5 research outputs found

    Organizational knowledge extraction from business process models = Szervezeti tudás kinyerése üzleti folyamatmodellekből

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    My research area is dedicated to the challenges of knowledge extraction from business processes. I analyzed the opportunities of knowledge extraction based on the literature, my research background and practical experiences. I am proposing a solution to extract, organize and preserve knowledge embedded in organizational processes to enrich the organizational knowledge base in a systematic and controlled way. My other research problem is how to organize the extracted knowledge, what are the appropriate ICT solutions, environment for it. I reviewed theoretical foundations of related fields, like business process management, semantic technology, semantic business process management and ontologies. Ontologies play a key role in semantic business process management, because they provide the structure for organizational knowledge. Therefore I discussed their background detailed in the literature review section. I have identified the requirements in the business process modeling level to be able to use a complex process model as a base of creating the links between the process models and the domain ontology. The novelty of the solution is based on the connection between process model and corporate knowledge, where the process structure will be extended with the annotation for knowledge structure. The resulting process and domain ontology duplet enables a higher level of automation for IT implementation and a wider range of possibilities for machine-reasoning. The research outcome is going to be tested in a reference architecture, where the main goal is to create a supporting infrastructure capable to conduct multi-lateral searches especially for the purpose to support employees to easily acquire their job role specific knowledge, but there are wider areas for application. The resulting knowledge repository holds multilateral information specifically for the viewpoints of organizational stakeholders and IT systems. The proposed solution support employees to easily acquire their job role specific knowledge, support IT departments to efficiently answer the challenge of changes to be applied at different processes, and knowledge engineers to have a better insight into the organizations’ knowledge environment

    Formal approach to modeling of modern Information Systems

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    Most recently, the concept of business documents has started to play double role. On one hand, a business document (word processing text or calculation sheet) can be used as specification tool, on the other hand the business document is an immanent constituent of business processes, thereby essential component of business Information Systems. The recent tendency is that the majority of documents and their contents within business Information Systems remain in semi-structured format and a lesser part of documents is transformed into schemas of structured databases. In order to keep the emerging situation in hand, we suggest the creation (1) a theoretical framework for modeling business Information Systems; (2) and a design method for practical application based on the theoretical model that provides the structuring principles. The modeling approach that focuses on documents and their interrelationships with business processes assists in perceiving the activities of modern Information Systems

    A szemantikus folyamatmenedzsment hasznosítási lehetősége az üzleti folyamatok tudásalapú fejlesztésében

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    Kutatásomban a folyamatmenedzsment és a tudásmenedzsment területeit kapcsolom össze, célom ugyanis a folyamatmodellekből indulva feltárni a munkakörök betöltéséhez szükséges tudáselemeket, illetve ezek kinyerésének módszereit, majd ezekből ontológia építésével a tudástranszfer megvalósításához konkrét megoldást adni. A kutatás célja olyan informatikai és tudásmenedzsment eszköz kialakítása, amely képes a szervezeti tudásvagyont a szervezet folyamatait leképező folyamatmodellekből kinyerni, azt ontológiába leképezni, majd ezt a humán szereplők és az eredeti folyamat fejlesztésére hasznosítani. A fejlesztés alapja a folyamat referenciafolyamatokkal, best practice-ekkel való összehasonlítása, kiemelt fontosságot adva a feltárt tudáselemeknek és kompetenciáknak. A folyamatmodellek fejlesztése így nem csak a tradicionális BPR vagy CPI alapokon valósul meg, hiszen a klasszikus elvek kiegészülnek egy tudásalapú összehasonlítás fejlesztésre használható eredményével is. (...