3,888 research outputs found

    Correct and Compositional Hardware Generators

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    Hardware generators help designers explore families of concrete designs and their efficiency trade-offs. Both parameterized hardware description languages (HDLs) and higher-level programming models, however, can obstruct composability. Different concrete designs in a family can have dramatically different timing behavior, and high-level hardware generators rarely expose a consistent HDL-level interface. Composition, therefore, is typically only feasible at the level of individual instances: the user generates concrete designs and then composes them, sacrificing the ability to parameterize the combined design. We design Parafil, a system for correctly composing hardware generators. Parafil builds on Filament, an HDL with strong compile-time guarantees, and lifts those guarantees to generators to prove that all possible instantiations are free of timing bugs. Parafil can integrate with external hardware generators via a novel system of output parameters and a framework for invoking generator tools. We conduct experiments with two other generators, FloPoCo and Google's XLS, and we implement a parameterized FFT generator to show that Parafil ensures correct design space exploration.Comment: 13 page

    Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery

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    Music Expectation by Cognitive Rule-Mapping

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    Iterative rules appear everywhere in music cognition, creating strong expectations. Consequently, denial of rule projection becomes an important compositional strategy, generating numerous possibilities for musical affect. Other rules enter the musical aesthetic through reflexive game playing. Still other kinds are completely constructivist in nature and may be uncongenial to cognition, requiring much training to be recognized, if at all. Cognitive rules are frequently found in contexts of varied repetition (AA), but they are not necessarily bounded by stylistic similarity. Indeed, rules may be especially relevant in the processing of unfamiliar contexts (AB), where only abstract coding is available. There are many kinds of deduction in music cognition. Typical examples include melodic sequence, partial melodic sequence, and alternating melodic sequence (which produces streaming). These types may coexist in the musical fabric, involving the invocation of both simultaneous and nested rules. Intervallic expansion and reduction in melody also involve higherorder abstractions. Various mirrored forms in music entail rule-mapping as well, although these may be more difficult to perceive than their analogous visual symmetries. Listeners can likewise deduce additivity and subtractivity at work in harmony, tempo, texture, pace, and dynamics. Rhythmic augmentation and diminution, by contrast, rely on multiplication and division. The examples suggest numerous hypotheses for experimental research

    One-dimensional models of disordered quantum wires: general formalism

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    In this work we describe, compile and generalize a set of tools that can be used to analyse the electronic properties (distribution of states, nature of states, ...) of one-dimensional disordered compositions of potentials. In particular, we derive an ensemble of universal functional equations which characterize the thermodynamic limit of all one-dimensional models and which only depend formally on the distributions that define the disorder. The equations are useful to obtain relevant quantities of the system such as density of states or localization length in the thermodynamic limit

    A Gaussian Model for Simulated Geomagnetic Field Reversals

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    Field reversals are the most spectacular changes in the geomagnetic field but remain little understood. Paleomagnetic data primarily constrain the reversal rate and provide few additional clues. Reversals and excursions are characterized by a low in dipole moment that can last for some 10kyr. Some paleomagnetic records also suggest that the field decreases much slower before an reversals than it recovers afterwards and that the recovery phase may show an overshoot in field intensity. Here we study the dipole moment variations in several extremely long dynamo simulation to statistically explored the reversal and excursion properties. The numerical reversals are characterized by a switch from a high axial dipole moment state to a low axial dipole moment state. When analysing the respective transitions we find that decay and growth have very similar time scales and that there is no overshoot. Other properties are generally similar to paleomagnetic findings. The dipole moment has to decrease to about 30% of its mean to allow for reversals. Grand excursions during which the field intensity drops by a comparable margin are very similar to reversals and likely have the same internal origin. The simulations suggest that both are simply triggered by particularly large axial dipole fluctuations while other field components remain largely unaffected. A model at a particularly large Ekman number shows a second but little Earth-like type of reversals where the total field decays and recovers after some time

    A Complete Axiom System for Propositional Interval Temporal Logic with Infinite Time

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    Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) is an established temporal formalism for reasoning about time periods. For over 25 years, it has been applied in a number of ways and several ITL variants, axiom systems and tools have been investigated. We solve the longstanding open problem of finding a complete axiom system for basic quantifier-free propositional ITL (PITL) with infinite time for analysing nonterminating computational systems. Our completeness proof uses a reduction to completeness for PITL with finite time and conventional propositional linear-time temporal logic. Unlike completeness proofs of equally expressive logics with nonelementary computational complexity, our semantic approach does not use tableaux, subformula closures or explicit deductions involving encodings of omega automata and nontrivial techniques for complementing them. We believe that our result also provides evidence of the naturalness of interval-based reasoning
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