6 research outputs found

    Routing-Verification-as-a-Service (RVaaS): Trustworthy Routing Despite Insecure Providers

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    Computer networks today typically do not provide any mechanisms to the users to learn, in a reliable manner, which paths have (and have not) been taken by their packets. Rather, it seems inevitable that as soon as a packet leaves the network card, the user is forced to trust the network provider to forward the packets as expected or agreed upon. This can be undesirable, especially in the light of today's trend toward more programmable networks: after a successful cyber attack on the network management system or Software-Defined Network (SDN) control plane, an adversary in principle has complete control over the network. This paper presents a low-cost and efficient solution to detect misbehaviors and ensure trustworthy routing over untrusted or insecure providers, in particular providers whose management system or control plane has been compromised (e.g., using a cyber attack). We propose Routing-Verification-as-a-Service (RVaaS): RVaaS offers clients a flexible interface to query information relevant to their traffic, while respecting the autonomy of the network provider. RVaaS leverages key features of OpenFlow-based SDNs to combine (passive and active) configuration monitoring, logical data plane verification and actual in-band tests, in a novel manner

    Compiling Path Queries in Software-Defined Networks

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    Monitoring the flow of traffic along network paths is essential for SDN programming and troubleshooting. For example, traffic engineering requires measuring the ingress-egress traffic matrix; debugging a congested link requires determining the set of sources sending traffic through that link; and locating a faulty device might involve detecting how far along a path the traffic makes progress. Past path-based monitoring systems operate by diverting packets to collectors that perform “after-the-fact ” analysis, at the expense of large data-collection overhead. In this paper, we show how to do more efficient “during-the-fact ” analysis. We introduce a query language that allows each SDN application to specify queries independently of the forwarding state or the queries of other applications. The queries use a regular-expressionbased path language that includes SQL-like “groupby ” constructs for count aggregation. We track the packet trajectory directly on the data plane by converting the regular expressions into an automaton, and tagging the automaton state (i.e., the path prefix) in each packet as it progresses through the network. The SDN policies that implement the path queries can be combined with arbitrary packetforwarding policies supplied by other elements of the SDN platform. A preliminary evaluation of our prototype shows that our “during-the-fact ” strategy reduces data-collection overhead over “after-the-fact ” strategies

    Software-defined datacenter network debugging

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    Software-defined Networking (SDN) enables flexible network management, but as networks evolve to a large number of end-points with diverse network policies, higher speed, and higher utilization, abstraction of networks by SDN makes monitoring and debugging network problems increasingly harder and challenging. While some problems impact packet processing in the data plane (e.g., congestion), some cause policy deployment failures (e.g., hardware bugs); both create inconsistency between operator intent and actual network behavior. Existing debugging tools are not sufficient to accurately detect, localize, and understand the root cause of problems observed in a large-scale networks; either they lack in-network resources (compute, memory, or/and network bandwidth) or take long time for debugging network problems. This thesis presents three debugging tools: PathDump, SwitchPointer, and Scout, and a technique for tracing packet trajectories called CherryPick. We call for a different approach to network monitoring and debugging: in contrast to implementing debugging functionality entirely in-network, we should carefully partition the debugging tasks between end-hosts and network elements. Towards this direction, we present CherryPick, PathDump, and SwitchPointer. The core of CherryPick is to cherry-pick the links that are key to representing an end-to-end path of a packet, and to embed picked linkIDs into its header on its way to destination. PathDump is an end-host based network debugger based on tracing packet trajectories, and exploits resources at the end-hosts to implement various monitoring and debugging functionalities. PathDump currently runs over a real network comprising only of commodity hardware, and yet, can support surprisingly a large class of network debugging problems with minimal in-network functionality. The key contributions of SwitchPointer is to efficiently provide network visibility to end-host based network debuggers like PathDump by using switch memory as a "directory service" — each switch, rather than storing telemetry data necessary for debugging functionalities, stores pointers to end hosts where relevant telemetry data is stored. The key design choice of thinking about memory as a directory service allows to solve performance problems that were hard or infeasible with existing designs. Finally, we present and solve a network policy fault localization problem that arises in operating policy management frameworks for a production network. We develop Scout, a fully-automated system that localizes faults in a large scale policy deployment and further pin-points the physical-level failures which are most likely cause for observed faults

    Communication patterns abstractions for programming SDN to optimize high-performance computing applications

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    Orientador : Luis Carlos Erpen de BonaCoorientadores : Magnos Martinello; Marcos Didonet Del FabroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/09/2017Inclui referências : f. 95-113Resumo: A evolução da computação e das redes permitiu que múltiplos computadores fossem interconectados, agregando seus poderes de processamento para formar uma computação de alto desempenho (HPC). As aplicações que são executadas nesses ambientes processam enormes quantidades de informação, podendo levar várias horas ou até dias para completar suas execuções, motivando pesquisadores de varias áreas computacionais a estudar diferentes maneiras para acelerá-las. Durante o processamento, essas aplicações trocam grandes quantidades de dados entre os computadores, fazendo que a rede se torne um gargalo. A rede era considerada um recurso estático, não permitindo modificações dinâmicas para otimizar seus links ou dispositivos. Porém, as redes definidas por software (SDN) emergiram como um novo paradigma, permitindoa ser reprogramada de acordo com os requisitos dos usuários. SDN já foi usado para otimizar a rede para aplicações HPC específicas mas nenhum trabalho tira proveito dos padrões de comunicação expressos por elas. Então, o principal objetivo desta tese é pesquisar como esses padrões podem ser usados para ajustar a rede, criando novas abstrações para programá-la, visando acelerar as aplicações HPC. Para atingir esse objetivo, nós primeiramente pesquisamos todos os níveis de programabilidade do SDN. Este estudo resultou na nossa primeira contribuição, a criação de uma taxonomia para agrupar as abstrações de alto nível oferecidas pelas linguagens de programação SDN. Em seguida, nós investigamos os padrões de comunicação das aplicações HPC, observando seus comportamentos espaciais e temporais através da análise de suas matrizes de tráfego (TMs). Concluímos que as TMs podem representar as comunicações, além disso, percebemos que as aplicações tendem a transmitir as mesmas quantidades de dados entre os mesmos nós computacionais. A segunda contribuição desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um framework que permite evitar os fatores da rede que podem degradar o desempenho das aplicações, tais como, sobrecarga imposta pela topologia, o desbalanceamento na utilização dos links e problemas introduzidos pela programabilidade do SDN. O framework disponibiliza uma API e mantém uma base de dados de TMs, uma para cada padrão de comunicação, anotadas com restrições de largura de banda e latência. Essas informações são usadas para reprogramar os dispositivos da rede, alocando uniformemente as comunicações nos caminhos da rede. Essa abordagem reduziu o tempo de execução de benchmarks e aplicações reais em até 26.5%. Para evitar que o código da aplicação fosse modificado, como terceira contribuição, desenvolvemos um método para identificar automaticamente os padrões de comunicação. Esse método gera texturas visuais di_erentes para cada TM e, através de técnicas de aprendizagem de máquina (ML), identifica as aplicações que estão usando a rede. Em nossos experimentos, o método conseguiu uma taxa de acerto superior a 98%. Finalmente, nós incorporamos esse método ao framework, criando uma abstração que permite programar a rede sem a necessidade de alterar as aplicações HPC, diminuindo em média 15.8% seus tempos de execução. Palavras-chave: Redes Definidas por Software, Padrões de Comunicação, Aplicações HPC.Abstract: The evolution of computing and networking allowed multiple computers to be interconnected, aggregating their processing powers to form a high-performance computing (HPC). Applications that run in these computational environments process huge amounts of information, taking several hours or even days to complete their executions, motivating researchers from various computational fields to study different ways for accelerating them. During the processing, these applications exchange large amounts of data among the computers, causing the network to become a bottleneck. The network was considered a static resource, not allowing dynamic adjustments for optimizing its links or devices. However, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) emerged as a new paradigm, allowing the network to be reprogrammed according to users' requirements. SDN has already been used to optimize the network for specific HPC applications, but no existing work takes advantage of the communication patterns expressed by those applications. So, the main objective of this thesis is to research how these patterns can be used for tuning the network, creating new abstractions for programming it, aiming to speed up HPC applications. To achieve this goal, we first surveyed all SDN programmability levels. This study resulted in our first contribution, the creation of a taxonomy for grouping the high-level abstractions offered by SDN programming languages. Next, we investigated the communication patterns of HPC applications, observing their spatial and temporal behaviors by analyzing their traffic matrices (TMs). We conclude that TMs can represent the communications, furthermore, we realize that the applications tend to transmit the same amount of data among the same computational nodes. The second contribution of this thesis is the development of a framework for avoiding the network factors that can degrade the performance of applications, such as topology overhead, unbalanced links, and issues introduced by the SDN programmability. The framework provides an API and maintains a database of TMs, one for each communication pattern, annotated with bandwidth and latency constraints. This information is used to reprogram network devices, evenly placing the communications on the network paths. This approach reduced the execution time of benchmarks and real applications up to 26.5%. To prevent the application's source code to be modified, as a third contribution of our work, we developed a method to automatically identify the communication patterns. This method generates different visual textures for each TM and, through machine learning (ML) techniques, identifies the applications using the network. In our experiments the method succeeded with an accuracy rate over 98%. Finally, we incorporate this method into the framework, creating an abstraction that allows programming the network without changing the HPC applications, reducing on average 15.8% their execution times. Keywords: Software-Defined Networking, Communication Patterns, HPC Applications