329 research outputs found

    On an application of Tikhonov's fixed point theorem to a nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard type system modeling phase separation

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    This paper investigates a nonlocal version of a model for phase separation on an atomic lattice that was introduced by P. Podio-Guidugli in Ric. Mat. 55 (2006) 105-118. The model consists of an initial-boundary value problem for a nonlinearly coupled system of two partial differential equations governing the evolution of an order parameter and the chemical potential. Singular contributions to the local free energy in the form of logarithmic or double-obstacle potentials are admitted. In contrast to the local model, which was studied by P. Podio-Guidugli and the present authors in a series of recent publications, in the nonlocal case the equation governing the evolution of the order parameter contains in place of the Laplacian a nonlocal expression that originates from nonlocal contributions to the free energy and accounts for possible long-range interactions between the atoms. It is shown that just as in the local case the model equations are well posed, where the technique of proving existence is entirely different: it is based on an application of Tikhonov's fixed point theorem in a rather unusual separable and reflexive Banach space.Comment: The paper is dedicated to our friend Paolo Podio-Guidugli on the occasion of his 75th birthday with best wishe

    An Energetic Variational Approach for the Cahn--Hilliard Equation with Dynamic Boundary Condition: Model Derivation and Mathematical Analysis

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    The Cahn--Hilliard equation is a fundamental model that describes phase separation processes of binary mixtures. In recent years, several types of dynamic boundary conditions have been proposed in order to account for possible short-range interactions of the material with the solid wall. Our first aim in this paper is to propose a new class of dynamic boundary conditions for the Cahn--Hilliard equation in a rather general setting. The derivation is based on an energetic variational approach that combines the least action principle and Onsager's principle of maximum energy dissipation. One feature of our model is that it naturally fulfills three important physical constraints such as conservation of mass, dissipation of energy and force balance relations. Next, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the resulting system of partial differential equations. Under suitable assumptions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of global weak/strong solutions to the initial boundary value problem with or without surface diffusion. Furthermore, we establish the uniqueness of asymptotic limit as t→+∞t\to+\infty and characterize the stability of local energy minimizers for the system.Comment: to appear in Arch. Rational Mech. Ana

    Well-posedness and longtime behavior for the modified phase-field crystal equation

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    We consider a modification of the so-called phase-field crystal (PFC) equation introduced by K.R. Elder et al. This variant has recently been proposed by P. Stefanovic et al. to distinguish between elastic relaxation and diffusion time scales. It consists of adding an inertial term (i.e. a second-order time derivative) into the PFC equation. The mathematical analysis of the resulting equation is more challenging with respect to the PFC equation, even at the well-posedness level. Moreover, its solutions do not regularize in finite time as in the case of PFC equation. Here we analyze the modified PFC (MPFC) equation endowed with periodic boundary conditions. We first prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution with initial data in a bounded energy space. This solution satisfies some uniform dissipative estimates which allow us to study the global longtime behavior of the corresponding dynamical system. In particular, we establish the existence of an exponential attractor. Then we demonstrate that any trajectory originating from the bounded energy phase space does converge to a unique equilibrium. This is done by means of a suitable version of the {\L}ojasiewicz-Simon inequality. A convergence rate estimate is also given

    Global well-posedness and attractors for the hyperbolic Cahn-Hilliard-Oono equation in the whole space

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    We prove the global well-posedness of the so-called hyperbolic relaxation of the Cahn-Hilliard-Oono equation in the whole space R^3 with the non-linearity of the sub-quintic growth rate. Moreover, the dissipativity and the existence of a smooth global attractor in the naturally defined energy space is also verified. The result is crucially based on the Strichartz estimates for the linear Scroedinger equation in R^3

    On a multi-species Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy tumor growth model with singular potentials

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    We consider a model describing the evolution of a tumor inside a host tissue in terms of the parameters φp\varphi_p, φd\varphi_d (proliferating and dead cells, respectively), uu (cell velocity) and nn (nutrient concentration). The variables φp\varphi_p, φd\varphi_d satisfy a Cahn-Hilliard type system with nonzero forcing term (implying that their spatial means are not conserved in time), whereas uu obeys a form of the Darcy law and nn satisfies a quasistatic diffusion equation. The main novelty of the present work stands in the fact that we are able to consider a configuration potential of singular type implying that the concentration vector (φp,φd)(\varphi_p,\varphi_d) is constrained to remain in the range of physically admissible values. On the other hand, in view of the presence of nonzero forcing terms, this choice gives rise to a number of mathematical difficulties, especially related to the control of the mean values of φp\varphi_p and φd\varphi_d. For the resulting mathematical problem, by imposing suitable initial-boundary conditions, our main result concerns the existence of weak solutions in a proper regularity class.Comment: 41 page
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