62 research outputs found

    Low-Latency Hardware Private Circuits

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    Over the last years, the rise of the IoT, and the connection of mobile - and hence physically accessible - devices, immensely enhanced the demand for fast and secure hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms which offer thorough protection against SCA attacks. Among a variety of proposed countermeasures against SCA, masking has transpired to be a promising candidate, attracting significant attention in both, academia and industry. Here, abstract adversary models have been derived, aiming to accurately model real-world attack scenarios, while being sufficiently simple to enable formally proving the SCA resilience of masked implementations on an algorithmic level. In the context of hardware implementations, the robust probing model has become highly relevant for proving SCA resilience due to its capability to model physical defaults like glitches and data transitions. As constructing a correct and secure masked variant of large and complex circuits is a challenging task, a new line of research has recently emerged, aiming to design small, masked subcircuits - realizing for instance a simple AND gate - which still guarantee security when composed to a larger circuit. Although several designs realizing such composable subcircuits - commonly referred to as gadgets - have been proposed, negligible research was conducted in order to find trade-offs between different overhead metrics, like randomness requirement, latency, and area consumption. In this work, we present HPC3, a hardware gadget which is trivially composable under the notion of PINI in the glitch-extended robust probing model. HPC3 realizes a two-input AND gate in one clock cycle which is generalized for any arbitrary security order. Existing state-of-the-art PINI gadgets either require a latency of two clock cycles or are limited to first-order security. In short, HPC3 enables the designer to trade double the randomness for half the latency compared to existing gadgets, providing high flexibility and enabling the designer to gain significantly more speed in real-time applications

    Hardware Private Circuits: From Trivial Composition to Full Verification

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    International audienceThe design of glitch-resistant higher-order masking schemes is an important challenge in cryptographic engineering. A recent work by Moos et al. (CHES 2019) showed that most published schemes (and all efficient ones) exhibit local or composability flaws at high security orders, leaving a critical gap in the literature on hardware masking. In this paper, we first extend the simulatability framework of Belaïd et al. (EUROCRYPT 2016) and prove that a compositional strategy that is correct without glitches remains valid with glitches. We then use this extended framework to prove the first masked gadgets that enable trivial composition with glitches at arbitrary orders. We show that the resulting "Hardware Private Circuits" approach the implementation efficiency of previous (flawed) schemes. We finally investigate how trivial composition can serve as a basis for a tool that allows verifying full masked hardware implementations (e.g., of complete block ciphers) at any security order from their HDL code. As side products, we improve the randomness complexity of the best published refreshing gadgets, show that some S-box representations allow latency reductions and confirm practical claims based on implementation results

    Glitch-free is not Enough - Revisiting Glitch-Extended Probing Model

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    Today, resistance to physical defaults is a necessary criterion for masking schemes. In this context, the focus has long been on designing masking schemes guaranteeing security in the presence of glitches. Sadly, immunity against glitches increases latency as registers must stop the glitch propagation. Previous works could reduce the latency by removing register stages but only by impractically increasing the circuit area. Nevertheless, some relatively new attempts avoid glitches by applying DRP logic styles. Promising works in this area include LMDPL, SESYM - both presented at CHES - and Self-Timed Masking - presented at CARDIS - enabling to mask arbitrary circuits with only one cycle latency. However, even if glitches no longer occur, there are other physical defaults that may violate the security of a masked circuit. Imbalanced delay of dual rails is a known problem for the security of DRP logic styles such as WDDL but not covered in formal security models. In this work, we fill the gap by presenting the delay-extended probing security model, a generalization of the popular glitch-extended probing model, covering imbalanced delays. We emphasize the importance of such a model by a formal and practical security analysis of LMDPL, SESYM, and Self-Timed Masking. While we formally prove the delay-extended security of LMDPL and Self-Timed Masking, we show that SESYM fails to provide security under our defined security model what causes detectable leakage through experimental evaluations. Hence, as the message of this work, avoiding glitches in combination with d-probing security is not enough to guarantee physical security in practice


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    Even today, Side-Channel Analysis attacks pose a serious threat to the security of cryptographic implementations fabricated with low-power and nanoscale feature technologies. Fortunately, the masking countermeasures offer reliable protection against such attacks based on simple security assumptions. However, the practical application of masking to a cryptographic algorithm is not trivial, and the designer may overlook possible security flaws, especially when masking a complex circuit. Moreover, abstract models like probing security allow formal verification tools to evaluate masked implementations. However, this is computationally too expensive when dealing with circuits that are not based on composable gadgets. Unfortunately, using composable gadgets comes at some area overhead. As a result, such tools can only evaluate subcircuits, not their compositions, which can become the Achilles’ heel of such masked implementations. In this work, we apply logic simulations to evaluate the security of masked implementations which are not necessarily based on composable gadgets. We developed PROLEAD, an automated tool analyzing the statistical independence of simulated intermediates probed by a robust probing adversary. Compared to the state of the art, our approach (1) does not require any power model as only the state of a gate-level netlist is simulated, (2) can handle masked full cipher implementations, and (3) can detect flaws related to the combined occurrence of glitches and transitions as well as higher-order multivariate leakages. With PROLEAD, we can evaluate masked mplementations that are too complex for existing formal verification tools while being in line with the robust probing model. Through PROLEAD, we have detected security flaws in several publicly-available masked implementations, which have been claimed to be robust probing secure

    Automated Generation of Masked Nonlinear Components: From Lookup Tables to Private Circuits

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    Masking is considered to be an essential defense mechanism against side-channel attacks, but it is challenging to be adopted for hardware cryptographic implementations, especially for high security orders. Recently, Knichel et al. proposed an automated tool called AGEMA that enables the generation of masked implementations in hardware for arbitrary security orders using composable gadgets. This accelerates the construction and practical application of masking schemes. This article proposes a new automated tool named AGMNC that can generate masked nonlinear components with much better performance. The effectiveness of AGMNC is evaluated in several case studies. The evaluation results show a significant performance improvement, particularly for the first-order secure SKINNY S-box: saving 41% \% area, 25% \% latency, and 49% \% dynamic power. We achieve such a good result by integrating three key techniques: a new composable AND-XOR gadget, an optimization strategy based on the latency asymmetry feature of the AND-XOR gadget, and an implementation optimization for synchronization. Besides, we use the formal verification tool SILVER and FPGA-based practical experiments to confirm the security of the masked implementations generated by AGMNC

    A Thorough Evaluation of RAMBAM

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    The application of masking, widely regarded as the most robust and reliable countermeasure against Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks, has been the subject of extensive research across a range of cryptographic algorithms, especially AES. However, the implementation cost associated with applying such a countermeasure can be significant and even in some scenarios infeasible due to considerations such as area and latency overheads, as well as the need for fresh randomness to ensure the security properties of the resulting design. Most of these overheads originate from the ability to maintain security in the presence of physical defaults such as glitches and transitions. Among several schemes with a trade-off between such overheads, RAMBAM, presented at CHES 2022, offers an ultra-low latency in terms of the number of clock cycles. It is dedicated to the AES and utilizes redundant representations of the finite field elements to enhance protection against both passive and active physical attacks. In this paper, we have a deeper look at this technique and provide a comprehensive analysis. The original authors reported that the number of required traces to mount a successful attack increases exponentially with the size of the redundant representation. We however examine their scheme from theoretical point of view. More specifically, we investigate the relationship between RAMBAM and the well-established Boolean masking and, based on this, prove the insecurity of RAMBAM. Through the examples and use cases, we assess the leakage of the scheme in practice and use verification tools to demonstrate that RAMBAM does not necessarily offer adequate protection against SCA attacks neither in theory nor in practice. Confirmed by real-world experiments, we additionally highlight that -- if no dedicated facility is incorporated -- the RAMBAM designs are susceptible to fault-injection attacks despite providing some degree of protection against a sophisticated attack vector, i.e., SIFA

    Threshold Implementations in the Robust Probing Model

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    Threshold Implementations (TI) are secure algorithmic countermeasures against side-channel attacks in the form of differential power analysis. The strength of TI lies in its minimal algorithmic requirements. These requirements have been studied over more than 10 years and many efficient implementations for symmetric primitives have been proposed. Thus, over the years the practice of protecting implementations matured, however, the theory behind threshold implementations remained the same. In this work, we revise this theory by looking at the properties of correctness, non-completeness, and uniformity as a composable security model. We prove that this model provides first-order and higher-order univariate security in the glitch-robust probing model which lets us expand the theoretic framework of TI. We first provide a link between uniformity and the notion of non-interference, a known composable security notion building out the probing model. We then relax the notion of non-completeness which helps the design of secure expansion and compression functions. Lastly, we provide generalisations of the threshold notions to allow for general secret sharing schemes and provide examples of how different sharing schemes affect the security and efficiency of the countermeasure

    Handcrafting: Improving Automated Masking in Hardware with Manual Optimizations

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    Masking is an important countermeasure against side-channel attacks, but its secure implementation is known to be error-prone. The automated verification and generation of masked designs is therefore an important theoretical and practical challenge. In a recent work, Knichel et al. proposed a tool for the automated generation of masked hardware implementations satisfying strong security properties (e.g., glitch-freeness and composability). In this paper, we study the possibility to improve their results based on manual performance optimizations for the AES algorithm. Our main conclusion is that as the target architecture becomes more serial, such a handcrafted approach gains interest. For example, we reach latency reductions by a factor six for 8-bit architectures. We conclude the paper by discussing the extent to which such optimizations could be integrated in the tool of Knichel et al. As a bonus, we adapt a composition-based verification tool to check that our implementations are robust against glitches & transitions, and confirm the security order of exemplary implementations with preliminary leakage assessment

    Sharing Independence & Relabeling: Efficient Formal Verification of Higher-Order Masking

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    The efficient verification of the security of masked hardware implementations is an important issue that hinders the development and deployment of randomness-efficient masking techniques. At EUROCRYPT 2018, Bloem et al. [6] introduced the first practical formal tool to prove the side-channel resilience of masked circuits in the probing model with glitches. Most recently Barthe et al.[2] introduced a more efficient formal tool that builds upon the findings of Bloem et al. for modeling the effects of glitches. While Barthe et al.\u27s approach greatly improves the first-order verification performance, it shows that higher-order verification in the probing model with glitches is still enormously time-consuming for larger circuits like a second-order AES S-box, for instance. Furthermore, the results of Barthe et al. underline the discrepancy between state-of-the-art formal security notions that allow for faster verification of circuits. Namely the strong non-interference (SNI) notion, and existing masked hardware implementations that are secure in the probing model with glitches. In this work, we extend and improve the formal approaches of Bloem et al. and Barthe et al. on manifold levels. We first introduce a so-called sharing independence notion which helps to reason about the independence of shared variables. We then show how to use this notion to test for the independence of input and output sharings of a module which allows speeding up the formal verification of circuits that do not fulfill the SNI notion. With this extension, we are for the time able to verify the security of a second-order masked DOM AES S-box which takes about 3 seconds, and up to a fifth-order AES S-box which requires about 47 days for verification. Furthermore, we discuss in which case the independence of input and output sharings lead to composability
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