositional verification approach of Graf & Steffen aims at avoiding state space explosion for individual processes of a concurrent system. It relies on interfaces that express the behavioural constraints imposed on each process by synchronization with the other processes, thus preventing the exploration of states and transitions that would not be reachable in the global state space. Krimm & Mounier, and Cheung & Kramer proposed two techniques to generate such interfaces automatically. In this report, we propose a refined interface generation technique that derives the interface of a process automatically from the examination of (a subset of) concurrent processes. This technique is applicable to formalisms where concurrent processes are composed either using synchronization vectors or process algebra parallel composition operators (including those of CCS, CSP, muCRL, LOTOS, and E-LOTOS). We implemented this approach in the EXP.OPEN 2.0 tool of the CADP toolbox. Several experiments indicate state space reductions by more than two orders of magnitude for the largest processes

    Compositional Model Checking of Concurrent Systems

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    This paper presents a compositional framework to address the state explosion problem in model checking of concurrent systems. This framework takes as input a system model described as a network of communicating components in a high-level description language, finds the local state transition models for each individual component where local properties can be verified, and then iteratively reduces and composes the component state transition models to form a reduced global model for the entire system where global safety properties can be verified. The state space reductions used in this framework result in a reduced model that contains the exact same set of observably equivalent executions as in the original model, therefore, no false counter-examples result from the verification of the reduced model. This approach allows designs that cannot be handled monolithically or with partial-order reduction to be verified without difficulty. The experimental results show significant scale-up of this compositional verification framework on a number of non-trivial concurrent system models

    Formalisation and verification of the Chilean electronic invoice system

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    We present a case study describing the formal specification and verification of the Chilean electronic invoice system, which has been defined by the Chilean taxes administration. The system is described by graphical specifications consisting of labelled transition systems, composed using synchronisation networks. Both, transition systems and networks, are parameterized. We use verification tools based on Process Algebra theories to check the requirements on those graphical specifications. We introduce a method and a tool to obtain finite systems from these parameterized ones by fixing the parameters domains, so we can use standard tools for verifying properties in finite systems. We also analyse different methods to avoid the state explosion problem by taking advantage of the parameterized structure and instantiations

    On Distributed Verification and Verified Distribution

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    Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor]Pol, J.C. van de [Copromotor

    Compositional Verification using CADP of the ScalAgent Deployment Protocol for Software Components

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    In this report, we present the application of the Cadp verification toolbox to check the correctness of an industrial protocol for deploying and configuring transparently a large set of heterogeneous software components over a set of distributed computers/devices. To cope with the intrinsic complexity of this protocol, compositional verification techniques have been used, including incremental minimization and projections over automatically generated interfaces as advocated by Graf & Steffen and Krimm & Mounier. Starting from the Xml description of a configuration of components to be deployed by the protocol, a translator produces a set of Lotos descriptions, µ-calculus formulas, and the corresponding compositional verification scenario to be executed. The approach is fully automated, as formal methods and tool invocations are made invisible to the end-user, who only has to check the verification results for the configuration under study. Due to the use of compositional verification, the approach can scale to large configurations. So far, Lotos descriptions of more than seventy concurrent processes have been verified successfully