14,516 research outputs found

    Verification of Query Completeness over Processes [Extended Version]

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    Data completeness is an essential aspect of data quality, and has in turn a huge impact on the effective management of companies. For example, statistics are computed and audits are conducted in companies by implicitly placing the strong assumption that the analysed data are complete. In this work, we are interested in studying the problem of completeness of data produced by business processes, to the aim of automatically assessing whether a given database query can be answered with complete information in a certain state of the process. We formalize so-called quality-aware processes that create data in the real world and store it in the company's information system possibly at a later point.Comment: Extended version of a paper that was submitted to BPM 201

    Ontology-Based Data Access and Integration

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    An ontology-based data integration (OBDI) system is an information management system consisting of three components: an ontology, a set of data sources, and the mapping between the two. The ontology is a conceptual, formal description of the domain of interest to a given organization (or a community of users), expressed in terms of relevant concepts, attributes of concepts, relationships between concepts, and logical assertions characterizing the domain knowledge. The data sources are the repositories accessible by the organization where data concerning the domain are stored. In the general case, such repositories are numerous, heterogeneous, each one managed and maintained independently from the others. The mapping is a precise specification of the correspondence between the data contained in the data sources and the elements of the ontology. The main purpose of an OBDI system is to allow information consumers to query the data using the elements in the ontology as predicates. In the special case where the organization manages a single data source, the term ontology-based data access (ODBA) system is used

    Adding DL-Lite TBoxes to Proper Knowledge Bases

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    Levesque’s proper knowledge bases (proper KBs) correspond to infinite sets of ground positive and negative facts, with the notable property that for FOL formulas in a certain normal form, which includes conjunctive queries and positive queries possibly extended with a controlled form of negation, entailment reduces to formula evaluation. However proper KBs represent extensional knowledge only. In description logic terms, they correspond to ABoxes. In this paper, we augment them with DL-Lite TBoxes, expressing intensional knowledge (i.e., the ontology of the domain). DL-Lite has the notable property that conjunctive query answering over TBoxes and standard description logic ABoxes is re- ducible to formula evaluation over the ABox only. Here, we investigate whether such a property extends to ABoxes consisting of proper KBs. Specifically, we consider two DL-Lite variants: DL-Literdfs , roughly corresponding to RDFS, and DL-Lite_core , roughly corresponding to OWL 2 QL. We show that when a DL- Lite_rdfs TBox is coupled with a proper KB, the TBox can be compiled away, reducing query answering to evaluation on the proper KB alone. But this reduction is no longer possible when we associate proper KBs with DL-Lite_core TBoxes. Indeed, we show that in the latter case, query answering even for conjunctive queries becomes coNP-hard in data complexity

    Completing Queries: Rewriting of IncompleteWeb Queries under Schema Constraints

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    Reactive Web systems, Web services, and Web-based publish/ subscribe systems communicate events as XML messages, and in many cases require composite event detection: it is not sufficient to react to single event messages, but events have to be considered in relation to other events that are received over time. Emphasizing language design and formal semantics, we describe the rule-based query language XChangeEQ for detecting composite events. XChangeEQ is designed to completely cover and integrate the four complementary querying dimensions: event data, event composition, temporal relationships, and event accumulation. Semantics are provided as model and fixpoint theories; while this is an established approach for rule languages, it has not been applied for event queries before

    Query Evaluation in Recursive Databases

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    Hypothetical answers to continuous queries over data streams

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    Continuous queries over data streams may suffer from blocking operations and/or unbound wait, which may delay answers until some relevant input arrives through the data stream. These delays may turn answers, when they arrive, obsolete to users who sometimes have to make decisions with no help whatsoever. Therefore, it can be useful to provide hypothetical answers - "given the current information, it is possible that X will become true at time t" - instead of no information at all. In this paper we present a semantics for queries and corresponding answers that covers such hypothetical answers, together with an online algorithm for updating the set of facts that are consistent with the currently available information
