9 research outputs found


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    Every organization needs the proper knowledge management (KM) strategy for the development of the organization. In the last decades the business environment has changed and recently it becomes more dynamic and more complex. At present KM is valuable not only for individuals, and organizations, but also, for global humanity. So, the directors of the organizations must emphasize on the existing knowledge and try to develop them to achieve the competitive advantage. The purpose of the study is to explore the recent KM practice in the organizations and to show the ways to develop the new KM strategy in future. An attempt has been taken here to apply KM strategy in business performance, business intelligence, and e-business

    Big Data-driven Value Creation for Organizations

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    The past few years have been characterized by an enormous increase in data coming from different sources in real time and in many diverse forms. The term commonly used for such data is Big Data (BD). Much of this BD has a high business value and, if properly utilized, can become an important organizational asset helping the organization to achieve competitive advantage. However, many organizations make a limited use of BD because they lack necessary tools and/or do not understand the value of this data. The main contribution of this study is to investigate an issue of Big Data and elements shaping creation of BD-based business value. In particular, the outcome of this research is to build and verify a framework to provide business value based on BD. The proposed framework is distinguished by three components: (1) dynamic capabilities of organizations, (2) integrated process of BD resource exploration and exploitation, and (3) identification and measurement of business value creation based on BD

    Identification of Performance Measurement Factors Affecting Business Intelligence Success in Retailing: An Empirical Investigation

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    Business Intelligence (BI) tools are enabling retailers to achieve competitive advantage by getting new information and knowledge with the use of efficient analytical components like reporting, OLAP technologies, and data mining. Focusing on organised food and groceries retail sector, this study explores performance attributes of BI tools from the perceptions of employees and their impact on business performance. This study is part of a larger research work comprising qualitative and quantitative approaches.  Based on the literature survey and personal interviews with few select retail analysts of food and grocery, twenty important performance attributes were identified. Factor analysis was performed on these attributes; six major factors were identified as - 1).Technology Effectiveness; 2). Managerial Effectiveness; 3).Customer Performance 4).Operational Performance; 5).Marketing Effectiveness and 6). Financial Performance. The main effecting attributes from the factor analysis were found to be: quality decision making, identifying customer purchasing patterns, better stock optimisation, better organisation of trade spend and improved return on investment. Keywords: Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Performance measurement factors, OLAP, RFI


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    Analytics and Business Alignment: Defining the Business Requirements of Analytic Service in Data-Driven Organization

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    Liiketoiminta-analytiikasta on tullut tärkeä osa jokaisen yrityksen päätöksentekoprosessia. Tiedonhankinnasta ja ennen kaikkea tiedon hyödyntämisestä on tullut elinehto yrityksen kilpailukyvylle. Liiketoiminta-analytiikan avulla yritys hyödyntää tietoa ja tuottaa sen avulla parempia ja rationaalisempia päätöksiä. Tämän tutkimuksen ensisijaisina alatavoitteina oli suunnittelututkimuksen keinoin luoda yrityksen käyttöön liiketoiminta-analytiikan lähtötietotarpeiden määrittelytyökalu ja mallintaa liiketoiminta-analytiikkaprosessi. Jotta työkalu voitiin kehittää, tutkittiin ensin liiketoiminta-analytiikan merkitystä yritykselle, liiketoiminta-analytiikan arvontuoton tapoja ja liiketoiminta-analytiikan ja liiketoiminnan yhteensovittamista. Liiketoiminta-analytiikka auttaa yrityksen strategisissa, taktisissa ja operatiivisissa tarpeissa. Sen päätarkoitus on tuottaa datasta käyttökelpoista informaatiota ja auttaa päätöksentekoprosessissa. Sillä pyritään tuottamaan uutta liiketoimintaa ja tukemaan vanhaa parantamalla organisaation kyvykkyyksiä. Liiketoiminta-analytiikan toimenpiteitä ja liiketoiminnan strategista johtamista tulee kuitenkin yhteensovittaa, jotta liiketoiminta-analytiikka ratkoo liiketoimintalähtöisiä tarpeita ja ongelmia sekä tuottaa arvoa liiketoiminnalle. Se myös tehostaa analytiikkapalvelun yhteistyötä liiketoiminnan kanssa ja tuo yritykselle kilpailuetua. Suunnittelututkimuksen keinoin tuotettu liiketoiminta-analytiikan lähtötietotarpeen määrittelytyökalu ja liiketoiminta-analytiikkaprosessi auttavat kohdeyrityksen analytiikkapalvelua yhteensovittamaan toimintansa liiketoiminnan kanssa, parantaa analytiikkahankkeiden aikaista yhteistyötä ja tuo läpinäkyvyyttä kummallekin osapuolelle


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    Mobilt Business Intelligence - En undersökning av företags behov

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    I dagens dynamiska affärsvärld behöver företagsbeslut fattas snabbt och precist. Business Intelligence används för att ge korrekt underlag för bättre beslutsfattande, genom analyser av intern och extern affärsdata. Med mobila enheter finns nu möjlighet att få information från ett datorbaserat BI-system direkt on-the-go, i form av mobilt BI. För att kartlägga behovet av mobilt BI har vi gjort en studie av kunders intresse. Vi undersökte detta genom att intervjua fem kundföretag, med målet att kunna presentera en tydlig bild över i vilket område av ett företag behovet av mobilt BI fanns. Slutsatsen av vårt resultat var att det fanns ett antal aspekter som påverkade behovet av mobilt BI, bland annat kvaliteten och användbarheten av ett företags befintliga BI-system, företagets övergripande syn på säkerhet samt verksamhetens art gällande mobilitet. Det främsta behovet vi fann för mobilt BI var möjligheten att kunna följa övergripande nyckelinformation i ett rollanpassat, dynamiskt system

    The role of customer intelligence in developing markets: a case study on IT organisations developing emerging markets of the Middle East in the B-to-B context

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    Due to the changing in the way that technology is used, marketers will have to deal with changes in customers’ behaviours and expectations, in ever more complicated market settings, across both developed and emerging economies. Realising the potential of the Emerging Markets (EM) requires insightful customer knowledge and market information. This research examines the role of Customer Intelligence (CI) in EM for IT multinational corporations in the Middle East region in a Business to Business (B2B) context, thereby bridging knowledge gaps in literature and practice. The knowledge gained is used here to develop a conceptual framework to reflect the impact of CI on developing existing markets and opening new markets in the ME / B2B world. This research followed a qualitative approach and data were collected through semi structured interviews addressing the key areas identified in existing literature and prevalidated by experts in the field. The researcher conducted interviews at two sites in the region, Dubai in United Arab Emirates and Amman in Jordan. Thirty-five elite interviews were conducted with purposively selected leaders, directors, and managers with the average of 20.8 years of experience in the field, working for 32 international organisations based in the ME including all the industry leaders. A total of interview 1140 minutes ensued, with an average of 32.5 minutes per interview. Thematic analysis using NVivo software resulted in 1678 codes, interpreted inductively to yield eight main themes and 46 influential factors that enclosed 150 variables. The main findings of this research revealed that CI and DT are mutually interactive and have a reciprocal relationship with a changing business model, that encompasses characteristics of emerging markets, marketing activities, partner eco-systems, customer segmentation with the use and the value of marketing systems and tools. However, there were indications that many firms, due to lack of CI strategy and investment, fail to reap the benefits of using CI for market coverage. A conceptual framework and model for identifying market potential and the role of CI was developed and validated by elite practitioners. This “Chandelier Model” is presented as a tool to enable practitioners to make more effective use of CI to enhance the development of emerging marke