141 research outputs found

    Face recognition in different subspaces - A comparative study

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    Face recognition is one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding and has gained much attention in recent years. Among many approaches to the problem of face recognition, appearance-based subspace analysis still gives the most promising results. In this paper we study the three most popular appearance-based face recognition projection methods (PCA, LDA and ICA). All methods are tested in equal working conditions regarding preprocessing and algorithm implementation on the FERET data set with its standard tests. We also compare the ICA method with its whitening preprocess and find out that there is no significant difference between them. When we compare different projection with different metrics we found out that the LDA+COS combination is the most promising for all tasks. The L1 metric gives the best results in combination with PCA and ICA1, and COS is superior to any other metric when used with LDA and ICA2. Our results are compared to other studies and some discrepancies are pointed ou

    Shape and Texture Combined Face Recognition for Detection of Forged ID Documents

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    This paper proposes a face recognition system that can be used to effectively match a face image scanned from an identity (ID) doc-ument against the face image stored in the biometric chip of such a document. The purpose of this specific face recognition algorithm is to aid the automatic detection of forged ID documents where the photography printed on the document’s surface has been altered or replaced. The proposed algorithm uses a novel combination of texture and shape features together with sub-space representation techniques. In addition, the robustness of the proposed algorithm when dealing with more general face recognition tasks has been proven with the Good, the Bad & the Ugly (GBU) dataset, one of the most challenging datasets containing frontal faces. The proposed algorithm has been complement-ed with a novel method that adopts two operating points to enhance the reliability of the algorithm’s final verification decision.Final Accepted Versio

    A Novel Approach to Face Recognition using Image Segmentation based on SPCA-KNN Method

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    In this paper we propose a novel method for face recognition using hybrid SPCA-KNN (SIFT-PCA-KNN) approach. The proposed method consists of three parts. The first part is based on preprocessing face images using Graph Based algorithm and SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) descriptor. Graph Based topology is used for matching two face images. In the second part eigen values and eigen vectors are extracted from each input face images. The goal is to extract the important information from the face data, to represent it as a set of new orthogonal variables called principal components. In the final part a nearest neighbor classifier is designed for classifying the face images based on the SPCA-KNN algorithm. The algorithm has been tested on 100 different subjects (15 images for each class). The experimental result shows that the proposed method has a positive effect on overall face recognition performance and outperforms other examined methods

    Unconstrained Face Detection and Open-Set Face Recognition Challenge

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    Face detection and recognition benchmarks have shifted toward more difficult environments. The challenge presented in this paper addresses the next step in the direction of automatic detection and identification of people from outdoor surveillance cameras. While face detection has shown remarkable success in images collected from the web, surveillance cameras include more diverse occlusions, poses, weather conditions and image blur. Although face verification or closed-set face identification have surpassed human capabilities on some datasets, open-set identification is much more complex as it needs to reject both unknown identities and false accepts from the face detector. We show that unconstrained face detection can approach high detection rates albeit with moderate false accept rates. By contrast, open-set face recognition is currently weak and requires much more attention.Comment: This is an ERRATA version of the paper originally presented at the International Joint Conference on Biometrics. Due to a bug in our evaluation code, the results of the participants changed. The final conclusion, however, is still the sam

    Direct kernel biased discriminant analysis: a new content-based image retrieval relevance feedback algorithm

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    In recent years, a variety of relevance feedback (RF) schemes have been developed to improve the performance of content-based image retrieval (CBIR). Given user feedback information, the key to a RF scheme is how to select a subset of image features to construct a suitable dissimilarity measure. Among various RF schemes, biased discriminant analysis (BDA) based RF is one of the most promising. It is based on the observation that all positive samples are alike, while in general each negative sample is negative in its own way. However, to use BDA, the small sample size (SSS) problem is a big challenge, as users tend to give a small number of feedback samples. To explore solutions to this issue, this paper proposes a direct kernel BDA (DKBDA), which is less sensitive to SSS. An incremental DKBDA (IDKBDA) is also developed to speed up the analysis. Experimental results are reported on a real-world image collection to demonstrate that the proposed methods outperform the traditional kernel BDA (KBDA) and the support vector machine (SVM) based RF algorithms

    Toward Open-Set Face Recognition

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    Much research has been conducted on both face identification and face verification, with greater focus on the latter. Research on face identification has mostly focused on using closed-set protocols, which assume that all probe images used in evaluation contain identities of subjects that are enrolled in the gallery. Real systems, however, where only a fraction of probe sample identities are enrolled in the gallery, cannot make this closed-set assumption. Instead, they must assume an open set of probe samples and be able to reject/ignore those that correspond to unknown identities. In this paper, we address the widespread misconception that thresholding verification-like scores is a good way to solve the open-set face identification problem, by formulating an open-set face identification protocol and evaluating different strategies for assessing similarity. Our open-set identification protocol is based on the canonical labeled faces in the wild (LFW) dataset. Additionally to the known identities, we introduce the concepts of known unknowns (known, but uninteresting persons) and unknown unknowns (people never seen before) to the biometric community. We compare three algorithms for assessing similarity in a deep feature space under an open-set protocol: thresholded verification-like scores, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) scores, and an extreme value machine (EVM) probabilities. Our findings suggest that thresholding EVM probabilities, which are open-set by design, outperforms thresholding verification-like scores.Comment: Accepted for Publication in CVPR 2017 Biometrics Worksho