43 research outputs found

    Scalable sparse covariance estimation via self-concordance

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    We consider the class of convex minimization problems, composed of a self-concordant function, such as the logdet\log\det metric, a convex data fidelity term h()h(\cdot) and, a regularizing -- possibly non-smooth -- function g()g(\cdot). This type of problems have recently attracted a great deal of interest, mainly due to their omnipresence in top-notch applications. Under this \emph{locally} Lipschitz continuous gradient setting, we analyze the convergence behavior of proximal Newton schemes with the added twist of a probable presence of inexact evaluations. We prove attractive convergence rate guarantees and enhance state-of-the-art optimization schemes to accommodate such developments. Experimental results on sparse covariance estimation show the merits of our algorithm, both in terms of recovery efficiency and complexity.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, Accepted at AAAI-1

    Generalized self-concordant Hessian-barrier algorithms

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    Many problems in statistical learning, imaging, and computer vision involve the optimization of a non-convex objective function with singularities at the boundary of the feasible set. For such challenging instances, we develop a new interior-point technique building on the Hessian-barrier algorithm recently introduced in Bomze, Mertikopoulos, Schachinger and Staudigl, [SIAM J. Opt. 2019 29(3), pp. 2100-2127], where the Riemannian metric is induced by a generalized selfconcordant function. This class of functions is sufficiently general to include most of the commonly used barrier functions in the literature of interior point methods. We prove global convergence to an approximate stationary point of the method, and in cases where the feasible set admits an easily computable self-concordant barrier, we verify worst-case optimal iteration complexity of the method. Applications in non-convex statistical estimation and Lp-minimization are discussed to given the efficiency of the method

    Convexity in source separation: Models, geometry, and algorithms

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    Source separation or demixing is the process of extracting multiple components entangled within a signal. Contemporary signal processing presents a host of difficult source separation problems, from interference cancellation to background subtraction, blind deconvolution, and even dictionary learning. Despite the recent progress in each of these applications, advances in high-throughput sensor technology place demixing algorithms under pressure to accommodate extremely high-dimensional signals, separate an ever larger number of sources, and cope with more sophisticated signal and mixing models. These difficulties are exacerbated by the need for real-time action in automated decision-making systems. Recent advances in convex optimization provide a simple framework for efficiently solving numerous difficult demixing problems. This article provides an overview of the emerging field, explains the theory that governs the underlying procedures, and surveys algorithms that solve them efficiently. We aim to equip practitioners with a toolkit for constructing their own demixing algorithms that work, as well as concrete intuition for why they work

    Sparsity Based Poisson Denoising with Dictionary Learning

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    The problem of Poisson denoising appears in various imaging applications, such as low-light photography, medical imaging and microscopy. In cases of high SNR, several transformations exist so as to convert the Poisson noise into an additive i.i.d. Gaussian noise, for which many effective algorithms are available. However, in a low SNR regime, these transformations are significantly less accurate, and a strategy that relies directly on the true noise statistics is required. A recent work by Salmon et al. took this route, proposing a patch-based exponential image representation model based on GMM (Gaussian mixture model), leading to state-of-the-art results. In this paper, we propose to harness sparse-representation modeling to the image patches, adopting the same exponential idea. Our scheme uses a greedy pursuit with boot-strapping based stopping condition and dictionary learning within the denoising process. The reconstruction performance of the proposed scheme is competitive with leading methods in high SNR, and achieving state-of-the-art results in cases of low SNR.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Generalized Self-concordant Hessian-barrier algorithms

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    Many problems in statistical learning, imaging, and computer vision involve the optimization of a non-convex objective function with singularities at the boundary of the feasible set. For such challenging instances, we develop a new interior-point technique building on the Hessian-barrier algorithm recently introduced in Bomze, Mertikopoulos, Schachinger and Staudigl, [SIAM J. Opt. 2019 29(3), pp. 2100-2127], where the Riemannian metric is induced by a generalized self-concordant function. This class of functions is sufficiently general to include most of the commonly used barrier functions in the literature of interior point methods. We prove global convergence to an approximate stationary point of the method, and in cases where the feasible set admits an easily computable self-concordant barrier, we verify worst-case optimal iteration complexity of the method. Applications in non-convex statistical estimation and LpL^{p}-minimization are discussed to given the efficiency of the method