110,187 research outputs found


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    We propose a platform for distributed multimedia systems. The proposed platform is implemented using the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) and the Cross-Platform Component Object Model (XPCOM). This ensures system portability, flexibility and performance. The platform is equipped with a congestion detection algorithm and a bandwidth control mechanism thus controlling the transfer rates between the communication parties. Using this kind of bandwidth management this platform allows real-time streaming across multiple networks.real-time multimedia platform; XPCOM components; congestion detection; bandwidth control

    Congestion Control for Network-Aware Telehaptic Communication

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    Telehaptic applications involve delay-sensitive multimedia communication between remote locations with distinct Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for different media components. These QoS constraints pose a variety of challenges, especially when the communication occurs over a shared network, with unknown and time-varying cross-traffic. In this work, we propose a transport layer congestion control protocol for telehaptic applications operating over shared networks, termed as dynamic packetization module (DPM). DPM is a lossless, network-aware protocol which tunes the telehaptic packetization rate based on the level of congestion in the network. To monitor the network congestion, we devise a novel network feedback module, which communicates the end-to-end delays encountered by the telehaptic packets to the respective transmitters with negligible overhead. Via extensive simulations, we show that DPM meets the QoS requirements of telehaptic applications over a wide range of network cross-traffic conditions. We also report qualitative results of a real-time telepottery experiment with several human subjects, which reveal that DPM preserves the quality of telehaptic activity even under heavily congested network scenarios. Finally, we compare the performance of DPM with several previously proposed telehaptic communication protocols and demonstrate that DPM outperforms these protocols.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figure

    Impact of RoCE Congestion Control Policies on Distributed Training of DNNs

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    RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) has gained significant attraction for datacenter networks due to its compatibility with conventional Ethernet-based fabric. However, the RDMA protocol is efficient only on (nearly) lossless networks, emphasizing the vital role of congestion control on RoCE networks. Unfortunately, the native RoCE congestion control scheme, based on Priority Flow Control (PFC), suffers from many drawbacks such as unfairness, head-of-line-blocking, and deadlock. Therefore, in recent years many schemes have been proposed to provide additional congestion control for RoCE networks to minimize PFC drawbacks. However, these schemes are proposed for general datacenter environments. In contrast to the general datacenters that are built using commodity hardware and run general-purpose workloads, high-performance distributed training platforms deploy high-end accelerators and network components and exclusively run training workloads using collectives (All-Reduce, All-To-All) communication libraries for communication. Furthermore, these platforms usually have a private network, separating their communication traffic from the rest of the datacenter traffic. Scalable topology-aware collective algorithms are inherently designed to avoid incast patterns and balance traffic optimally. These distinct features necessitate revisiting previously proposed congestion control schemes for general-purpose datacenter environments. In this paper, we thoroughly analyze some of the SOTA RoCE congestion control schemes vs. PFC when running on distributed training platforms. Our results indicate that previously proposed RoCE congestion control schemes have little impact on the end-to-end performance of training workloads, motivating the necessity of designing an optimized, yet low-overhead, congestion control scheme based on the characteristics of distributed training platforms and workloads

    IP-Level Satellite Link Emulation with KauNet

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    Distributed applications and transport protocols communicating over a satellite link may react very strongly to conditions specific to that kind of link. Providing a evaluation framework to allow tests of real implementations of such software in that context is quite a challenging task. In this paper we demonstrate how the use of the general-purpose KauNet IP-level emulator combined with satellite-specific packet loss patterns can help by reproducing losses and delays experienced on a satellite link with a simple Ethernet LAN setup. Such a platform is an essential tool for developers performing continuous testing as they provide new features for e.g. video codecs or transport-level software like DCCP and its congestion control components

    Performance analysis of WMNs by WMN-GA simulation system for different WMN architectures and TCP congestion-avoidance algorithms considering uniform distribution

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, we evaluate the performance of two Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) architectures considering throughput, delay, jitter and fairness index metrics. For simulations, we used ns-3, Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). We compare the performance for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Tahoe, Reno and NewReno for uniform distribution of mesh clients by sending multiple Constant Bit Rate (CBR) flows in the network. The simulation results show that for both WMN architectures, the PDR values of TCP congestion-avoidance algorithms are almost the same. For Hybrid WMN architecture, the throughput of TCP Reno is better than other algorithms. However, for I/B WMN, the throughput of TCP Tahoe is higher than other algorithms. The delay and jitter of TCP NewReno are a little bit lower compared with other algorithms. The I/B WMN architecture, the fairness index of TCP congestion-avoidance algorithms is almost the same.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft