24 research outputs found

    Some New Mathematical Tools in Cryptology

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    In this paper some new mathematical technique used in the design and analysis of cipher systems have been reviewed. Firstly, some modern cryptosystems like stream ciphers, permutation-based systems and public key encryption systems are described and the mathematical tools used in their design have been outlined. Special emphasis has been laid on the problems related to application of computational complexity to cryptosystems. Recent work on the design of the systems based on a combined encryption and coding for error correction has also been reviewed. Some recent system-oriented techniques of cryptanalysis have been discussed. It has been brought out that with the increase in the complexity of the cryptosystems it is necessary to apply some statistical and classification techniques for the purpose of identifying a cryptosystem as also for classification of the total key set into smaller classes. Finally, some very recent work on the application of artificial intelligence technique in cryptography and cryptanalysis has been mentioned

    Self-Certified Public Key Cryptographic Methodologies for Resource-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks

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    As sensor networks become one of the key technologies to realize ubiquitous computing, security remains a growing concern. Although a wealth of key-generation methods have been developed during the past few decades, they cannot be directly applied to sensor network environments. The resource-constrained characteristics of sensor nodes, the ad-hoc nature of their deployment, and the vulnerability of wireless media pose a need for unique solutions. A fundamental requisite for achieving security is the ability to provide for data con…dential- ity and node authentication. However, the scarce resources of sensor networks have rendered the direct applicability of existing public key cryptography (PKC) methodologies impractical. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has emerged as a suitable public key cryptographic foun- dation for constrained environments, providing strong security for relatively small key sizes. This work focuses on the clear need for resilient security solutions in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) by introducing e¢ cient PKC methodologies, explicitly designed to accommodate the distinctive attributes of resource-constrained sensor networks. Primary contributions pertain to the introduction of light-weight cryptographic arithmetic operations, and the revision of self- certi…cation (consolidated authentication and key-generation). Moreover, a low-delay group key generation methodology is devised and a denial of service mitigation scheme is introduced. The light-weight cryptographic methods developed pertain to a system-level e¢ cient utilization of the Montgomery procedure and e¢ cient calculations of modular multiplicative inverses. With respect to the latter, computational complexity has been reduced from O(m) to O(logm), with little additional memory cost. Complementing the theoretical contributions, practical computation o¤-loading protocols have been developed along with a group key establishment scheme. Implementation on state-of- the-art sensor node platforms has yielded a comprehensive key establishment process obtained in approximately 50 ns, while consuming less than 25 mJ. These exciting results help demonstrate the technology developed and ensure its impact on next-generation sensor networks

    The Complexity of Computing Minimal Unidirectional Covering Sets

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    Given a binary dominance relation on a set of alternatives, a common thread in the social sciences is to identify subsets of alternatives that satisfy certain notions of stability. Examples can be found in areas as diverse as voting theory, game theory, and argumentation theory. Brandt and Fischer [BF08] proved that it is NP-hard to decide whether an alternative is contained in some inclusion-minimal upward or downward covering set. For both problems, we raise this lower bound to the Theta_{2}^{p} level of the polynomial hierarchy and provide a Sigma_{2}^{p} upper bound. Relatedly, we show that a variety of other natural problems regarding minimal or minimum-size covering sets are hard or complete for either of NP, coNP, and Theta_{2}^{p}. An important consequence of our results is that neither minimal upward nor minimal downward covering sets (even when guaranteed to exist) can be computed in polynomial time unless P=NP. This sharply contrasts with Brandt and Fischer's result that minimal bidirectional covering sets (i.e., sets that are both minimal upward and minimal downward covering sets) are polynomial-time computable.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Complexity of Manipulation, Bribery, and Campaign Management in Bucklin and Fallback Voting

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    A central theme in computational social choice is to study the extent to which voting systems computationally resist manipulative attacks seeking to influence the outcome of elections, such as manipulation (i.e., strategic voting), control, and bribery. Bucklin and fallback voting are among the voting systems with the broadest resistance (i.e., NP-hardness) to control attacks. However, only little is known about their behavior regarding manipulation and bribery attacks. We comprehensively investigate the computational resistance of Bucklin and fallback voting for many of the common manipulation and bribery scenarios; we also complement our discussion by considering several campaign management problems for Bucklin and fallback.Comment: 28 page

    Experimental implementation of distributed phase reference quantum key distribution protocols

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    Quantum cryptography is now considered as a promising technology due to its promise of unconditional security. In recent years, rigorous work is being done for the experimental realization of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols to realize secure networks. Among various QKD protocols, coherent one way and differential phase shift QKD protocols have undergone rapid experimental developments due to the ease of experimental implementations with the present available technology. In this work, we have experimentally realized optical fiber based coherent one way and differential phase shift QKD protocols at telecom wavelength. Both protocols belong to a class of protocols named as distributed phase reference protocol in which weak coherent pulses are used to encode the information. Further, we have analyzed the key rates with respect to different parameters such distance, disclose rate, compression ratio and detector dead time.Comment: DPS and COW protocols for QKD are experimentally implemente