44 research outputs found

    Tight Sum-of-Squares lower bounds for binary polynomial optimization problems

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    We give two results concerning the power of the Sum-of-Squares(SoS)/Lasserre hierarchy. For binary polynomial optimization problems of degree 2d2d and an odd number of variables nn, we prove that n+2d−12\frac{n+2d-1}{2} levels of the SoS/Lasserre hierarchy are necessary to provide the exact optimal value. This matches the recent upper bound result by Sakaue, Takeda, Kim and Ito. Additionally, we study a conjecture by Laurent, who considered the linear representation of a set with no integral points. She showed that the Sherali-Adams hierarchy requires nn levels to detect the empty integer hull, and conjectured that the SoS/Lasserre rank for the same problem is n−1n-1. We disprove this conjecture and derive lower and upper bounds for the rank

    On the Complexity of Hilbert Refutations for Partition

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    Given a set of integers W, the Partition problem determines whether W can be divided into two disjoint subsets with equal sums. We model the Partition problem as a system of polynomial equations, and then investigate the complexity of a Hilbert's Nullstellensatz refutation, or certificate, that a given set of integers is not partitionable. We provide an explicit construction of a minimum-degree certificate, and then demonstrate that the Partition problem is equivalent to the determinant of a carefully constructed matrix called the partition matrix. In particular, we show that the determinant of the partition matrix is a polynomial that factors into an iteration over all possible partitions of W.Comment: Final versio

    SOS Is Not Obviously Automatizable, Even Approximately

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    Suppose we want to minimize a polynomial p(x) = p(x_1,...,x_n), subject to some polynomial constraints q_1(x),...,q_m(x) >_ 0, using the Sum-of-Squares (SOS) SDP hierarachy. Assume we are in the "explicitly bounded" ("Archimedean") case where the constraints include x_i^2 <_ 1 for all 1 <_ i <_ n. It is often stated that the degree-d version of the SOS hierarchy can be solved, to high accuracy, in time n^O(d). Indeed, I myself have stated this in several previous works. The point of this note is to state (or remind the reader) that this is not obviously true. The difficulty comes not from the "r" in the Ellipsoid Algorithm, but from the "R"; a priori, we only know an exponential upper bound on the number of bits needed to write down the SOS solution. An explicit example is given of a degree-2 SOS program illustrating the difficulty

    On the Bit Complexity of Sum-of-Squares Proofs

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    It has often been claimed in recent papers that one can find a degree d Sum-of-Squares proof if one exists via the Ellipsoid algorithm. In a recent paper, Ryan O\u27Donnell notes this widely quoted claim is not necessarily true. He presents an example of a polynomial system with bounded coefficients that admits low-degree proofs of non-negativity, but these proofs necessarily involve numbers with an exponential number of bits, causing the Ellipsoid algorithm to take exponential time. In this paper we obtain both positive and negative results on the bit complexity of SoS proofs. First, we propose a sufficient condition on a polynomial system that implies a bound on the coefficients in an SoS proof. We demonstrate that this sufficient condition is applicable for common use-cases of the SoS algorithm, such as Max-CSP, Balanced Separator, Max-Clique, Max-Bisection, and Unit-Vector constraints. On the negative side, O\u27Donnell asked whether every polynomial system containing Boolean constraints admits proofs of polynomial bit complexity. We answer this question in the negative, giving a counterexample system and non-negative polynomial which has degree two SoS proofs, but no SoS proof with small coefficients until degree sqrt(n)

    Tight Size-Degree Bounds for Sums-of-Squares Proofs

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    We exhibit families of 44-CNF formulas over nn variables that have sums-of-squares (SOS) proofs of unsatisfiability of degree (a.k.a. rank) dd but require SOS proofs of size nΩ(d)n^{\Omega(d)} for values of d=d(n)d = d(n) from constant all the way up to nδn^{\delta} for some universal constantδ\delta. This shows that the nO(d)n^{O(d)} running time obtained by using the Lasserre semidefinite programming relaxations to find degree-dd SOS proofs is optimal up to constant factors in the exponent. We establish this result by combining NP\mathsf{NP}-reductions expressible as low-degree SOS derivations with the idea of relativizing CNF formulas in [Kraj\'i\v{c}ek '04] and [Dantchev and Riis'03], and then applying a restriction argument as in [Atserias, M\"uller, and Oliva '13] and [Atserias, Lauria, and Nordstr\"om '14]. This yields a generic method of amplifying SOS degree lower bounds to size lower bounds, and also generalizes the approach in [ALN14] to obtain size lower bounds for the proof systems resolution, polynomial calculus, and Sherali-Adams from lower bounds on width, degree, and rank, respectively

    On vanishing sums of roots of unity in polynomial calculus and sum-of-squares

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    Vanishing sums of roots of unity can be seen as a natural generalization of knapsack from Boolean variables to variables taking values over the roots of unity. We show that these sums are hard to prove for polynomial calculus and for sum-of-squares, both in terms of degree and size.The first author was supported by the MICIN grants PID2019-109137GB-C22 and IJC2018-035334-I, and partially by the grant PID2019-109137GB-C21.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On Vanishing Sums of Roots of Unity in Polynomial Calculus and Sum-Of-Squares

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    Vanishing sums of roots of unity can be seen as a natural generalization of knapsack from Boolean variables to variables taking values over the roots of unity. We show that these sums are hard to prove for polynomial calculus and for sum-of-squares, both in terms of degree and size