6,362 research outputs found

    Preservation theorems for algebraic and relational models of logic

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    A thesis submitted to the School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 15 May 2013In this thesis a number of different constructions on ordered algebraic structures are studied. In particular, two types of constructions are considered: completions and finite embeddability property constructions. A main theme of this thesis is to determine, for each construction under consideration, whether or not a class of ordered algebraic structures is closed under the construction. Another main focus of this thesis is, for a particular construction, to give a syntactical description of properties preserved by the construction. A property is said to be preserved by a construction if, whenever an ordered algebraic structure satisfies it, then the structure obtained through the construction also satisfies the property. The first four constructions investigated in this thesis are types of completions. A completion of an ordered algebraic structure consists of a completely lattice ordered algebraic structure and an embedding that embeds the former into the latter. Firstly, different types of filters (dually, ideals) of partially ordered sets are investigated. These are then used to form the filter (dually, ideal) completions of partially ordered sets. The other completions of ordered algebraic structures studied here include the MacNeille completion, the canonical extension (also called the completion with respect to a polarization) and finally a prime filter completion. A class of algebras has the finite embeddability property if every finite partial subalgebra of some algebra in the class can be embedded into some finite algebra in the class. Firstly, two constructions that establish the finite embeddability property for residuated ordered structures are investigated. Both of these constructions are based on completion constructions: the first on the Mac- Neille completion and the second on the canonical extension. Finally, algebraic filtrations on modal algebras are considered and a duality between algebraic and relational versions of filtrations is established

    D-completions and the d-topology

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    In this article we give a general categorical construction via reflection functors for various completions of T0-spaces subordinate to sobrification, with a particular emphasis on what we call the D-completion, a type of directed completion introduced by Wyler [O. Wyler, Dedekind complete posets and Scott topologies, in: B. Banaschewski, R.-E. Hoffmann (Eds.), Continuous Lattices Proceedings, Bremen 1979, in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 871, Springer Verlag, 1981, pp. 384-389]. A key result is that all completions of a certain type are universal, hence unique (up to homeomorphism). We give a direct definition of the D-completion and develop its theory by introducing a variant of the Scott topology, which we call the d-topology. For partially ordered sets the D-completion turns out to be a natural dcpo-completion that generalizes the rounded ideal completion. In the latter part of the paper we consider settings in which the D-completion agrees with the sobrification respectively the closed ideal completion. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Causal Boundary of spacetimes revisited

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    We present a new development of the causal boundary of spacetimes, originally introduced by Geroch, Kronheimer and Penrose. Given a strongly causal spacetime (or, more generally, a chronological set), we reconsider the GKP ideas to construct a family of completions with a chronology and topology extending the original ones. Many of these completions present undesirable features, like those appeared in previous approaches by other authors. However, we show that all these deficiencies are due to the attachment of an ``excessively big'' boundary. In fact, a notion of ``completion with minimal boundary'' is then introduced in our family such that, when we restrict to these minimal completions, which always exist, all previous objections disappear. The optimal character of our construction is illustrated by a number of satisfactory properties and examples.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures; Definition 6.1 slightly modified; multiple minor changes; one figure added and another replace
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