10 research outputs found


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    Email processing is an emerging area in natural language processing and machine learning. Archivists often must make judgements about the relevance and record status of email messages. This study is an attempt to streamline that process by testing subject line and message body analysis using topic modeling. Specifically, using the Enron Corpus and Latent Dirichlet Allocation, this study investigates the extent to which email subject lines can be used to predict the content of email messages to support efficient archival processing.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Hierarchical Ensemble of Global and Local Classifiers for Face Recognition

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    Component-Based Representation in Automated Face Recognition

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    Biometric fusion methods for adaptive face recognition in computer vision

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    PhD ThesisFace recognition is a biometric method that uses different techniques to identify the individuals based on the facial information received from digital image data. The system of face recognition is widely used for security purposes, which has challenging problems. The solutions to some of the most important challenges are proposed in this study. The aim of this thesis is to investigate face recognition across pose problem based on the image parameters of camera calibration. In this thesis, three novel methods have been derived to address the challenges of face recognition and offer solutions to infer the camera parameters from images using a geomtric approach based on perspective projection. The following techniques were used: camera calibration CMT and Face Quadtree Decomposition (FQD), in order to develop the face camera measurement technique (FCMT) for human facial recognition. Facial information from a feature extraction and identity-matching algorithm has been created. The success and efficacy of the proposed algorithm are analysed in terms of robustness to noise, the accuracy of distance measurement, and face recognition. To overcome the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of camera calibration parameters, a novel technique has been developed based on perspective projection, which uses different geometrical shapes to calibrate the camera. The parameters used in novel measurement technique CMT that enables the system to infer the real distance for regular and irregular objects from the 2-D images. The proposed system of CMT feeds into FQD to measure the distance between the facial points. Quadtree decomposition enhances the representation of edges and other singularities along curves of the face, and thus improves directional features from face detection across face pose. The proposed FCMT system is the new combination of CMT and FQD to recognise the faces in the various pose. The theoretical foundation of the proposed solutions has been thoroughly developed and discussed in detail. The results show that the proposed algorithms outperform existing algorithms in face recognition, with a 2.5% improvement in main error recognition rate compared with recent studies

    A contribution for single and multiple faces recognition using feature-based approaches

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    Among biometric recognition systems, face biometrics plays an important role in research activities and security applications since face images can be acquired without any knowledge of individuals. Nowadays a huge amount of digital images and video sequences have been acquired mainly from uncontrolled conditions, frequently including noise, blur, occlusion and variation on scale and illumination. Because of these issues, face recognition (FR) is still an active research area and becomes a complex problem and a challenging task. In this context, the motivation comes from the fact that recognition of faces in digital images with complex background and databases of face images have become one of the successful applications of Computer Vision. Hence, the main goal of this work is to recognize one or more faces from still images with multiple faces and from a database of single faces obtained under different conditions. To work with multiple face images under varying conditions, a semi-supervised approach proposed based on the invariant and discriminative power of local features. The extraction of local features is done using Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF). The search for regions from which optimal features can be extracted is fulfilled by an improved ABC algorithm. To fully exploit the proposed approach, an extensive experimental analysis was performed. Results show that this approach is robust and efficient for face recognition applications except for faces with non-uniform illumination. In the literature, a significant number of single FR researches are based on extraction of only one feature and machine learning approaches. Besides, existing feature extraction approaches broadly use either global or local features. To obtain relevant and complementary features from face images, a face recognition methodology should consider heterogeneous features and semi-global features. Therefore, a novel hierarchical semi-supervised FR approach is proposed based on extraction of global, semi-global and local features. Global and semi-global features are extracted using Color Angles (CA) and edge histogram descriptors (EHD) meanwhile only local features are extracted using SURF. An extensive experimental analysis using the three feature extraction methods was done first individually followed by a three-stage hierarchical scheme using the face images obtained under two different lighting conditions with facial expression and slight scale variation. Furthermore, the performance of the approach was also analyzed using global, semi-global and local features combinations for CA and EHD. The proposed approach achieves high recognition rates considering all image conditions tested in this work. In addition to this, the results emphasize the influence of local and semi-global features in the recognition performance. In both, single face and multiple faces approaches, the main achievement is the high performance obtained only from the discriminative capacity of extracted features without any training schemes.Entre os sistemas de reconhecimento biométrico, a biometria da face exerce um papel importante nas atividades de pesquisa e nas aplicações de segurança, pois a face pode ser obtida sem conhecimento prévio de um indivíduo. Atualmente, uma grande quantidade de imagens digitais e seqüências de vídeo têm sido adquiridas principalmente sob condições não-controladas, freqüentemente com ruído, borramento, oclusão e variação de escala e iluminação. Por esses problemas, o reconhecimento facial (RF) é ainda considerado como uma área de pesquisa ativa e uma tarefa desafiadora. A motivação vem do fato que o reconhecimento de faces nas imagens com fundo complexo e em base de imagens faciais tem sido uma aplicação de sucesso. Portanto, o principal foco deste trabalho é reconhecer uma ou mais faces em imagens estáticas contendo diversos indivíduos e um individuo (face) em uma base de imagens com faces únicas obtidas sob condições diferentes. Para trabalhar com faces múltiplas, uma abordagem semi-supervisionada foi proposta baseada em características locais invariantes e discriminativas. A extração de características (EC) locais é feita utilizando-se do algoritmo Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF). A busca por regiões nas quais as características ótimas podem ser extraídas é atendida através do algoritmo ABC. Os resultados obtidos mostram que esta abordagem é robusta e eficiente para aplicações de RF exceto para faces com iluminação não-uniforme. Muitos trabalhos de RF são baseados somente na extração de uma característica e nas abordagens de aprendizagem de máquina. Além disso, as abordagens existentes de EC usam características globais e/ou locais. Para obter características relevantes e complementares, a metodologia de RF deve considerar também as características de diferentes tipos e semi-globais. Portanto, a abordagem hierárquica de RF é proposta baseada na EC como globais, semi-globais e locais. As globais e semi-globais são extraídas utilizando-se de Color Angles (CA) e Edge Histogram Descriptors (EHD) enquanto somente características locais são extraídas utilizando-se do SURF. Uma ampla análise experimental foi feita utilizando os três métodos individualmente, seguido por um esquema hierárquico de três - estágios usando imagens faciais obtidas sob duas condições diferentes de iluminação com expressão facial e uma variação de escala leve. Além disso, para CA e EHD, o desempenho da abordagem foi também analisado combinando-se características globais, semi-globais e locais. A abordagem proposta alcança uma taxa de reconhecimento alta com as imagens de todas as condições testadas neste trabalho. Os resultados enfatizam a influência das características locais e semi-globais no desempenho do reconhecimento. Em ambas as abordagens, tanto nas faces únicas quanto nas faces múltiplas, a conquista principal é o alto desempenho obtido somente com a capacidade discriminativa de características sem nenhum esquema de treinamento

    Towards multi-modal face recognition in the wild

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    Face recognition aims at utilizing the facial appearance for the identification or verification of human individuals, and has been one of the fundamental research areas in computer vision. Over the past a few decades, face recognition has drawn significant attention due to its potential use in biometric authentication, surveillance, security, robotics and so on. Many existing face recognition methods are evaluated with faces collected in labs, and does not generalize well in reality. Compared with faces captured in labs, faces in the wild are inherently multi-modal distributed. The multi-modality issue leads to significant intra-class variations, and usually requires a large amount of labeled samples to cover the wide range of modalities. These difficulties make unconstrained face recognition even more challenging, and pose a considerable gap between laboratorial research and industrial practice. To bridge the gap, we set focus on multi-modal face recognition in the unconstrained environment in this thesis. This thesis introduces several approaches to address the aforementioned specific challenges. Accordingly, the approaches included can be generally categorized into two research directions. The first direction explores a series of deep learning based methods in handling the large intra-class variations in multi-modal face recognition. The combination of modalities in the wild is unpredictable, and thus is difficult to explicitly define in advance. It is desirable to design a framework adaptive to the modality-driven variations in the specific scenarios. To this end, Deep Neural Network (DNN) is adopted as the basis, as DNN learns the feature representation and the classifier with reference to the specific target objective directly. To begin with, we aims to learn a part-based facial representation with deep neural networks to address face verification in the wild. In particular, the proposed framework consists of two deliberate components: a Deep Mixture Model (DMM) to find accurate patch correspondence and a Convolutional Fusion Network (CFN) to learn the fusion of multiple patch-specific facial features. This framework is specifically designed to handle local distortions caused by modalities such as pose and illumination. The next work introduces the conditional partition of the sample space into deep learning to tackle face recognition with regard to modalities in a general sense. Without any prior knowledge of modality, the proposed network learns the hidden modalities of faces, based on which the initial sample space is partitioned so that modality-specific feature representation can be learnt accordingly. The other direction is Semi-Supervised Learning with videos to tackle the deficiency of labeled training samples. In particular, a novel Semi-Supervised Learning strategy is proposed for the problem of celebrity identification by harvesting the “confident” unlabeled samples from the vast video sources. The video context information is adopted to iteratively enrich the diversity of the initial labeled set so that the performance of learnt classifier can be gradually improved. In this thesis, all these works are evaluated with extensive experiments in the corresponding sections. The connection and difference among the three approaches are further discussed in the conclusion section.Open Acces

    Design of a Multi-biometric Platform, based on physical traits and physiological measures: Face, Iris, Ear, ECG and EEG

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    Security and safety is one the main concerns both for governments and for private companies in the last years so raising growing interests and investments in the area of biometric recognition and video surveillance, especially after the sad happenings of September 2001. Outlays assessments of the U.S. government for the years 2001-2005 estimate that the homeland security spending climbed from 56.0billionsofdollarsin2001toalmost56.0 billions of dollars in 2001 to almost 100 billion of 2005. In this lapse of time, new pattern recognition techniques have been developed and, even more important, new biometric traits have been investigated and refined; besides the well-known physical and behavioral characteristics, also physiological measures have been studied, so providing more features to enhance discrimination capabilities of individuals. This dissertation proposes the design of a multimodal biometric platform, FAIRY, based on the following biometric traits: ear, face, iris EEG and ECG signals. In the thesis the modular architecture of the platform has been presented, together with the results obtained for the solution to the recognition problems related to the different biometrics and their possible fusion. Finally, an analysis of the pattern recognition issues concerning the area of videosurveillance has been discussed

    Design of a Multi-biometric Platform, based on physical traits and physiological measures: Face, Iris, Ear, ECG and EEG

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    Security and safety is one the main concerns both for governments and for private companies in the last years so raising growing interests and investments in the area of biometric recognition and video surveillance, especially after the sad happenings of September 2001. Outlays assessments of the U.S. government for the years 2001-2005 estimate that the homeland security spending climbed from 56.0billionsofdollarsin2001toalmost56.0 billions of dollars in 2001 to almost 100 billion of 2005. In this lapse of time, new pattern recognition techniques have been developed and, even more important, new biometric traits have been investigated and refined; besides the well-known physical and behavioral characteristics, also physiological measures have been studied, so providing more features to enhance discrimination capabilities of individuals. This dissertation proposes the design of a multimodal biometric platform, FAIRY, based on the following biometric traits: ear, face, iris EEG and ECG signals. In the thesis the modular architecture of the platform has been presented, together with the results obtained for the solution to the recognition problems related to the different biometrics and their possible fusion. Finally, an analysis of the pattern recognition issues concerning the area of videosurveillance has been discussed