2,635 research outputs found

    A_{n-1} singularities and nKdV hierarchies

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    According to a conjecture of E. Witten proved by M. Kontsevich, a certain generating function for intersection indices on the Deligne -- Mumford moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces coincides with a certain tau-function of the KdV hierarchy. The generating function is naturally generalized under the name the {\em total descendent potential} in the theory of Gromov -- Witten invariants of symplectic manifolds. The papers arXiv: math.AG/0108100 and arXive: math.DG/0108160 contain two equivalent constructions, motivated by some results in Gromov -- Witten theory, which associate a total descendent potential to any semisimple Frobenius structure. In this paper, we prove that in the case of K.Saito's Frobenius structure on the miniversal deformation of the An−1A_{n-1}-singularity, the total descendent potential is a tau-function of the nnKdV hierarchy. We derive this result from a more general construction for solutions of the nnKdV hierarchy from n−1n-1 solutions of the KdV hierarchy.Comment: 29 pages, to appear in Moscow Mathematical Journa

    Weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions with sup-norms and operators between them: a survey

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    [EN] In this survey we report about recent work on weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions on the unit disc and on the whole complex plane defined with sup-norms and operators between them. Results about the solid hull and core of these spaces and distance formulas are reviewed. Differentiation and integration operators, Cesaro and Volterra operators, weighted composition and superposition operators and Toeplitz operators on these spaces are analyzed. Boundedness, compactness, the spectrum, hypercyclicity and (uniform) mean ergodicity of these operators are considered.This research was partially supported by the project MCIN PID2020-119457GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Bonet Solves, JA. (2022). Weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions with sup-norms and operators between them: a survey. 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    Complexifier Coherent States for Quantum General Relativity

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    Recently, substantial amount of activity in Quantum General Relativity (QGR) has focussed on the semiclassical analysis of the theory. In this paper we want to comment on two such developments: 1) Polymer-like states for Maxwell theory and linearized gravity constructed by Varadarajan which use much of the Hilbert space machinery that has proved useful in QGR and 2) coherent states for QGR, based on the general complexifier method, with built-in semiclassical properties. We show the following: A) Varadarajan's states {\it are} complexifier coherent states. This unifies all states constructed so far under the general complexifier principle. B) Ashtekar and Lewandowski suggested a non-Abelean generalization of Varadarajan's states to QGR which, however, are no longer of the complexifier type. We construct a new class of non-Abelean complexifiers which come close to the one underlying Varadarajan's construction. C) Non-Abelean complexifiers close to Varadarajan's induce new types of Hilbert spaces which do not support the operator algebra of QGR. The analysis suggests that if one sticks to the present kinematical framework of QGR and if kinematical coherent states are at all useful, then normalizable, graph dependent states must be used which are produced by the complexifier method as well. D) Present proposals for states with mildened graph dependence, obtained by performing a graph average, do not approximate well coordinate dependent observables. However, graph dependent states, whether averaged or not, seem to be well suited for the semiclassical analysis of QGR with respect to coordinate independent operators.Comment: Latex, 54 p., no figure

    Lectures on Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Quantum General Relativity (QGR), sometimes called Loop Quantum Gravity, has matured over the past fifteen years to a mathematically rigorous candidate quantum field theory of the gravitational field. The features that distinguish it from other quantum gravity theories are 1) background independence and 2) minimality of structures. Background independence means that this is a non-perturbative approach in which one does not perturb around a given, distinguished, classical background metric, rather arbitrary fluctuations are allowed, thus precisely encoding the quantum version of Einstein's radical perception that gravity is geometry. Minimality here means that one explores the logical consequences of bringing together the two fundamental principles of modern physics, namely general covariance and quantum theory, without adding any experimentally unverified additional structures. The approach is purposely conservative in order to systematically derive which basic principles of physics have to be given up and must be replaced by more fundamental ones. QGR unifies all presently known interactions in a new sense by quantum mechanically implementing their common symmetry group, the four-dimensional diffeomorphism group, which is almost completely broken in perturbative approaches. These lectures offer a problem -- supported introduction to the subject.Comment: 90 pages, Latex, 18 figures, uses graphicx and pstricks for coloured text and graphics, based on lectures given at the 271st WE Heraeus Seminar ``Aspects of Quantum Gravity: From Theory to Experimental Search'', Bad Honnef, Germany, February 25th -- March 1st, to appear in Lecture Notes in Physic
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