4 research outputs found

    Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE)

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    Producci贸n Cient铆ficaCurrently, the generation of parallel codes which are portable to different kinds of parallel computers is a challenge. Many approaches have been proposed during the last years following two different paths. Programming from scratch using new programming languages and models that deal with parallelism explicitly, or automatically generating parallel codes from already existing sequential programs. Using the current main-trend parallel languages, the programmer deals with mapping and optimization details that forces to take into account details of the execution platform to obtain a good performance. In code generators from sequential programs, programmers cannot control basic mapping decisions, and many times the programmer needs to transform the code to expose to the compiler information needed to leverage important optimizations. This paper presents a new high-level parallel programming language named CMAPS, designed to be used with the Trasgo parallel programming framework. This language provides a simple and explicit way to express parallelism in a highly abstract level. The programmer does not face decisions about granularity, thread management, or interprocess communication. Thus, the programmer can express di erent parallel paradigms in a easy, uni ed, abstract, and portable form. The language supports the necessary features imposed by transformation models such as Trasgo, to generate parallel codes that adapt their communication and synchronization structures for target machines composed by mixed distributed- and shared-memory parallel multicomputers.Ministerio de Econom a y Competitividad (Spain) and the ERDF program of the European Union: CAPAP-H5 network (TIN2014- 53522), MOGECOPP project (TIN2011-25639), HomProg-HetSys project (TIN2014-58876- P); the Junta de Castilla y Le on (Spain): ATLAS project (VA172A12-2)

    Hardware aware tiling optimization for multi-core systems

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    This paper presents a proposition of the new tool which improves tiling efficiencyfor given hardware architecture. This article also describes the correlationbetween changing hardware architecture and methods of software optimization.First chapter includes short description of the change in hardware architecturewhich has occurred in recent 10 years. The second chapter provides an overviewof tools which will be used in further research. The consecutive sections containdescription of proposed hardware-aware tool for optimal tiling

    Easing parallel programming on heterogeneous systems

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    El modo m谩s frecuente de resolver aplicaciones de HPC (High performance Computing) en tiempos de ejecuci贸n razonables y de una forma escalable es mediante el uso de sistemas de c贸mputo paralelo. La tendencia actual en los sistemas de HPC es la inclusi贸n en la misma m谩quina de ejecuci贸n de varios dispositivos de c贸mputo, de diferente tipo y arquitectura. Sin embargo, su uso impone al programador retos espec铆ficos. Un programador debe ser experto en las herramientas y abstracciones existentes para memoria distribuida, los modelos de programaci贸n para sistemas de memoria compartida, y los modelos de programaci贸n espec铆ficos para para cada tipo de co-procesador, con el fin de crear programas h铆bridos que puedan explotar eficientemente todas las capacidades de la m谩quina. Actualmente, todos estos problemas deben ser resueltos por el programador, haciendo as铆 la programaci贸n de una m谩quina heterog茅nea un aut茅ntico reto. Esta Tesis trata varios de los problemas principales relacionados con la programaci贸n en paralelo de los sistemas altamente heterog茅neos y distribuidos. En ella se realizan propuestas que resuelven problemas que van desde la creaci贸n de c贸digos portables entre diferentes tipos de dispositivos, aceleradores, y arquitecturas, consiguiendo a su vez m谩xima eficiencia, hasta los problemas que aparecen en los sistemas de memoria distribuida relacionados con las comunicaciones y la partici贸n de estructuras de datosDepartamento de Inform谩tica (Arquitectura y Tecnolog铆a de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computaci贸n e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Inform谩ticos)Doctorado en Inform谩tic